Cinema is an integral part of the life of a huge number of people. Tapes of different genres and categories are released almost every day, but not all works deserve attention. Some films have an uninteresting plot, while others are distinguished by a terrible acting.
Today we will discuss one popular television series, which was released worldwide in 2011. His filming was finally completed only in 2015.
"Revenge" - a series that has several names in Russian at once. At the beginning of 2017, this cinematic work has three translations into our language: “Revenge”, “Revenge”, “Retribution”. In this article, we will discuss this film in detail, find out reviews about it, cast and much more. Let's get started now!
basic information
Revenge is a series presented by four interesting seasons, each of which has its own unique plot. If you want to know the format of this movie, then pay attention to the fact that we are talking about soap opera, no matter how strange it may sound. The premiere of this project took place on September 21, 2011 on the television channel "ABC". We will discuss the storyline of the film a little later, but now let's mention other important information.
At the moment, the movie “Revenge”, whose actors have done everything possible to present a spectacular series to viewers around the world, has four seasons, which makes a total of 89 episodes. It is also worth noting that one series lasts 41-43 minutes. The last show of this cinematic work took place on May 10, 2015, and there is no information on the release of new series yet.
Story line
The Revenge television series, whose actors will be discussed a bit later in this article, tells viewers about events taking place in the wealthy Grayson family who live in Hampton, Long Island, New York.
Many years ago, Victoria and Conrad shifted their responsibility for organizing a terrorist act, which killed a huge number of people, on a friend, David Clark. Then the court found the man guilty, and after some time he was killed in prison. The deceased had a daughter, who after many years decided to come to the city, but under a false name: now she is Emily Thorne. As you know, a girl comes only to take revenge on those directly related to the death of her father.
In general, the plot is interesting, even exciting. I wonder if our main character can take revenge on the members of a wealthy family by proving to the whole world that her father was innocent? By the way, the actors could make the Revenge project so interesting that many hope for another season to come out, although in 2015 the founders of the series announced that the cinematographic work would close after the last episode of season 4.
Actors and roles
At the time of the start of filming of the 1st season of the television project, there were only 9 main characters, but this list increased as the filming took place. For the television series "Revenge", the actors were selected very carefully so that the process took place at maximum speed and at the same time without sacrificing quality.
An important role in this cinematic work was entrusted to such a famous actress as Madeline Stow. The second official spelling of her name is Madeleine Stowe. The girl perfectly fulfilled her role, uniquely adorning this television project.
It is also worth highlighting the participation of the famous Canadian actress Emily Irene VanCamp, who played the role of Emily Thorne in this television project. In addition, Gabriel Mann was able to most effectively represent himself in this cinematic work, starring in it as the billionaire Nolan Ross, who became an ally of our main character, trying to help her avenge her father’s offenders.
In addition, we note that the role of Victoria in this television series was played by Ashley Madekwe, and Henry Czerny became Konrad. Right now, let's discuss in more detail such an outstanding personality as Emily VanCamp.
Emily Irene VanCamp
This actress was born in 1986. The family had three more sisters: Alison, Molly, Katie. As a child, the future actress was very fond of dancing, and at the age of 12 she received a serious offer to enter one of the best ballet schools in Quebec. After some time, the heroine was in Montreal.
A turning point in the girl’s career was her participation in the television series Love the Widower, after which she became truly one of the most popular actresses born in Canada. Today, Emily VanCamp is a successful person who has already achieved a lot, but does not stop and is trying to improve.
The comments of moviegoers about this television project are unambiguous: people like the interesting plot, the restoration of justice and the atmosphere that prevails when watching this project. Many indignantly note that the series has many seasons, which will take more than one day to watch.
At the same time, there are those who are happy with such a large number of episodes, because the project is really exciting, therefore it is very interesting to watch the events taking place.
To summarize
So we discussed one of America’s most popular television projects, reviews about it and other useful information. You should like the series, so enjoy your viewing and good mood!