"Polyfan": instructions for use, indications, active substance

At present, intoxications of various nature are being diagnosed more often in people, which is associated with unfavorable environmental conditions, work in hazardous workplaces, eating poor quality food, etc. In order to alleviate the condition of patients with poisoning in a short time, doctors prescribe “Polyfan” powder ". This is a modern enterosorbent of plant origin, the active component of which binds harmful compounds and contributes to their rapid elimination from the body.

Due to this, the symptoms of intoxication recede, and patients feel much better. A few years ago, in pharmacies, you could find a tool called "Polyfan." At present, it is being sold as Polyphepan.

Polyfan (Polyphepan)

Composition, release form

The active component of Polyfan is hydrolysis lignin. This is a natural substance that, when penetrated into the body, binds not only various pathogenic microorganisms, but also the products of their vital functions. In addition, the active ingredient contributes to the rapid removal from the gastrointestinal tract of salts of heavy metals, toxins (both endo- and exogenous nature), xenobiotics, ammonia, various allergens, radioactive isotopes and divalent cations.

According to the instructions for use, "Polyfan" has the following properties:

  • Enterosorbent.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Antidiarrheal. Regardless of the causes of diarrhea in adults, treatment should not be delayed. Doctors recommend taking Polifan as soon as possible. This will prevent the occurrence of dehydration.
  • Detoxification.
  • Hypolipidemic.
  • Complexing.

In addition, the active component compensates for the deficiency of dietary fiber in the body, which positively affects the intestinal microflora and strengthens nonspecific immunity. Against the background of taking "Polyfan" dysbiosis does not develop.

Externally, hydrolytic lignin is presented in the form of a loose powder of dark brown color. Mass to the touch is wet. The powder has no smell. The mass is packaged in 10 g, 100 g and 500 g in plastic bottles or bags of combined material. The latter along with the instruction are placed in packs of cardboard.

Brown powder

Indications and contraindications

The drug is always prescribed in order to remove various harmful compounds from the body.

Indications for use of "Polyfan":

  • Toxicosis of both exo and endogenous nature.
  • Acute intoxication caused by heavy metal salts, alcohol-containing drinks, alkaloids, medications and other poisons.
  • Renal and liver failure.
  • Treatment of pathologies, the course of which is accompanied by signs of intoxication (salmonellosis, dyspepsia, food poisoning, diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature, dysentery).
  • The presence of xenobiotics in the body.
  • Allergic reactions (both food and drug etiology).

According to the instructions for use, "Polyfan" is not prescribed to persons with a high degree of sensitivity to hydrolysis of lignin. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in ulcers, anacid gastritis and intestinal atony, proceeding in an acute form. After stopping the inflammatory process, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Indications for use

"Polyfan": instructions for use

You need to take the drug 1 hour before the meal. The powder must first be mixed in water (50-100 ml).

The daily dosage directly depends on the severity of the pathology, the patient's body weight, as well as the age of the latter. Unless the doctor has indicated otherwise, you must follow the instructions reflected in the annotation. According to the instructions for use, "Polyfan" should be taken three times a day. At the same time, per 1 kg of human body weight should account for up to 1 g of powder. Average dosages are indicated in the table.

AgeDosage (for 1 dose)
Babies0.5-1 tsp (no slide)
From 1 to 7 years2 tsp (no slide)
Children over 7 years old and adults1 tbsp. l

The duration of treatment in the presence of acute intoxication is from 3 to 5 days. In other cases, it can be increased up to 14 days. The course of treatment, if necessary, can be repeated after 2 weeks. However, in this case, the advisability of taking the drug should be evaluated only by the doctor.

According to the instructions for use, "Polyfan" should be taken 1 hour before the use of other medications. Ignoring this condition leads to a significant decrease in the degree of effectiveness of other drugs.

In a hospital setting, the drug can be injected directly into the gastrointestinal tract using a probe or drainage system. In this case, the powder is diluted in drinking water. Its amount depends on the area of ​​administration, it is calculated by the doctor.

In practice, the powder is used in gynecology. In this case, the mass must be diluted with water to the state of the paste. Then the product must be evenly distributed over the walls of the vagina. After that, it is necessary to introduce a swab for 12 hours. The course of treatment includes 10 procedures. In the presence of genital dysbiosis, the duration of therapy can be increased to 20 sessions. Procedures can be performed twice a day (every 12 hours) or 1 time per day.

Dosage regimen

Side effects

According to reviews, the tool is well tolerated by most patients. Currently, only a few cases of side effects have been recorded.

Against the background of admission, constipation or signs of an allergic reaction may appear. The presence of these conditions is not an occasion to consult a doctor. They pass independently after drug withdrawal.

If you take the product for longer than 20 days, the risk of calcium and vitamins malabsorption in the body increases significantly. In this regard, doctors recommend additionally taking all kinds of complexes.


The drug is not absorbed in the body. The active component is removed from it through the intestine in an unchanged form. In this regard, enterosorbent is considered not only effective, but also a safe means.

Powder bag


"Polyfan" is a herbal preparation, the active component of which contributes to the binding and speedy removal of toxic compounds from the body. The tool is absolutely harmless. It is excreted through the intestine unchanged. In this regard, the powder can be used to treat even infants.

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