Birth control ring "Novaring": instructions for use, reviews, photos

As follows from the instructions, the hormone ring "Novaring" provides women with an exceptionally high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Reviews confirm the reliability of the tool, the convenience of its use. Hormonal contraception in recent years has become widespread due to numerous advantages. Which of these can Novaring boast?

Essence of the question

The two most popular modern approaches to contraception are hormones and barrier methods. Both have pros and cons. Hormonal contraceptives (not the last place among them is the Novaring contraceptive ring) according to the instructions are simple to use, and the effectiveness of these methods exceeds 95%. Reliable in effect, these pregnancy prevention options are easy to use. There are tablets intended to be taken at the same time, patches that need to be glued once a week, injections, implants, rings. All hormonal contraceptives are divided into one active compound or two.

ring novaring instructions for use reviews

Among the most convenient, distinguished by good reviews of doctors, is Novaring. Instructions for use, enclosed by the manufacturer in the package, give a detailed idea of ​​the rules for directly installing the drug, the features of its operation. The manufacturer does not hide the mechanism by which the product works, its strengths and weaknesses, and possible side effects. It will be right to mention right away that negative reactions to the ring are encountered, but rarely enough, mostly all of them are weak and pass some time after the start of regular use.

What is this about?

As follows from the instructions, Novaring is a contraceptive ring that belongs to the category of combined hormonal drugs. The product contains estrogen, progestogen in microscopic doses. Visually, this is a flexible ring with a diameter of 5.5 cm and a thickness of 8.5 mm. The product is made from hypoallergenic materials and is intended for placement in the vagina. Once introduced, the ring releases microscopic doses of hormonal compounds into the environment every day. The correct dosage is due to the membrane system that underlies the high-tech development for women.

The instructions for the use of the contraceptive ring “Novaring” indicate that the drug is able to suppress the ovulation process. Hormonal effects adjust the quality of uterine mucus, increasing viscosity. The advancement of sperm in such conditions is noticeably difficult, which is an additional mechanism of protection against unplanned pregnancy.

Safe and reliable

As can be seen from the reviews, instructions, the Novaring ring rarely becomes a source of side effects, as it is intended for direct administration into the field of action, which significantly distinguishes it from oral contraceptives. Feature is a really important plus. The tool does not contact with the tissues of the stomach, intestines, does not adversely affect the liver, while guaranteeing regular intake of microscopic doses of the necessary hormones into the body. Consequently, the chance of side effects is minimized, especially when compared to more traditional hormone formats to prevent pregnancy. Reviews also confirm that negative reactions are rare (but occur).

novaring instructions for use for the first time

The Novaring instructions indicate the reliability indicators obtained in the course of numerous specific experiments. Scientists have confirmed that the tool is effective, safe, effective. In relation to the ring, the Perl index was calculated , calculated on the basis of statistical data: it was revealed how many women out of hundreds who used the medication year-round became pregnant. A detailed study yielded a result of 96% efficiency. But for orally used medicines, this parameter varies between 10-90%.

Multifaceted action

From the instructions of "Novaring" it follows that the drug not only prevents an unwanted pregnancy, but also has additional positive qualities. The most pronounced positive effect on the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of active compounds, it becomes more regular, each subsequent monthly bleeding is less painful, not as profuse as without using a ring.

At the same time, the manufacturer in the instructions to Novaring (photos are presented in the article) draws attention to the fact that the drug was developed strictly as a method of preventing unwanted conception. The ring does not reduce the risk of infection of pathologies transmitted through intimate contact. Novaring is optimal if a woman has one permanent healthy partner, that is, the risk of infection is minimal.

Sometimes you can’t

Instructions for the use of "Novaring" (photo rings are presented in the article) draws attention to cases where the tool can not be used. There are a lot of contraindications - this is characteristic of any hormonal contraceptives (and other compounds with hormones). First of all, it is necessary to note the increased sensitivity to the active compounds used by the manufacturer. You can not use the ring with high blood pressure, thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, diabetes. The tool is not intended for people suffering from severe functional impairment of the pancreas, liver, as well as in the detection of neoplasms, tumor processes in the liver. It is unacceptable to resort to Novaring if a malignant neoplasm, dependent on hormonal levels, is diagnosed.

novaring instructions for use photo

For certain cases, the instruction of the ring "Novaring" contains a mention in the application category especially carefully, carefully. These are heart defects, overweight. Before the first installation of a contraceptive, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions in detail in order to assess the extent to which it is suitable for a particular woman, what you need to pay special attention to when using. As new significant information is revealed about the effect of the drug on the female body, the manufacturer will supplement the accompanying documentation.

I want a baby!

The instruction of the Novaring ring contains unambiguous indications of the rules of conduct if it was decided to abandon contraception in order to become pregnant. In such a situation, they stop using the medication, wait a while, until the natural cycle of menstruation returns to normal. In most cases, pregnancy is expected to take no more than a couple of months, usually a month after the termination of the practice of protection.

The manufacturer recommends abstaining from Novaring during breastfeeding. Doctors' reviews and Novaring’s instructions agree on this: professionals also advise against using the ring. The components contained in it can adversely affect the amount of milk produced by the mammary glands. There is a risk of changing the composition of the natural product. If during the use of the ring the fact of conception is revealed, the contraceptive should be urgently removed. Its use during the period of gestation is strictly contraindicated.

How to use correctly?

Regarding how to install the product for the first time, the instructions for using Novaring contain clear and consistent instructions. However, the most reasonable option is to seek the help of a doctor. An experienced gynecologist will help you deal with the drug, tell you the basic rules for its use, warn about frequent mistakes that can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. It is believed that the medication is convenient to use, since every day it is not required to control. At the same time, the ring is installed immediately for three weeks, after which it is removed. On what day of the week the contraceptive was delivered, on the same it should be withdrawn.

As the instructions for the use of the Novaring ring read, after removing an item, you must wait seven days and introduce a new copy. During this period, withdrawal bleeding is observed. The logic, as you can see, is similar to the use of oral contraceptives, and the only difference is the lack of daily monitoring for the receipt of the dose - hormones are injected automatically, it is only important to monitor the passage of the three-week, seven-day time intervals.

novaring instruction photo

Accuracy will not hurt

In the instructions for the use of the Novaring ring, the manufacturer draws attention to the fact that the use of the drug requires special attention. The first seven days to reduce the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy, it is reasonable to use barrier contraceptives. Before the very first installation of the product, consult a doctor. The doctor will examine the client, formulate a conclusion regarding the possibility of using the ring, and also give individual recommendations on its use. In some specific cases, the rules may differ from generally accepted practice.

How to put it right?

All features of the procedure are described in the instructions for use of the Novaring ring. The reviews confirm that there is nothing complicated in this procedure. You should start by choosing a convenient posture for the introduction of funds: you can stand, sit, lie down. The subject is compressed, injected into the vagina. Once in the zone of constant presence, it automatically takes the correct shape, adapting to the characteristics of the female body with all its individual specific features.

The removal process, as stated in the instructions for the use of Novaring, is not more complicated. The ring is squeezed with two fingers and pulled. As a rule, a couple of days after this moment, withdrawal bleeding begins. In some cases, to the day when you need to put a new ring, the allocation does not stop. This is not a reason to postpone the use of the specimen - a new ring is introduced, soon after which the bloody discharge will completely stop before the new cycle.

Negative effects: what to prepare for?

Instructions for the use of Novaring draws attention to the possibility of side effects. The probability of their occurrence is minimized due to local release of active components, but it is impossible to completely exclude the absence of a negative response from the body. Of the relatively frequent unpleasant phenomena, headache should be noted. Some women complained of dizziness, changes in emotions, sometimes even provoking a depression. It is known that in rare cases, Novaring can cause weight gain or digestive problems, and stool disorders.

contraceptive rings novaring instructions for use

Instructions for use "Novaring" contains references to the possibility of vaginal discharge when using the ring. There is a risk of infection of the genitourinary organs. In rare cases, the mammary glands become more sensitive, they are disturbed by painful sensations. Reactions can be local - discomfort with intimate contact, anxiety associated with the sensation of a foreign body inside the body.

Appearances and passwords

If after acquaintance with the instructions for using Novaring, a woman decides in favor of this particular method of contraception, it makes sense to visit a convenient pharmacy to purchase a copy. Currently, two forms of release are on sale: one each and three copies per package. A smaller option costs about 1300 rubles, about 3500 rubles will be asked for packaging with three products.

The manufacturer, doctors strongly recommend that before making a decision in favor of the drug, visit a qualified doctor for a full examination of the body. At the consultation, the specialist will tell you what are the main advantages and disadvantages of different techniques, recommend an optimal approach taking into account individual characteristics, the patient’s lifestyle, as well as the physiological needs of the woman. Do not forget about personal preferences, because a contraceptive should be convenient to use.

Do not mix concepts!

Some believe that hormonal and barrier are two different words denoting the same remedy. Some decide in favor of Novaring, for fear of using conventional pills, mini-drank, as they affect the hormonal background. Do not be mistaken: Novaring is also a drug that affects the concentration of hormones in a woman’s blood. The contraceptive ring is not a mechanical contraceptive.

hormonal ring novaring instruction

To provide barrier contraception, it makes sense to pay attention to caps, diaphragms, spirals. But the ring is an exclusively hormonal drug that helps prevent conception. In order not to get confused in concepts, when choosing the optimal method for yourself, it would be reasonable to first study how different methods and tools work, and only then make a decision in favor of a specific name.

It's curious

Currently, the contraceptive ring is represented by the only name on the shelves of pharmacies in our country - this is the described drug "Novaring". It was invented by Dutch scientists, first went on sale in 2001, and is now widely distributed both in European powers and in America.

Application features

To achieve maximum efficiency and safety, Novaring is installed simultaneously with the start of a new menstrual cycle. If you enter the drug later, but during the first five days from the start of menstruation, this entire cycle will need to use additional barrier methods to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Novaring is safe and used after a spontaneous, medical abortion. It is advisable to put the ring the day after the event.

If a woman has planned an intimate act with a partner, regarding which there is a risk of contracting sexual diseases, in addition to the ring, it is necessary to use additional barrier methods of contraception, since the remedy only corrects the hormonal background, but cannot protect against infection. In the general case, this method is considered optimal if the woman has one regular partner, while both regularly undergo tests for the absence of STDs.

No saving!

The extracted Novaring birth control ring is not intended to be reused. The instance must be discarded, and after a seven-day break, install a new one or start using other means to prevent unwanted conception. For more than three weeks, a medical object in the body of a woman should not be.

Proper use of the contraceptive ring helps prevent the formation of myomatous nodes. It is known that among women using Novaring there are fewer endometriosis sufferers. Studies have shown that with acne, excessive oily skin, Novaring normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, which leads to an improvement in appearance.

Special occasion

In the instructions that are attached to the drug, the manufacturer indicates that Novaring is not recommended for use by smoking women. The tool should not be selected if autoimmune pathologies, abnormalities in the work of the heart, gallstones are detected. Do not use hormonal birth control until adulthood, especially without consulting a doctor. If there is prolapse of the vaginal walls, prolapse of the uterus, the ring is also ineffective. Do not use this method of contraception before surgery, in the presence of wounds, inflammatory processes of the genital organs. If surgery is planned, the best option is to completely abandon any hormonal drugs to prevent pregnancy already a month before the event.

What to stop at?

In comparison with other options for preventing conception presented on pharmacy shelves, Novaring has both positive aspects and disadvantages. When compared with oral contraceptives, attention should be paid to the dosage of hormonal compounds. Mostly drugs deliver 30 micrograms of active substance to the body every day, while the ring is a third of a smaller source. Due to this, the effectiveness is not reduced, but the risk of side effects is reduced.

Another important positive point is independence from the lifestyle and characteristics of the woman's character. , , , . , , . , . , , , . , , , , . , .

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It is known that some hormonal drugs negatively affect a woman's libido. It is believed that in the general case, Novaring does not have such an effect due to a reasonable dosage of estrogen. If tablets were previously used, the transition to Novaring is carried out on the eighth day after using the last contraceptive orally. If you previously used mini-dranks, you can start using the ring at any convenient day, but use the barrier methods to prevent conception in the first week.

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