Herpes ointments on the face: types, classification, choice, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

According to statistics, more than ninety percent of the world's population carry the herpes virus. It develops in the nerve endings of a person and constantly monitors the condition of a person.

Herpes is considered a viral lesion in which bubbles filled with liquid form on the skin and mucous cavities. As a rule, the onset of the main symptoms is preceded by irritation, and sometimes fever, general malaise.

the best ointment for cold sores on the lips

As soon as violations occur in the body, the defense begins to weaken - here it is activated. Most often this occurs in the form of a cold rash on the lips, around the edge. The most effective drug against the virus in the first moments of its activation is considered an ointment for herpes on the face.

The most commonly used method of therapy is ointment, the effect of which is aimed at reducing the development of signs of herpetic disease, as well as healing of the vesicles.

The main groups of drugs

The use of local antiherpetic agents helps to treat the surface of the skin that is infected. What ointments for herpes on the face are best suited for this disease?

In addition, drugs can suppress the virus, reduce the manifestations of the disease, and also reduce the risk of spreading rashes on the body.

In addition, drugs are considered safer to use compared to capsules and tablets. All ointments against herpes on the face are divided into certain groups:

  1. As part of which there is acyclovir. These drugs are considered the most effective, as they have a powerful antiviral effect. They are aimed at eliminating the source of the virus, thereby preventing its further reproduction. The use of antiviral drugs is safe in one hundred percent of cases. Ointments containing acyclovir will quickly eliminate pain and accelerate the healing process.
  2. Antiviral drugs that are based on natural substances. They are effective and almost harmless to the patient’s body, not toxic, characterized by the absence of negative reactions, except for allergies to trace elements of ointments. Medicines that are made from herbal ingredients are also effective against herpetic manifestations.
  3. Immunomodulating medications are created with the participation of interferon. Their effect is aimed at strengthening the body's immunity, activating the protective system to eliminate the virus.
  4. Healing medicines (antibacterial and antiseptic agents). They stop the attachment of a secondary infection, dry the wounds, accelerate healing, and contribute to the falling of crusts.
zinc ointment for herpes on the face

Comprehensive treatment of herpetic disease includes all of these groups of drugs that are released in the form of ointments, as well as the use of medications orally. The use of systemic antiviral drugs is aimed at eliminating the negative impact of the herpes virus on the patient. At the same time, local medicines dry sores, prevent infection and eliminate all visible violations of the skin. What are the best herpes ointments for lips?

Acyclovir preparations

Ointments that include acyclovir are applied to the affected area every four hours. The standard period of pharmacological action takes from five to seven days.

Longer use is not recommended because the virus aims to develop resistance. If further therapy is necessary, it is important to apply other effective ointments for herpes. The more well-known local drugs based on acyclovir include:

  1. "Acyclovir."
  2. Zovirax.
  3. Vivorax.

Ointments on plant components

Well-known therapy for herpetic disease ointments for herpes on the face on natural substances. Their main advantage is that the virus does not form endurance to their trace elements. They are among the safest to apply. The most popular of these are the following drugs:

  1. "Panavir".
  2. Myrtleplex.
  3. Alpizarin.
  4. "Helepin D".
cold sore ointment

Immunomodulating drugs

Immunomodulators cope well with the virus of the first and second type. They can be used both in the fight against cold sores on the lips, and against the occurrence of genital virus. When treating cold sores on the face, the ointment is used up to five times a day for five to seven days. The following types of ointments are the most famous natural or synthetic components that are capable of exerting a regulatory effect on the protective functions of the body system of medicines:

  1. Erazaban.
  2. Vectavir.
  3. Herpevir.
  4. Viferon.

Before using any medication to eliminate the herpetic manifestation, it is better to consult a medical specialist. The correct selection of which helps to suppress the activity of the virus, the likelihood of its transmission to relatives, and also prevent the occurrence of complications. The attending doctor will help to figure out which ointment is more effective in each situation separately and when it is necessary to stop treatment.

Healing ointments

The effect of antibacterial drugs is not aimed at eliminating the disease itself, but at preventing its reproduction along the skin and mucous cavities. When localizing herpes on the body, they are rarely used, but if a cold has “come out” on the face, they try to eliminate it as soon as possible. As a rule, such ointments are used at the stage of recovery, when the virus has already become weaker and it must be completely eliminated in order to return a beautiful view.

The following ointments after cold sores on the face are best suited for skin healing after a cold sore disease:

  1. "Depanthenol".
  2. "Tetracycline ointment."
  3. Panthenol.
  4. Levomekol.
  5. "Synthomycin ointment."
  6. Troxevasin.
  7. "Zinc ointment".
  8. "Erythromycin ointment."
  9. Bepanten.
  10. "Dexapanthenol".
syntomycin ointment for herpes on the face

All these drugs stimulate the healing of the wounded surface and prevent the area from decaying due to the protective film from bacteria.

Symptomatic Herpes Ointment

Ten percent zinc ointment with herpes on the face has a complex effect. The drug dries and eliminates toxic microelements from the wound, disinfects, well eliminates fluid and pus.

When applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, it reduces local manifestations of the inflammatory process and irritation, forms a protective film on the skin, which reduces the effect of destructive factors on it. Use the ointment externally, applying a light layer to the skin surface from two to three times a day.

Herpes ointment with antibacterial substances

Syntomycin ointment for cold sores on the face helps if the lesion is complicated by the occurrence of a bacterial infection. Uncomplicated herpes with synthomycin ointment cannot be cured, since it does not have an antiviral effect.


It is considered an antiviral agent that is used externally to eliminate pathologies provoked mainly by herpes viruses.

"Zovirax" is made in the form of a cream for external application. The drug has a milky tint and a uniform concentration. The main component of the drug is acyclovir.

the best ointment for herpes on the face

After the first use of the drug "Zovirax" on the affected area of ​​the skin, the active trace element is not absorbed into the blood. In subsequent applications, the volume of absorption of acyclovir into the bloodstream is small.

The only absolute prohibition on the use of the cream is the individual intolerance of the main substance or additional trace elements of the drug.

The drug is applied topically. It is applied to the infected surface of the skin or mucous membranes, evenly distributing a thin layer five times a day (approximately every four hours throughout the day). Apply the cream with a cotton swab. The duration of therapy on average should be at least four days. In the absence of positive dynamics in treatment, it can be prolonged up to ten days. If the symptoms of the disease persist for more than ten days, a consultation with a dermatologist is needed. The cost of the drug varies from 200 to 1600 rubles.


The drug is made in the form of a gel for external use. "Panavir" refers to a therapeutic group of antiviral drugs with an immunomodulatory effect for topical use. It is used as a complex treatment of various viral diseases with their main localization in the skin or mucous cavities.

An absolute ban on the use of the gel is the individual intolerance to any of the substances of the drug, as well as the age of eighteen years.

The gel is applied lightly to infected areas of the skin or mucous membranes five times throughout the day. The duration of the course "Panavir" is from four to five days, if necessary, it can be extended to ten days. The cost of the drug varies from 200 to 2500 rubles.

ointment after herpes on the face


The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use. The volume of the tube or can is five, ten, twenty grams. The drug has high antiviral activity against deoxyribonucleic acid-containing herpes viruses, and also has an immunomodulatory effect against humoral immunity.

Five percent ointment is applied to the surface of the skin for adult patients, one percent ointment for children, and one percent "Helepin-D" is applied to the mucous cavities of adults and children. The drug is applied in a light layer to the infected surface of the skin without dressing two to six times a day. In acute and repeated forms of herpes, with a single rash, the duration of ointment therapy is from three to five days.

With the spread of the rash, as well as with a severe form of herpes simplex, treatment lasts from seven to ten days to one month. With viral lesions of the oral mucosa, with genital herpes, as well as with chickenpox, the ointment is applied to the infected areas from three to six times a day. The minimum course of therapy is ten days.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is most effective when used at the beginning of the disease or its repetition. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles.

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The main thing in the fight against herpes is a quick reaction. The severity of the inflammatory process and the duration of the disease depend on this. The sooner you begin to treat the affected area of ​​the skin with any of the disinfecting and antiviral drugs, the faster you can eliminate the malaise.

Each person in their home medicine cabinet must have at least one of the medicines listed above or its substitute in case of sudden onset of the disease. And you need to remember the source of its development, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to strengthen your immunity with sports, protect your nerves, take care of your health - then a herpetic disease will not affect the body.

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