Tablets "Sumamed" 125 mg: composition, instructions for use

"Sumamed" refers to the pharmacological group of macrolides. The drug is used for the etiotropic treatment of various infectious pathological processes. The action of "Sumamed" is aimed at eliminating pathogenic bacteria that are drug-sensitive.

The medicine is in the form of a powder for the manufacture of a suspension and tablets, which are coated with an enteric coating, they are white in color, rounded in shape and have a biconvex surface.


The main active component of the drug is azithromycin. In addition, the structure of the drug includes additional substances, which include:

  1. Cellulose.
  2. Calcium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous.
  3. Pregelatinized starch.
  4. Magnesium salt of stearic acid.
  5. Starch.
  6. Hypromellose.

Tablets are packaged in blisters of 3, 6 pieces.

Pharmacological properties

The main active component is considered a derivative of macrolides. The active substance has a bactericidal effect and leads to the elimination of sensitive bacteria. "Sumamed" has increased activity against a large number of bacteria:

  • gardnerella;
  • hemophilic sticks;
  • pale treponema;
  • staphylococci;
  • clostridia;
  • streptococci;
  • moraxella;
  • E. coli;
  • neysserii.

Unlike other antimicrobials, azithromycin eliminates specific bacteria. After using Sumamed, the orally active component of the drug is quickly and completely absorbed from the intestine into the bloodstream. It evenly spreads through tissues with a slightly higher concentration in the respiratory system, as well as in the urogenital tract.

The drug has the ability to enter the cells through the plasmalemma. The active substance accumulates to a greater extent in the affected tissues. As a rule, it is excreted with feces.

sumamed instructions for use tablets 125

When the drug is prescribed

According to the instructions for use with Sumamed, it is necessary to use the drug for the etiotropic treatment of various infectious diseases that are provoked by pathogens sensitive to azithromycin, they include:

  1. Tonsillitis (an inflammatory process in the tonsils, which appears due to the action of bacteria or viruses on the lymphoid tissue).
  2. Pharyngitis (acute or chronic inflammation that spreads to the larynx, affecting its mucous membrane and deeper layers).
  3. Otitis (a disease that relates to otorhinolaryngology, which is an inflammatory process in different parts of the hearing organs).
  4. Sinusitis (accumulation of purulent exudate in the maxillary sinuses).
  5. Tracheitis (a disease in which the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the trachea occurs, due to which increased mucus production begins).
  6. Acute or chronic bronchitis (a disease of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process).
  7. Urethritis (an inflammatory process that affects the urethra, provoked by damage to the canal wall by various bacteria and viruses).
  8. Cervicitis (damage to the cervix, which includes damage to the vaginal mucosa and cervical canal).
  9. Dermatosis (a disease of the skin that is associated with a violation of its nutrition, as well as inflammation, microbial effects or hereditary factors).
  10. Impetigo (an infectious disease provoked by staphylococci and streptococci).
  11. Erysipelas (a common infectious and allergic lesion of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, as well as prone to relapse).
  12. Acne eruptions.
sumamed tablets 125 mg instructions

In addition, the medication is used for the etiotropic treatment of the initial stage of Lyme disease, which is characterized by the formation of annular erythema on the skin.

What are the limitations of the medicine?

According to the instructions for use, it is known that Sumamed has a number of prohibitions, which include:

  1. Severe liver disorders.
  2. Concurrent use with ergotamine, as well as dihydroergotamine.
  3. Disorders of the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

With extreme caution, "Sumamed" is used for myalgia, as well as a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions or the presence of factors that lead to their occurrence, combined use with antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, digoxin, cyclosporine. Before prescribing a medicine, a medical specialist must make sure that there are no restrictions.

sumamed tablets 125

Instruction manual

The tablets are intended for oral use. They are taken regardless of food, washed down with water. The indicated dosage of the drug "Sumamed" is intended for adult patients, the dosage regimen is selected depending on the pathology:

  1. With damage to the upper and lower parts of the respiratory system - 500 milligrams once a day. The duration of therapy is three days.
  2. With urethritis - 1000 mg is taken once. With a complicated chronic course of the disease, a second course can be carried out with a time interval of 1 week.
  3. At the initial stage of borreliosis, on the first day of treatment, 500 mg 1 time, then from the 2nd to the 5th day of the course of therapy, the same concentration of the active substance.

For young patients, the medication is used in another dosage form, which contains a lower concentration of azithromycin. If necessary, the doctor sets up the dosage regimen and dosage individually.

sumamed 125 mg tablets instructions for use

How to give a suspension to children

For babies from six months to 3 years old, the medicine is given in liquid form. It is not recommended to do independent calculations, the pediatrician who observes the child will choose the right dosage for him. Diluting the powder with water will result in a liquid resembling jelly, which is liked by small patients. In addition, there are the following advantages for the drug:

  • pleasant taste;
  • A child perceives a liquid preparation more easily.

There are no children's tablets "Sumamed 125", so in most cases a suspension is prescribed for small patients.

sumamed tablets 125

Pills for children

This form of the drug is prescribed for babies from 3 years or more. You can’t chew the tablets, so parents are required to ensure that the child swallows it without biting.

According to the instructions, Sumamed 125 mg tablets for children at a dosage of 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight are prescribed daily. Such a dosage is established for otorhinolaryngological diseases, as well as lesions of the skin and muscle tissue.

The daily concentration for weight from 18 to 30 kg varies from 200 to 250 mg (2 tablets of 100-125 milligrams), given once a day. If the child’s body weight is from 31 to 44 kilograms, then three tablets (375 mg) are prescribed for use, once a day for 3 days.

In inflammatory processes in the larynx, children are prescribed 20 milligrams per 1 kilogram, the frequency of use is once a day, the duration of therapy is 3 days.

sumamed tablets 125 instructions

Some diseases require a certain calculation of the dosage of an antimicrobial agent. According to the instructions, Sumamed 125 tablets for children are prescribed for Lyme disease, the child is expected to take the drug based on 20 milligrams per 1 kg of body weight on the first day from the start of treatment.

Then they continue to use for another three days, but from the usual calculation of 10 mg per kilogram of weight. Parents should take into account all the moments in the treatment and not resort to the help of "Sumamed" without contacting a medical specialist.

What negative reactions can a medication cause?

According to the instructions for use with Sumamed 125 mg tablets, it is known that when using the medicine, negative pathological reactions from different organs and systems can occur:

  1. Dark stool.
  2. Headache.
  3. Jaundice (icteric staining of the skin and visible mucous membranes, which is caused by an increased concentration of bilirubin in the blood and tissues).
  4. Nausea with periodic vomiting.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Gastritis (inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa).
  7. Fatigue.
  8. Vertigo (the disease most commonly known as dizziness, it is characteristic of ear pathology or, less commonly, brain damage).
  9. Drowsiness.
  10. Pain in the chest.
  11. The occurrence of sensations of a heartbeat.
  12. Jade (a group of inflammatory kidney diseases with various developmental mechanisms and causes, each of them has its own symptomatic and pathomorphological features).
  13. Vaginal candidiasis (an infectious disease that is provoked by yeast-like fungi and is characterized by the occurrence of irritation, as well as secretions and severe itching).
  14. Eosinophilia (a disease in which there is an increase in the number of eosinophilic granulocytes).
  15. Neutrophilia (a pathology in which a person has an increased content of neutrophilic granulocytes).
  16. Rashes on the skin.
  17. Itching
  18. Nettle rash (a disease of the skin that is characterized by the rapid onset of severely itchy blisters).
  19. Quincke's edema (a reaction to the action of various biological and chemical factors, often having an allergic etiology).

If symptoms of negative pathological reactions occur, the question of the need to stop taking the drug is decided by the medical specialist individually, depending on their nature and severity.

sumamed tablets 125 mg


Before the appointment of "Sumamed", the doctor draws attention to several features regarding their use, which include:

  1. If side effects occur, the patient must immediately inform the doctor about this.
  2. If you miss a pill, you should take it as soon as possible. If more than twelve hours have elapsed since the pass, then the next use of the medication is carried out on the next day without doubling the concentration of the drug.
  3. The active substance can interact with drugs of other therapeutic groups, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to warn the doctor about this.
  4. "Sumamed" is not intended for use in childhood, for this there are dosage forms of the drug with a lower dosage in the form of capsules or syrup.
  5. It is possible to use the medication for women in the position and during breastfeeding for strict medical reasons.
  6. You can not perform work that is associated with the need for increased concentration of attention when taking this drug, which is associated with the likely occurrence of adverse reactions from the central nervous system.

In pharmacies, "Sumamed" is released on prescription by a medical specialist, self-administration is excluded.

sumamed 125 mg for children tablets dosage


Similar drugs for Sumamed tablets are medicines:

  1. "Augmentin."
  2. Flemoxin.
  3. "Azithromycin".
  4. Suprax.
  5. "Zitrolide".
  6. Wilprafen.
  7. Klacid.
  8. Hemomycin.

Before replacing the drug, you must consult a medical specialist.

sumamed baby tablets 125

How to store medicine

According to the instructions for use, the shelf life of the drug is thirty-six months. Sumamed tablets must be kept in a dark, dry, and inaccessible place for children at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The cost of the drug varies from 200 to 600 rubles.

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