Wasabi is seasoning and guarantee of longevity

As everyone knows, many Japanese live to a very advanced age. And it is hard to say which factors contribute to such longevity. They say that the consumption of wasabi by the Japanese plays an important role in this. Many know about this seasoning, many have tried it, but not everyone knows that wasabi is Japanese horseradish, and by no means mustard. Also, Japanese horseradish and our traditional are completely different plants, although both belong to the cabbage family.

wasabi is

In stores, wasabi horseradish is sold mainly in the form of green pasta. It is usually consumed with Japanese dishes such as sushi and sashimi. But it is worth noting that wasabi season other Japanese dishes. The main purpose with which this seasoning is added is to add spiciness to slightly dull Japanese dishes.

Most of the wasabi horseradish, which lies on store shelves, is grown on farms in artificial conditions in countries such as Canada, the USA, Taiwan, Australia, China and others. This horseradish grown in the garden is significantly inferior to the wild Japanese counterpart in brightness of taste. A real wasabi is the one that grew up in Japan in the highlands, on the banks of rivers with clear water. But to find real Japanese horseradish is very difficult, so the needs for this product are made up artificially.

horseradish wasabi

And if someone managed to get the root of Japanese horseradish, then he himself will be able to prepare seasoning from it. This is done quite simply. You need to take wasabi, clean it, grate from the top tip on the finest grater, making circular movements. But since wasabi root is a scarce product, this seasoning is most often made from powder.

Wasabi paste is made from a powder even easier than from a root. To do this, take a glass, put a teaspoon of powder in it, then add as much warm water, all this is quickly mixed. The result is a thick paste with a texture resembling clay. The glass should be turned on a flat plate. So it should stand for about 10 minutes. This is done so that the paste is slightly dried out and gets a more expressive taste. Also, for taste, soy sauce can be added to the powder. Thus, one serving of wasabi paste is obtained. It seems a bit, but you shouldn’t prepare this seasoning for the future. It is better to do it as much as you can eat at a time. Wasabi powder can be easily purchased in specialty stores or in departments specializing in Japanese cuisine. Moreover, it is well stored. This seasoning is served with any dishes of fish, meat, vegetables and rice. Also, without it, dishes such as rolls and sushi are unthinkable.

sushi wasabi

Wasabi is not only spicy and tasty seasoning. For many centuries, Japanese horseradish has been considered an antidote to food poisoning, which has now been proven by scientists. Wasabi also has a small diuretic effect and has antiseptic and fungicidal properties. Still Japanese horseradish is rich in antioxidants and serves as a source of polyphenols. These substances neutralize the effect of free radicals on the body. Wasabi is recommended for use in compresses to relieve myalgia, neuralgia and arthritis. But since Japanese horseradish stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, it is not recommended for gastric diseases.

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