Fatigue Leg Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

Many people complain that they always feel tired in their legs. And often it appears for no apparent reason. Fatigue syndrome is a common occurrence. To cope with it, it is necessary to identify the causes, and only then the doctor can prescribe treatment.


This disease is also called restless legs syndrome. Modern medicine has not identified the exact causes of the development of the problem. But it is believed that the causes of tired legs syndrome are associated with ailments of the nervous system. In this case, treatment of the underlying disease is required. The causes of heaviness in the legs of women are usually associated with inappropriate shoes or heavy exercise. Often ailment appears from:

  • some drugs;
  • physical activity, constant fatigue;
  • excessive consumption of drinks and foods in caffeine;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • nervous disorders, depression, stress;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pathologies of the spine and spinal cord;
  • damage to the kidneys or liver;
  • operations on various internal organs;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • porphyria;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.
tired legs syndrome

The list is quite large and diverse, often the ailment appears during a normal pregnancy due to iron deficiency anemia, lack of magnesium, strong excitability, changes in hormonal levels. Therefore, during the examination, the help of several doctors is required. Depending on the cause, the symptoms of tired legs syndrome differ.

Sometimes there are several provoking factors. Even uncomfortable shoes can lead to this syndrome. Therefore, it is very important to wear something that does not cause discomfort. Many women wear high heels for the sake of beauty. In this case, you should pick up something more practical. Excessive load on the legs also leads to the syndrome.

Treatment methods depend on the cause of the syndrome. For example, if it’s all about vitamin deficiency, it is necessary to fill the lack of vitamins with the help of products and special pharmacy complexes. Then the state will be restored. And if it's all about nervous disorders, then first you should normalize your overall health.


Fatigue syndrome usually appears at night. The main symptom is involuntary rhythmic muscle contraction. Hands can also move. Whatever the causes of heaviness in the legs of women, several unpleasant symptoms may occur.

what to do if leg hurts

At the initial stage of the disease, the appearance of:

  • tingling in the legs;
  • sensations of "moving goose bumps";
  • pressure in the calves or knees;
  • desire to move and move legs to eliminate discomfort.

At first, a person does not attach importance to these signs and associates them not with a disease, but with fatigue. But the discomfort intensifies, pains and cramps occur, the ailment reaches the stage when there is no restful sleep. Unpleasant sensations make it difficult to sleep. The person will be irritable, nervous, tired, because he does not rest fully.

If the cause is an internal organ disease, the symptoms are supplemented by pain in that part of the body that is affected by the underlying ailment. Signs of tired legs syndrome may disappear when a person moves, but intensifies at rest.


Restless legs syndrome is divided into 2 types:

  1. Idiopathic syndrome. This phenomenon has not been fully studied, but it is believed that the disease more often occurs in young patients under 30 years of age. There is no connection with concomitant diseases. This syndrome is observed in humans throughout life, periods of remission and exacerbations alternate. The ailment arises from a genetic predisposition, pathologies of the nervous system, psychological effects.
  2. Symptomatic Syndrome. It is considered a consequence of another ailment. It can be eliminated if you get rid of the reason. Pathology occurs with anemia, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, joint diseases.

Symptomatic syndrome is more commonly observed after 40 years. Most of all, women are affected by it during pregnancy. The disease appears among 16% of pregnant women. There is an assumption that it may be transmitted in utero.


The syndrome of tired legs at an early stage is detected by a comprehensive examination. The establishment of a cause is required in order to rule out false factors. Everything is complicated by the fact that leg movements can interfere with a person’s sleep, but for a long time he doesn’t even know about the disease.

heaviness in the legs causes in women

Usually, signs are found by those who are near a sick person. They pay attention to movements and twitches, decreased activity, irritability. If suspicious symptoms are detected, then polysomnography is performed. The procedure allows you to record all the movements of a person during sleep. Then the records are analyzed, which allows to identify whether there is a syndrome.

A blood test is also performed to determine the cause. For iron and magnesium, the presence of the syndrome is detected. Be sure to check the thyroid gland.


What to do if leg hurts? Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If the syndrome appeared after surgery, the supervision of a neurologist and surgeon is required. And if the cause is alcoholism, drug addiction, you need the help of a narcologist and a psychotherapist.

Be sure to prescribe the following funds:

  1. Soothing drops or tablets, antidepressants - Novopassit.
  2. Painkillers, if the disease is in advanced form.
  3. Anticonvulsants.

If the symptoms are severe, then serious drugs are used. Treatment of the syndrome of tired legs is performed with the help of Mirapeks, Nozepam, Alprozole. The dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor, since these are antidepressants with a strong effect.

It is advisable not to use sleeping pills, as they euthanize a person until the morning. They also lead to addiction, habit, but do not cure the underlying ailment. Constantly using sleeping pills, the patient leads to a deterioration in mental state. Over time, the dosage increases, which negatively affects health.

At home

What to do if leg hurts? At home, the symptoms are reduced:

  • physiotherapy - massage, acupuncture;
  • medical gymnastics;
  • strict adherence to the regime.

For the treatment of the syndrome, proper nutrition is required. It is required to obtain not only vitamins, but also minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium). But this does not mean that you should overeat, on the contrary, excess weight exacerbates the condition. Extra pounds must be eliminated and do not eat heavy, fatty foods at night.

tired foot syndrome treatment

During pregnancy, if there is this syndrome, you need to take a multivitamin complex and eat fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products. It is important that the menu is varied. Meat can be consumed, but only boiled. There is a lot of caffeine in chocolate, so pastries and weaknesses with this product are better not to eat.

Although hospitalization is not necessary with such treatment, sometimes it is advisable to take therapy in a hospital, because subject to the regimen and physiotherapy, self-discipline is required. You should tune in to long-term treatment.

Shoe selection

Since shoes are important for foot comfort, you should choose them correctly. This will prevent fatigue and other unpleasant sensations. When buying shoes should consider these rules:

  1. It is advisable to wear a low wide heel.
  2. Hard backs are needed.
  3. The sole and heel should be made of materials that provide cushioning and softening the pressure on the sole.
  4. You should choose a wide and deep shape of the sock.
  5. The platform distributes the weight evenly and supports the entire foot.
tired legs syndrome symptoms

In comfortable shoes, a soft insole with which the natural shape of the foot is maintained. Do not choose synthetics. Genuine leather or suede insoles are most preferred as they protect against corns.

It is better to choose shoes with backs that fit snugly to the foot. It must be measured before purchase. You should not buy shoes that you need to "wear". And if the product is bought through the Internet, you need to ask questions about the return.

Folk remedies

Effective use of medicinal herbs and plants with a calming effect:

  • valerian root;
  • peony tincture;
  • motherwort;
  • oregano;
  • hop.
uncomfortable shoes

But during pregnancy it is forbidden to arbitrarily apply infusion and decoctions. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to use a simple recipe: fresh honey is mixed in the same amount with apple cider vinegar. The finished product is applied to the legs, after which a hand massage or massager is performed. After this, the legs need to be washed with water. This mixture is taken orally in the morning on an empty stomach, but previously diluted with warm water. For 1 liter of honey and vinegar, 100-120 ml of water is required.

Using ordinary baths, you can eliminate the pain and other symptoms of the syndrome. The temperature is selected individually. Hot water is suitable for some people and warm for others. Perform baths preferably at night.

Effective procedures

At home, you can follow measures that reduce symptoms:

  1. It is necessary to adjust the sleep mode - to go to bed and get up at the same time. If there are neuropsychiatric disorders, the doctor definitely recommends training the mind.
  2. Exercise is effective. The main thing is that the load be moderate. During the day and before going to bed, you need to do exercise therapy, walk. Pilates, swimming, yoga, stretching classes are suitable. And with very active sports, the symptoms can intensify, so running, jumping, football are contraindicated.
  3. Contrast douches are useful. To do this, cold and hot water alternates.
  4. At home you need to do interesting things. It can be drawing, knitting, reading. Thanks to the concentration of removal, the stress is relieved.
  5. You need to regularly perform foot massage. with the help of grinding it will reduce unpleasant sensations and facilitate falling asleep.

Sleep better in cotton socks. It is believed that socks made of sheep's wool are useful.

How to prevent?

This disease can not be completely cured. Prevention of tired legs syndrome is to quit smoking and alcohol. It is necessary to play sports, to think positively, to remain calm, not to bring matters to depression.

tired foot syndrome causes

There is no consensus on how to eliminate unpleasant night attacks. Everyone uses his methods. But as a preventive measure, it is required:

  • exclude late dinner;
  • To do yoga;
  • to swim;
  • take vitamins in spring and autumn;
  • often take breaks in work;
  • walk before bedtime;
  • walk in cotton clothes.

Idiopathic syndrome is manifested by a slow increase in symptoms. But its course is uneven, there may be periods of remission and exacerbation of symptoms. The latter appear from severe stress, stress, caffeinated products, pregnancy. 15% of patients have long-term remissions. With the right treatment, you can reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.


Thus, if the legs are constantly sore, then this may not be just banal fatigue. The reason for this condition is capable of hiding in some kind of ailment. To alleviate the condition, you must urgently consult a doctor.

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