Since ancient times, the main food for man has been seafood. An incredible number of species of edible fish lives in the waters of the ocean, which differs in shape, classification, taste and nutritional properties. Despite the abundance of varieties, nutritionists agreed that pollock has a lot of advantages.
This is perhaps the oldest variety known to people since the Middle Ages. We will not say the exact date of its discovery, but it is definitely clear that the meat of the marine inhabitant has always been highly appreciated. However, now many do not favor this fish and consider it food for the poor.
This statement is extremely erroneous. The composition is in no way inferior, but in some ways superior to red varieties of fish (salmon, salmon). Numerous studies and discoveries of scientists convincingly speak of the harm and benefits of pollock.
Fish is low in calories and at the same time high in nutrition, therefore it is recommended to be consumed by obese people. In order to appreciate the taste of pollock fillet, you need to know the correct cooking technology. At the end of the article you will definitely get acquainted with the diet recipe.
General information
Pollock (the photo illustrates the individual in detail) is a large marine fish belonging to the Treskov family. In history, cases of catching meter-long carcasses weighing 5 kg are described. The habitat is mainly the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk, Japan, the Barents and Bering Seas. Fish is unpretentious in nutrition; crustaceans and squids are present in its diet. Often, adults consume their fry and larvae.
The pollock population has declined significantly since the 1990s, which is associated with an increase in fillet prices. Small fish up to 40 cm in fresh frozen, dried and dried form are often delivered to store shelves. On an industrial scale, minced meat, fodder flour are made, and the liver is subjected to preservation. Fish meat is found in crab sticks (surimi). Pollock roe is very popular in Russia , the benefits and harm of which, according to experts, are due to the presence of potassium and phosphorus.
Pollock - an assistant for physical adversity
It is proved that fish fillet exhibits antioxidant properties and activates brain processes. With an unstable psycho-emotional background, traditional and traditional medicine is strongly advised to include pollock in the weekly diet. The content of fatty acids and thyroxine will positively affect the functioning of the nervous and cardiac systems, and will keep blood circulation and joints in good condition.
No wonder the harm and benefits of pollock are the subject of discussion by specialists. It is scientifically confirmed that regular consumption will normalize plasma sugar levels, as well as improve memory, concentration and energy. A huge advantage is the presence of cobalt. The trace element is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and blood formation processes. Without it, the normal functioning of vital organs is impossible.
Cheap doesn't mean bad
The harm and benefits of pollock are directly dependent on a set of minerals and vitamins. It contains a high content of retinol - it reliably protects our eyesight, epidermis and respiratory system from the harmful effects of viruses and microbes. Vitamin deficiency leads to the destruction of bone and dental tissue. It is worth noting the presence of nicotinic acid (about 23%), which strengthens the nerve endings, regulates the digestive tract and redox processes.
The benefit is the presence of iodine - it supports the thyroid gland, is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine glands and promotes the growth and development of the child's body. There are many other significant chemical elements in fish: fluorine, chromium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur. To infinity, one can describe and enumerate the value and medicinal properties of cod species, so pollock is undeservedly rejected by the audience.
Lose weight tasty and without harm to health
Surely few people knew about the dietary properties of pollock. We hasten to please all those who are losing weight: boiled fish contains no more than 80 kcal. There is practically no fat in the pulp, and everything that is is broken down into amino acids. It can be included in the diet menu. In this case, your body will be enough to receive the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.
The pollock roe has similar properties. The benefits and harms of the product have been repeatedly verified. A tasty and wholesome dish diversifies the diet, fills the body with missing energy and saves you from fatigue. Just do not count on the fact that the fish will burn the accumulated fatty tissue - there are physical exercises for this. It is recommended to boil the carcass, stew, bake and steam. In order not to gain extra calories, avoid frying, do not use fatty sauces, butter, sour cream, mayonnaise and cream.
Disadvantages worth paying attention to
Pollock (photo clearly shows fish) has certain limitations in use. His meat contains a large dose of sodium chloride, which can provoke exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases and a hypertensive crisis. Minimal portions should be given to fish after three years of age for children who are not prone to allergic reactions. Boil and fry the carcass well, as various parasites often live in the body of pollock. On this, contraindications are exhausted.
How to cook diet pollock?
The cost of a kilogram of fish does not exceed 120 rubles. Therefore, everyone can afford to try it. We will show you where to start cooking pollock so that the flesh turns out juicy, aromatic and tasty.
As you know, the meat of this fish is not distinguished by outstanding qualities, it is rather lean with a neutral taste, without piquancy and pungency. We recommend using fragrant spices, sauces and vegetables - to take an example from Koreans who know a lot about cooking.
Diet recipe up your sleeve
A low-calorie baked dish is prepared in its own juice on a vegetable "pillow". As a result, we observe a juicy, very tender and delicious fish. What do we need for cooking? A kilogram carcass of a pollock without a head, vegetables (two carrots, three onions), a small lemon. Seasonings and spices: black pepper, two leaves of parsley, Provence herbs (to taste), parsley (bunch), tomato paste (100 g) and salt. You will also need a glass of water and a baking sleeve (sold at the store).
Technological process
Thoroughly rinse the carcass (if necessary, gut it), cut into portioned portions at least 3 cm thick, salt, pepper, and pour plenty of lemon juice on it. Grated carrots and chopped onions are combined with the indicated spices, add tomato paste or ketchup. Put on chili and garlic to make it hot.
We put a vegetable "pillow" in the sleeve, on top - pieces of seafood, pour water, tie with a thread and bake for about an hour. If desired, open the bag a minute before turning it off and let the crust form. Garnish with greens and lemon slices and enjoy delicious, affordable and wholesome food.
There are many variations of cooking - choose to your taste. But remember: the harm and benefits of pollock depend on the amount of its consumption.