The drug "FerroFolgamma": instructions for use

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, as a rule, is most felt in the spring and autumn. All body systems are starved for natural vitamins, but the specificity of our climate does not allow us to maintain immunity with vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables year-round.

Say, such an important element as iron can be obtained exclusively from vegetables and fruits (naturally, hematogen is the last century). So in the off-season it is necessary to introduce drugs in the form of artificial vitamins into food.

One such drug is FerroFolgamma. Its instruction belongs to the class of drugs that make up iron deficiency, as well as to multivitamins.

It is recommended to take the medication in the following cases:

  • prevention of anemia and deficiency of iron and certain vitamins in the body;

  • replenishment of folic acid in the body;

  • during pregnancy and lactation in order to prevent the occurrence of anemia or simply iron deficiency.

The drug "FerroFolgamma" during pregnancy is recommended to be taken starting from the 2nd or 3rd trimester, and not stopped until the end of breastfeeding. The fact is that the medicine contains folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, which is vital for the developing fetus, because prevents neural tube degeneration.

The drug is available in the form of gelatin capsules, which are enclosed in a blister. In one box of such blisters can be 2 or 5 pieces. The composition of each capsule:

  • ferrous sulfate (iron content is 37 mg);

  • folic acid in an amount of 5 mg;

  • cyanocobalamin up to 10 mcg;

  • ascorbic acid - 100 mg;

  • hard fat;

  • rapeseed oil ;

  • soya lecithin ;

  • gelatin;

  • 70% sorbitol solution;

  • red and black iron oxides ;

  • ethyl vanillin.

The instruction describes such a composition of the FerroFolgamma medicine as the best way to provide the body with the necessary substances to maintain iron levels, which, in turn, affects the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells and the general condition of the blood. Also, the incoming components have a beneficial effect on the formation of certain enzymes in the body.

Please note that the use of the preparation "FerroFolgamma" associates with some possible side effects:

  • gastrointestinal tract disorders, including pain and pain in the stomach, diarrhea and constipation;

  • allergy;

  • excessive excitability or, conversely, depression.

It is recommended to use the drug after meals in the following doses:

- for anemia - up to 2 capsules per day for up to 16 weeks;

- in case of iron deficiency caused by excessive intake of alcohol, various infections, polymenorrhea, take one capsule three times a day,

- with diarrhea, the number of doses should be increased up to 4 times.

During the intake of vitamins "FerroFolgamma" instruction warns about the possible staining of the stool in a dark color. This is completely normal, just in this way the undigested iron comes out.

As with any drug, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications before starting treatment with the FerroFolgma medication:

  • the drug should not be used for anemia caused by other reasons than iron deficiency directly;

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug should also cause refusal;

  • with excessive iron in the body, treatment with Ferro-Folgamma is strictly prohibited.

Information on the intake of FerroFolgamma by young mothers or pregnant women is often found on the Internet. The reviews are the most positive. Women note improvement in well-being, characterize the drug only as "balanced". Young mothers also note that this is the best drug available today (as doctors say to them anyway).

The information provided is for guidance only. Be attentive to your health, do not self-medicate.

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