Why does my nose peel? This happens due to the death of cells of the upper epidermal layer. At first, small redness appears on the skin, which soon appears under the film of dead tissue. It is just that dead skin causes unpleasant sensations - peeling, burning, itching, etc. This fact is very unpleasant, it looks extremely unaesthetic. As soon as the dead epidermis begins to crumble, small wounds form under it. Because of them, many diseases and problems can occur, because dangerous bacteria and microbes penetrate through them.
What warns about the beginning of peeling?
You can understand that the skin on the nose is peeling by the following symptoms:
- the appearance of redness on the nose and around it;
- burning and itching;
- a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin;
- the appearance of swelling and pain in the irritated area.
Such a problem can occur in women, men and even children. Thus, peeling on the nose, under and around the nose affects so many people.
The skin may peel off due to a change in the season and weather, place of residence, cosmetics, diet. However, it can also be caused by a very serious illness. Therefore, it is very important to establish the reason for the problem. It is necessary to deal with the main factors that affect peeling and redness of the skin.
So why does your nose peel off?
Dermatologists identify several reasons that cause such an unpleasant symptom: allergic reactions; avitaminosis; runny nose; non-compliance with hygiene standards; external factors; various kinds of pathology.
Often, redness of the skin is caused by an allergic reaction of the human body. Most often, this causes itching, the epidermis becomes covered with scales, and people begin to sneeze. Provoking factors are certain substances of cosmetics or food. To combat allergies, you must undergo a treatment course prescribed by an experienced allergist who will establish the source of such a reaction and prescribe the correct treatment. The patient, in turn, must be excluded from the diet smoked, fried, spicy and fatty foods, instant foods and convenience foods. You need to try to eat only healthy food, drink non-carbonated clean water.
Why is my nose peeling?
When peeling the skin of not only the nose, but the whole body, we can talk about the presence of vitamin deficiency. It usually appears in the spring, because the body at this time is weakened and has a reduced level of resistance to negative environmental factors. At the same time, the body has a severe deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins. Such a pathology may appear due to adverse environmental conditions, the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the body weakens and is more susceptible to various diseases. A deficiency of vitamins C and A causes the skin to become fragile, low intake of vitamin E causes a deterioration in the water balance, which makes the skin dry.
How is a weakened body treated? To improve this condition, you need to regularly take a complex of vitamins. In addition, experts advise increasing the following foods in the patient's diet: fatty fish, liver, fresh vegetables and fruits, greens, boiled meat, chicken egg yolks, butter.
For the treatment of vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits, take walks daily, lead an active lifestyle, drink two liters of water every day. From late autumn to spring, you can take a rosehip decoction, thanks to which the body will be saturated with all useful components.
Why does a nose flake with a runny nose?
Runny nose
When peeling wings of the nose, we can talk about the presence of a protracted runny nose. The accumulating mucus causes skin irritation, and since a person constantly strives to remove it, micro-wounds and redness appear.
At home, a runny nose can be removed by washing the nose with sea water, inhalation and instillation of special solutions. If the case is neglected, then only comprehensive treatment will help. After effective therapy, all irritations near the nose will be eliminated, and the skin will gradually return to its normal state.
Hygiene Failure
When peeling the skin near the nose, on the forehead and cheeks, as well as around the mouth, it can be said that a person uses inappropriate cream, foam, gel or facial milk, soap. This may be due to the reaction of his body to the composition of cosmetics, and as a result, instead of moisturizing the skin, they dry it on the contrary. That is why it is advisable to use cosmetics companies that are time-tested. It must contain the necessary vegetable oils and fats that moisturize the skin, nourishing it with trace elements and minerals. It is advisable to entrust the choice of cosmetics to a specialist - a cosmetologist or a dermatologist.
Why does the tip of the nose peel off?
External factors
Too high or low temperatures can also affect the condition of human skin. If the skin flakes around the nose or on the nose, then this can be caused by the influence of lowered temperature. In severe frost, before going out, it is advisable to lubricate the face with a protective cream. It is selected in accordance with a specific skin type. It is applied in at least twenty minutes, it must be allowed to soak. In addition, chlorinated water can cause skin irritation, in which case it is recommended to wash yourself with well-maintained or well water. It happens that just burned his nose in the sun and therefore began to peel off.
With the appearance of red spots, as well as in cases where the skin begins to peel and itch, one can judge the presence of a disease of the epidermal cover. In this case, you need to visit a dermatologist. The patient will pass an analysis, an examination will take place, after which the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. On the nose, a red spot flakes up due to infection with parasites or when a fungal pathology occurs. It can be: eczema, seborrheic psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis.
Such serious diseases can be caused by increased oily skin, unbalanced and malnutrition, hormonal disruptions, stress and overstrain of the nervous system.
Immune system disorders can cause a disease such as cold sores on the nose. The most common causes of its appearance in a patient are as follows: overwork; hormonal disbalance; stress and fatigue.
In women, due to hormonal changes, for example, during menstruation and pregnancy, herpes can appear on the nose and near the mouth.
The rash may also appear in cold weather. In addition, the appearance of herpes on the nose can provoke injuries and sunlight.
Herpes is usually located at the base of the nose or inside it. At first, a slight burning sensation or tingling sensation is felt. Then the skin turns red, a fluid-filled blister appears. After a while, it breaks through, and all the liquid comes out.
There are several ways to deal with peeling of the skin on the nose. In order to cope with such a pathology faster, you need to approach it comprehensively. The main components of the treatment are: diet correction, cosmetics, therapy for the main disease, traditional medicine methods and procedures in the salon.
Before using drugs, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will take into account the specifics of the patient's body and choose the appropriate means.