Pavlov Dmitry Sergeevich: biography, work in the theater and cinema, the personal life of the actor

Pavlov Dmitry Sergeevich - artist of the Soviet theater and cinema. The best paintings with his participation are “Steep hills”, “Gemini”, “Chuk and Huck” and “Village teacher”. In 1966, the actor was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. For more than 40 years he served in the Maly Theater. He was a teacher of stage art at the Shchepkinsky school.


Dmitry Sergeevich Pavlov was born in 1913 on May 8 in Moscow. The artist had two sisters: Elena Pavlova taught English at the USSR Academy of Sciences, and Zinaida worked in the field of trade. At the age of 17, Dmitry became a student at the factory school at the State Watch Factory. After FZU Pavlov worked as a toolmaker for three years. During this time, he not only earned himself a good profile for entering a university, but also became a master. In 1935, Dmitry entered the theater school at the Maly Theater (modern VTU named after Shchepkin).

Pavlov Dmitry Sergeevich

At the end of his studies, the aspiring artist was in the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater . Ostrovsky. A year later, Pavlov moved to the Moscow Art Theater, where he was invited by S. Sverchkov. Since October 1941, he served in the Maly Theater. Together with L. Merkulova, V. Obukhova and N. Annenkov, the actor was in the theater front brigade and visited the Red Army units during the Second World War.

After the Second World War, Pavlov Dmitry Sergeevich taught stage art in his native school. In 1963 he became the head of the troupe of the Academic Maly Theater. Since 1973, for the next nine years, he was the head of the acting course at GITIS. In December 1977, the artist received the academic title of assistant professor. In 1983, Pavlov retired due to illness. In 1988, on June 22, Dmitry Sergeevich passed away. The funeral took place in 24 sections of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Theatrical work

Pavlov’s first performances included Mad Money, A Glass of Water, The Siege of the Mill, Front, Invasion, Woe from Wit, Engineer Sergeyev and others. From 1945 to 1950, the artist played Motylkova in the production of Glory, Chmygu in The Southern Knot, Vozhevatova in The Bride, Pushchina in Our Contemporary and Boris Markov in Youth. In the next six seasons, Dmitry Sergeyevich participated in the productions of The Secret War (role - Minaev), Wolves and Sheep (Goretsky), Port Arthur (General Kondratenko) and Northern Dawns (Pearl).

Pavlov Dmitry Sergeevich in the production of "Fathers and Sons"

In the period from 1955 to 1960, the artist played in the productions of Macbeth, The Unequal Battle, Vanity Fair, and Stone Nest. Then Dmitry Sergeyevich Pavlov got roles in the performances “Son”, “Higher Measure”, “Smart Things”, “Badgers”, etc. From 1975 to 1980, he played Koshelev in the production of “Wine”, Dudakov in “Summer Residents” , Saratov in "Golden Bonfires" and others. The last theatrical role of Dmitry Sergeyevich was Lukashov in the play "Summer Walks". He also participated in the radio shows “Heart is not a stone” (character Erast), “Vanity Fair” (William Dobbin), “Macbeth” (Banco) and “Barbaras” (Lukin).

Film career

The first film with Pavlov’s participation was the short film “The Order is Fulfilled,” in which the actor got the role of fighter Mikhail Bakov. Then he played sailor Sergei Orlikov in the comedy Twins. In 1946, Pavlov Dmitry Sergeyevich starred in the film "The Oath". His next heroes were Maximov in the historical film “For Those at Sea” and Professor Voronov in the military drama “The Rural Teacher”.

Dmitry Sergeevich Pavlov in the film "Chuck and Huck"

In 1949, he played Tomashevich in the epic "The Fall of Berlin." Then the artist took part in the filming of a number of films-performances (“Truth is good ...”, “Wolves and sheep” and “Barbaras”). In 1953, Dmitry Sergeyevich played the role of his father in the short film "Chuk and Huck." In the social drama Steep Hills, he played the key character Frolov.

The next few years, Pavlov participated in such films as "Rasteryaeva Street", "Washington Story", "The Missing Official", "Krechinsky's Wedding" and others. In 1976, the actor starred in the historical film "Siberia" in the guise of the commander Varsonofy Filatov. The last films of Dmitry Sergeyevich Pavlov were “Optimistic tragedy” (the role of a sailor) and “Russian people” (Kharitonov).

Dmitry Pavlov in the epic "The Fall of Berlin"

Personal life

The artist's first wife was Maria Mukhanova. She worked in a troupe, and then in the direction of the Maly Theater. In this marriage, Pavlov had no children. Costume designer Zinaida Safikhanova became his second wife. For almost 40 years, a woman worked at the Maly Theater in a workshop for the sewing of theater outfits. Safikhanova later became the head of the library. From her first marriage, she left her son Renat Polyakov - a graduate of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Toreza. But the actor Pavlov Dmitry Sergeyevich never had his children.

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