A smear for analysis should be taken to women during pregnancy planning, during the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as when the third trimester of pregnancy occurs.
What does vaginal cleanliness mean?
The so-called Doderlein sticks, or vaginal bacilli, live in the vagina. This is the norm of a smear on the flora, because vaginal bacilli are constantly in the vagina of every healthy woman. Due to the influence of the vital products of vaginal bacilli, the formation of lactic acid occurs, as a result of which an acidic environment is present in this organ . A healthy woman with a clean vagina has no discharge, and there is no irritation or anxiety. Lactic acid does not create a negative effect on these bacilli and the mucous membrane, but it has the ability to destroy pathogens, so the vagina cleans itself. During gynecological diseases and in the climacteric period, lactic acid is produced in smaller quantities, so the environment in the vagina can change from acidic to alkaline, and this is the cause of the development of pathogenic flora.
Purity smear indicators
A swab for the degree of purity determines the presence of epithelial cells and white blood cells, the number of pathogenic microbes and vaginal bacilli, as well as the level of purity of the vagina. It should be noted that 24 hours before the procedure, it is necessary to completely exclude sexual contact, douching, as well as the use of vaginal creams and suppositories. About a couple of hours before taking a smear, you do not need to urinate.
Deciphering the value of the degree of purity of the smear
First degree smear for cleanliness
This is an optimal smear for cleanliness. Such a smear should be in every woman ideally. The first degree means that there are only Doderlein sticks and epithelial cells in the vagina . The environment in the vagina is acidic.
Second degree smear for cleanliness
A smear of the second degree is characterized by the content of a smaller number of Doderlein rods (vaginal bacilli), the presence of comma variabile bacteria and single leukocytes, as well as a large number of epithelial cells. The environment in the vagina is acidic. Such a smear for the degree of purity is considered normal, but one should not refuse the recommendations of the doctor and the prescribed treatment.
Third degree smear for cleanliness
A smear has a small number of vaginal bacilli, contains many cocci and pathogenic bacteria, as well as a large number of white blood cells. Such a smear on the degree of purity has a slightly alkaline reaction, a woman may experience itching, discharge, etc. The third degree of the smear on purity requires treatment by a gynecologist, since indicators indicate the presence of inflammatory processes.
Fourth degree smear for cleanliness
A smear of the fourth degree of purity indicates a neglected state of the vaginal environment, the absence of vaginal bacilli and the presence of all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms (cocci, trichomonads, etc.). Also in the smear there is a large number of white blood cells, characteristic of inflammation and the pathological process. With a fourth degree smear for cleanliness, serious medical treatment is required.
Each woman should take such an analysis as a smear for the degree of purity of the vagina 1-2 times during the year. Do not forget that the purity of the smear directly depends on the quality of the water in the reservoirs, the intensity of sexual activity, the cleanliness of partners, etc. Therefore, it is worth spending a little time and money to conduct an analysis in order to be calm, and subsequently have beautiful and healthy children.