In the article, we consider the causes of a groin rash in men.
The skin in this place is hypersensitive. Quite often, it is subjected to irritation and rubbing. In addition, the inguinal region is the site of localization of a number of diseases. Phenomena such as a rash and itching in the groin area cause severe discomfort and, when neglected, can lead to pathological changes and complications. A rash in the groin and redness in men can indicate an infectious lesion of the body, in particular, oncological or sexually transmitted diseases. Such symptoms should not be ignored, they require a specialist visit to conduct a qualified diagnosis and prescribe therapy, which will be aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the causes of their appearance.
Causes of rash
Various factors can cause a rash in the groin and redness in men. This can be both wearing uncomfortable clothes rubbing the skin, and an allergic reaction to the use of hygiene products. In addition, similar symptoms are characteristic of acute infectious and chronic diseases.
The most common causes of skin rashes in the groin in men include the following:
1. Inconvenient, close or sewn from coarse fabrics linen.
2. Increased sweating.
3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, as well as the use of allergy-causing products.
4. Dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, candidiasis, dermatitis, etc.
5. STDs, namely syphilis.
6. Overweight.
7. Diabetes mellitus.
8. Stress and neurosis.
9. Long-term use of antibiotic drugs.
10. The decrease in the protective properties of the body.
Unsuitable underwear
The most common and harmless to the patientβs health cause of redness and a rash in the groin is wearing unsuitable underwear. Synthetic tissues can also cause skin irritation. This is especially true in the hot season, when there is a high probability of developing hyperhidrosis (increased sweating).
Dermatitis as a cause of a rash
Dermatitis in the groin in men can develop under the influence of various groups of factors, including biological, mechanical and chemical. The most common of these are:
1. Allergic reactions to hygiene products.
2. Wearing underwear made of synthetic fabrics.
3. Diseases of an infectious origin.
4. Diabetes mellitus often causes a rash in the groin area.
Perianal dermatitis
Another type of dermatitis that affects the inguinal region is called perianal and is initially manifested by inflammation of the skin around the anus. Similar symptoms later spread to the groin and perineum. The reasons for this phenomenon are:
1. Pathology of the rectum.
2. Disorders in the intestinal microflora.
3. Prolonged diarrhea.
4. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
5. Non-observance of personal hygiene.
6. Incontinence of feces or urine.
7. The inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract.
8. Infection through damage to the skin in the anus.
9. Jeep syndrome, as a rule, is inherent in drivers.
10. AIDS and HIV.
11. Long-term therapy with hormonal or antibacterial drugs.
Another common cause of a rash in the groin in men is seborrheic dermatitis. This disease worsens in the autumn-winter period and is characterized by the appearance of a small-point rash that causes itching.
Infectious diseases
Erythrasma is an infection of a bacterial origin that is part of a number of pseudomycotic diseases. The causative agent is conditionally pathogenic and can latently dwell on the skin. The conditions for the development of erythrasma can be:
1. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
2. Rubbing the skin.
3. Increased sweating.
In addition, sexual intercourse with an infected person can become the cause of infection. Erythrasma can be recognized by large, uninflamed spots of pale brown or red color. Its surface is smooth or rough, scaly, while all this is not accompanied by itching. Consider a few more reasons for a groin rash.
Lichen planus
It is also an infectious disease that leads to inflammation in the groin in men. Rashes are small reddish shiny nodules that have a hollow in the center. This disease proceeds in a chronic form. Factors that can provoke the appearance of lichen are a decrease in immunity, metabolic disorders, etc.
Other factors leading to the appearance of lichen are:
1. Genetic predisposition.
2. Allergy.
3. Infection with a virus.
4. Stress and neurosis.
Red lichen in terms of the nature of the rashes is similar to syphilitic. However, there are several significant differences, namely:
1. The shape of the spots is irregular, polygonal.
2. Deepening in the central part of the nodule.
3. There are no hemorrhages.
4. The surface of the rash in the groin in men is fine-mesh.
Psoriasis and syphilis
The development of psoriasis, which is localized in the inguinal region in men, is facilitated by the maturation and death of cells in an accelerated form. Factors affecting the occurrence of psoriasis are:
1. Genetic predisposition.
2. Stress of a chronic nature.
3. Damage to the nervous system.
Psoriasis of the inguinal region is characterized by the appearance of smooth reddish plaques. Over time, they peel off and crack, which causes soreness and itching.
Rashes of red color in the groin area in men can also be an external manifestation of syphilis. This is a sexually transmitted disease. In advanced cases, syphilis leads to damage to all tissues and death.
The second stage of syphilis is characterized by pale rashes in the groin area. In addition to the rash, which further spreads throughout the body, the patient has signs such as headaches, hyperthermia, aches, etc. With the onset of secondary syphilis, the rashes are combined into large white spots.
This disease is dangerous because rashes tend to appear and disappear. They alternate with other symptoms, and periods of remission often ensue. Syphilis can be in this condition for a long time, alternating periods of exacerbation with the attenuation of symptoms. If you do not consult a doctor on time and do not start treatment, the disease goes to the final stage and the patient suffers a painful death.
Photos of a rash in the groin in men are diverse, as are the causes of this phenomenon.
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis, like treatment, is carried out depending on the nature of the manifestations of the disease. When appointing a survey, factors such as the localization of the rashes, the timing of the appearance, the type and nature of the rash, etc.
When the relevant studies, including laboratory ones, have been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been established, treatment is prescribed. It is aimed not only at eliminating the rash as a symptom, but also at treating the causes of such manifestations.
If the cause of rash in the inguinal region in men is external exposure, it is necessary to get rid of skin-irritating underwear or to change hygiene products and conduct local drug therapy. For this purpose, the following drugs are used:
1. "Bepanthol." Quickly restores damaged skin, dries wounds and scuffs.
2. "Desitin." It forms a protective film on the surface of the rash, which speeds up the recovery and healing process. In addition, the cream prevents the harmful effects of urine and sweat on the affected skin.
3. "Drapolen." It softens and soothes the skin. It is an antiseptic.
4. "Lamisil." Adversely affects infectious fungi of all types.
5. "Pantestin." It stops the spread of infection, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
6. Ointment based on zinc. Relieves itching and redness, dries the skin.
Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, since therapy is selected taking into account the diagnosis.
We looked at the causes of a groin rash in men. Photos in medical publications will help distinguish one form from another.