Burning in the heart - a dangerous symptom and you must immediately consult a doctor.

According to the sad but truthful statistics, mortality from cardiovascular diseases is in first place among other causes of premature death due to the disease. The most formidable and often leading a patient to sudden and quick death heart disease is myocardial infarction. It is based on a spasm or blockage of the vessels that feed the heart muscle (coronary arteries) and, as a result, the death of a certain area of ​​the heart tissue.

One of the signs of an impending or already occurred myocardial infarction may be a burning sensation in the region of the heart - to the left in the chest. Moreover, it can occur even in people who are absolutely healthy in appearance, who have never been bothered by the heart before. The fact is that some conditions that ultimately lead to a violation of the blood circulation in the myocardium can develop imperceptibly for the time being, and only in the final stage they can suddenly give a sore heart. Such, for example, is arteriosclerosis of blood vessels resulting from elevated cholesterol. The person doesn’t feel the increase in cholesterol figures at all, but his vessels feel it, including the cardiac arteries, in which this harmful cholesterol is deposited on the walls in the form of “plaques”. While their sizes are small, the process proceeds unnoticed. The danger is that cholesterol plaques can suddenly be injured and come off, causing thrombosis - and this is the onset of myocardial infarction. And one of the first manifestations of the impending catastrophe is precisely burning in the region of the heart. This is especially true for men over 45 years of age, since it is they who most often observe such a “hidden” development of the pathological development of the process. This is due to certain hormonal changes that occur in the body at this age.

If plaques grow gradually, then the lumen of the vessels also overlaps gradually. In this case, usually diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD). The insidiousness of this disease lies, first of all, in the fact that at any moment it can be complicated by myocardial infarction, which causes an acute burning sensation in the heart and the sudden death of the patient.

So, if suddenly a burning sensation appeared in the region of the heart, radiating to the left hand (irradiation of pain), numbness of the fingers of the left hand, general weakness and dizziness, profuse sweat, it is urgent to take 1-2 tablets of nitroglycerin under the tongue and take a reclining position with an elevated position upper body and immediately call an ambulance.

If a person complained of a burning sensation in the region of the heart, and then suddenly suddenly lost consciousness, then the people around him should be ready to give him all possible assistance, because everyone can be in his place. In the absence of a pulse on the carotid artery, which is determined on the front surface of the neck on the left or on the right and wide pupils that do not respond to light, simultaneously with calling an ambulance it is necessary to do an indirect heart massage. Even one person who does not own any equipment may well carry it out. The main thing is not to get confused in a similar situation. The person lying on their back is simply pressed on the left edge of the chest, approximately 2-3 cm to the left of the sternum so that the chest is compressed 5-7 cm. After every 16-18 clicks, two breaths of artificial respiration must be taken to maintain a minimum level of oxygen in the blood . Better, of course, if resuscitation measures are carried out (which is exactly what it is called in the language of medicine) there will be two people, but in the absence of such an opportunity one can cope. Resuscitation measures must be carried out either before the pulse and constriction of the pupils, or before the arrival of the medical team.

The precise implementation of such an algorithm of actions can save a person’s life, in such a situation it is the first minutes of assistance that are important, when a person can still be brought out of a state of clinical death, and he has every chance of life.

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