Cooking a holiday dish - prune with beef

prunes with beef

There are many outstanding chefs in the world who create masterpieces from different types of meat, adding interesting seasonings, dried fruits and spirits for softness and piquancy. From this article, the housewives will learn how to make a festive dish from the available products - fragrant prunes with beef.

We do not use this kind of meat as often as, for example, chicken or pork. But in vain, because it is not only low-calorie and excellent for weight loss, but also rich in useful micro and macro elements, such as iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium. These substances help a person stay healthy and strong. Beef is allowed for baby food, it is low-fat and saturates the growing body with valuable vitamins.

That is why meat must be present in our diet. Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of prunes . It normalizes the intestinal tract, prevents dementia and fights against free radicals. Now prepare the prunes with beef. For the dish you need the following products:

how to cook beef with prunes

- loin portion of meat (500 g);

- prunes, preferably seedless (200 g);

- carrots, onions;

- ghee (50 g);

- tomato paste (20 g);

- black pepper, salt and parsley.

Now you will learn how to cook beef with prunes in a simple way. Rinse the meat, cut the film and cut it into small pieces. Onions finely chopped. Peel the carrots and cut into circles. Fry the meat in ghee until golden brown and transfer it to a separate container. In the same pan we pass the vegetables, then put the indicated amount of tomato paste to them and simmer for two minutes.

We shift beef slices to this mixture, fill with water (1/4 cup), season with spices and simmer for about an hour under the lid. Carefully monitor the fluid and add water if necessary. We wash the prunes, cut it into two parts and immerse in the pan for half an hour. Before turning off, add chopped greens. Beef prunes served with french fries or boiled rice.

cooking beef with prunes

We present to your attention another amazing recipe. Components for the dish:

- a kilogram of meat;

- red wine (400 ml);

- prune (200 g);

- pepper and salt to taste;

- garlic (3 cloves);

- cilantro, dill.

We start cooking beef with prunes with the preparation of meat: be sure to rinse in water, remove the film and fat. Cut the fillet into pieces no larger than 5 cm, spread in a deep container, pour wine (300 g) and leave to marinate for two hours in the cold. Prunes must be softened in hot water, and then pour the remaining wine and leave for 2 hours.

After the time has passed, fry the meat on both sides until a rosy color appears, salt, pepper, spread the pickled prunes, cover with a lid and simmer for an hour. 5 minutes before cooking, you need to squeeze the garlic into a stewpan and add greens. Prunes made with beef prepared in this way will surprise you with exquisite taste, juiciness and impeccable aroma.

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