Fast pickling cucumbers in bags

pickled cucumbers in packages
The salting of cucumbers in packages from a curiosity turned into reality. And due to the fact that fresh cucumbers are now present on supermarket shelves all year round, you can cook salted cucumbers according to this recipe for any holiday. So, quite simple and quick cooking of crispy, delicious salted cucumbers, dry salting, or pickling cucumbers in bags.

For the recipe you will need: 1 kg of small cucumbers, 1 spoon of salt (tablespoon), 4-5 umbrellas of dill, 4 small cloves of garlic, cherry leaves, if any.

Washed cucumbers with chopped "buttocks" are mixed with chopped dill, garlic and salt in a plastic bag. The contents are shaken vigorously and packaged in a second bag for reliability and tightness. The package is shaken periodically, but does not open. In general, the time during which pickling of cucumbers in packages takes place depends on the size of the cucumbers. Average cucumbers can be eaten in six hours

pickled cucumbers for the winter
aces. They need to be put in the refrigerator. If the cucumbers, to your taste, are not salty and spicy enough, put more salt in the next portion and add a little chili pepper. Having eaten the cucumbers, do not pour the pickle from the light-salted cucumbers. It is rich in magnesium and potassium salts, relieves leg cramps and hangover syndrome.

Dry pickled cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers can be pickled without pickle in a jar. The main thing is to create a greenhouse effect. All the same ingredients are added as in the bag, the jar is covered with a plastic cover and shaken vigorously. When the cucumbers are ready (and you do not want them to pickle further), rinse them under running water and put them in a jar. Pickling cucumbers in a jar and pickling cucumbers in packets gives the same effect. If you leave the cucumbers in the naturally formed brine, they will pickle further, and eventually they will be pickles, which are usually prepared for the winter season.

how tasty to pickle cucumbers for the winter
How to deliciously pickle cucumbers for the winter

Oddly enough, while the store shelves are bursting with pickles, the Russian people continue to make preparations from cucumbers grown in their beds in the country or in the garden near the house. Probably because chemicals are not added to their cucumbers, and they are grown with love. Yes, and they taste better.

Typically, for the winter, cucumbers are salted in 3-liter jars, in which 1.5 kilograms of small cucumbers are laid. In the washed jars, dill, root and leaf of horseradish, cherry leaves, and clove of garlic are laid.

pickled cucumbers in packages
Prescription Recipe:

Cucumbers need to be thoroughly washed from the ground and placed in cold water for 4 hours. Drain the water, and cut off the tails of the pickles and put them in jars prepared with spices. At this time, water begins to boil on the stove. Pour jars of cucumbers with this water for 15 minutes. Pour out water and add new boiling water. Before the third pouring of boiling water into each jar, add a tablespoon: salt -3, sugar-2, vinegar-3. Pour boiling water one last time and clog. Turn the jar over and put in the prepared place. When all the cans are corked, cover them with something warm, you can blanket, and leave until cool.

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