The drug "Benzoyl peroxide": application features

The drug "Benzoyl peroxide" is available in various forms: a cream, lotion, gel, as well as face masks, pads, pencils. The specified drug has a disinfecting effect and is an antiseptic.

"Benzoyl peroxide" is used to treat mild or mild acne. If the patient has severe cases of the disease, then this remedy is used during complex therapy along with antibiotics, medicines that contain sulfur and salicylic acid, as well as with retinoic acid derivatives. Also, "Benzoyl peroxide" is used for other skin diseases and in the presence of pressure sores.

Description of medicinal properties "Benzoyl peroxide"

The specified drug releases oxygen, which has an antibacterial effect, and the cause of acne is primarily bacteria. Drying and peeling of the skin also occurs, which effectively eliminates comedones and acne.

"Benzoyl peroxide" - restrictions and contraindications

The main contraindication to the use of this drug is intolerance to the components that make up its composition.

For pregnant women, the drug should be taken only in cases of emergency, the same applies to nursing mothers who need to stop breastfeeding while taking this drug.

Method of use "Benzoyl peroxide"

If you will take the drug in the form of gels, lotions, creams and pencils, then you must first thoroughly wash the indicated area of ​​the skin with water using antiseptic soap. After this, it is necessary to completely dry the skin and only then apply the drug. In the event that you use a shaving cream, which includes "Benzoyl peroxide", then the skin must be moistened, then apply a cream that is good to rub and only then shave. If you have delicate skin, you should start using the indicated product once a day and preferably at night. It is necessary to beware of getting it on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes.

The drug begins to act in a few days, and maybe in a week. After applying it to the skin, it actively works for 20-24 hours.

If you get out of the schedule of taking “Benzoyl Peroxide”, then this is not scary, just apply it as soon as possible and return to the usual treatment regimen.

If you want to achieve a stable positive effect, then do not stop using the drug immediately after improvement, as this can lead to the reappearance of acne.

If after a month of using this remedy there are no noticeable improvements, you should again consult a doctor who will pick up another medicine, otherwise scars may form.

More carefully it is necessary to apply "Benzoyl peroxide" to people over 60 years old. The use of this drug does not require special precautions for people who work with mechanisms and drive vehicles. There is also no need to observe special measures when taking alcohol, but only in small doses.

Drug overdose

If a lot of the drug is applied, it can cause itching, burning, swelling and redness of the skin. In such cases, stop using this tool. If by chance "Benzoyl peroxide" was taken inside, you should immediately contact your nearest medical institution.

Interaction with other drugs

If you take this medication along with preparations containing sulfur, salicylic acid, resorcinol and retinonin, skin irritation may occur. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if you are taking oral contraceptives. The use of other acne products, as well as some medical cosmetics and especially abrasive products for skin cleansing, also imposes restrictions on the use of Benzoyl peroxide.

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