If you have difficulty choosing a vitamin complex, then Q10 Kudesan is perfect. This drug is a carefully balanced complex of substances necessary for the body, which will help maintain youth and beauty, as well as preserve energy and health.
The beauty of a person is a reflection of his internal state, in this regard, it is necessary to constantly monitor health. If you want to look beautiful, you should take care of it. Invaluable help in this will be provided by the complex of Coenzyme Q10 with Ginkgo.
The drug is a selected salanized complex with energy-saving and antioxidant effects. In its natural form, it is a protein-derived catalyst that is present in all cells of the body and plays a huge role in the processes of energy exchange, primarily important for the functioning of organs - the heart, kidneys, and liver.
According to the results of studies, up to the age of 30, the body copes with the production of the required amount of coenzyme Q10 independently. Over the years and with various diseases, the level of matter in the tissues decreases, which leads to a violation of the energy balance in the body. The consequences of this deficiency are apathy, lethargy, depression, malfunctions of the heart and other organs.
Q10 vitamins have antioxidant properties. They are able to neutralize the free radicals formed in the body under the influence of stresses, radiation, chemicals , which have a damaging effect on the cells. The appearance of free radicals leads to premature aging, while the presence of Q10 coenzyme slows down these processes, delaying aging.
A similar vitamin compound of endogenous nature is produced by the liver and is present in all cells, playing a key role in the production of ATP in mitochondria. Q10 vitamins are the most important link in the supply chain of body cells with indispensable biochemical components. It is proved that a personβs ability to synthesize ubiquinone (a synonym for coenzyme) decreases with age. The concentration of ubiquinone in myocardial cells is significantly higher than in other tissues of the body, this is due to the high energy intensity of this type of cell. The direct participation of the substance in the process of saturation with energy of cells determines the widest range of its biological effects.
According to the instructions attached to the drug, Q10 vitamins have the following properties. They help strengthen cell membranes by slowing down the aging process, increase resistance to physical stress, help lower blood sugar levels in diabetes, and also reduce weight naturally. Q10 vitamins act as an energizer for the heart muscle, are indicated to eliminate impaired functions of the heart. The drug is able to lower blood pressure.
In addition to coenzyme, the complex also includes vitamins E and C, which contributes to the beneficial effects on the human body and explains the antioxidant properties of the drug. The presence of vitamin E can increase tissue oxygenation, helps to restore the immune system, rejuvenate cells. Thanks to its content, the cardiovascular system is improved, blood pressure is normalized, normal blood coagulation is ensured, tissue regeneration is improved.
Vitamin C contained in the complex helps to strengthen and improve the arteries and the heart, normalizes blood cholesterol levels.
Adults are recommended to take Q10 vitamins in 1 capsule with meals twice a day. The duration of admission is unlimited.