Fatty degeneration of the liver. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Fatty liver disease is a chronic pathological condition characterized by the presence of excess fat in the liver. In another way, this condition is called obesity of the liver. The reasons for this obesity are many and almost everyone is at risk for this disease.


  • an abundance of fat in the diet;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol;
  • high cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • protein deficiency;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • certain medications;
  • hepatitis;
  • unbalanced nutrition, and, as a result, a lack or excess of vitamins and minerals;
  • hereditary liver diseases and autoimmune processes.

This is the main list of causes of pathology, but fatty degeneration of the liver can overtake a person for other less obvious reasons. The difficulty is that before a strong progression of the disease, it may not show any symptoms. It depends on the stage of the disease.

Stage of obesity of the liver:

  1. Steatosis. Constant progressive changes in the work of the liver are noted, degeneration of fat cells occurs.
  2. Steatohepatitis. Liver inflammation is revealed - hepatitis. Possible impaired liver function and the occurrence of complications.
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver. And as a result, oncology.


As already mentioned, fatty liver is difficult to diagnose due to the absence of obvious symptoms. In the initial stages, weakness, nausea, loose stools, flatulence, slight pain in the right hypochondrium may be present. These symptoms can accompany other diseases, so it is very important not to wait for the manifestation of more dangerous body signals and consult a doctor in time to establish an accurate diagnosis. In a disease such as fatty degeneration of the liver, the symptoms in the later stages are most pronounced, pain in the hypochondrium becomes stronger and more frequent, headache, fatigue, itching, and possibly a sharp decrease in weight are added.


When a person visits the clinic for a preventive examination or when he has anxious symptoms, the doctor conducts the necessary studies. A biochemical blood test is taken, including liver tests, which reveal the presence or possibility of such a pathology as fatty liver. To clarify the diagnosis, an ultrasound of the liver is necessary .

If, according to studies, the patient is diagnosed with fatty liver, the treatment must be carried out comprehensively and comprehensively. Although the word "treatment" is not entirely appropriate for this disease. Rather, prevention and elimination of the causes of the disease. As you know, the liver is a self-healing organ, but it needs support, support and protection to restore and restore health.

The patient needs to make changes in his lifestyle, establish proper and balanced nutrition, go in for sports and monitor his health. It is necessary to eliminate all the negative factors that led to the diagnosis.

Elimination of negative factors:

  • with a diagnosis of obesity - a mandatory weight loss;
  • nutrition, according to the diet established by the attending physician. It is necessary to avoid a large amount of fat: fatty meats, pastries, chocolate, smoked meats, cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, any fried foods, etc .;
  • a complete rejection of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • physical exercise. For obese people at least 30 minutes a day or walking at least 5,000 steps.
  • lowering blood cholesterol.
  • if possible, reduce the use of drugs;
  • when working with poisons - a change of work or enhanced protective measures.
  • in complex cases and in the later stages, drugs are prescribed.

With a timely visit to a specialist and following all the recommendations, the prognosis for this disease is quite favorable.

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