Nasopharynx pain: symptoms, causes, medical advice, treatment and prevention

Painful sensations in the nasopharynx always signal inflammatory processes in it. This body passes through itself daily more than 10 thousand liters of air, it is heated, cleansed, moisturized and disinfected. Most of the harmful microorganisms die, but some of them enter the body and lead to illness. Pain in the nasopharynx usually indicates inflammatory processes caused by infection of the respiratory system, hearing and the oral cavity.

Why does the nasopharynx hurt?

Most often, pain in the throat can be caused by:

  • infection - of a viral, bacterial and fungal nature;
  • hypothermia;
  • increased load on the vocal cords;
  • allergic reactions to air pollution, food, drugs;
  • mechanical damage - injuries by a foreign body, food;
  • stressful situations, emotional disorders;
  • abuse of smoking and drugs.

In addition, pathological changes in the thyroid gland or the occurrence of neoplasms can be the causes of pain in the nasopharynx.

Symptoms of a sore throat

In various diseases, the following symptoms are characteristic of the inflammatory process in the nasal and oral cavity:

  • unpleasant sensations in the larynx, expressed by burning, tickling, itching, pain when swallowing, dryness;
  • increased salivation;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes and nasal congestion;
  • concentration in the nasal cavity of mucus or pus;
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • the appearance of a cough or a barking, dry cough.
pain in the nasopharynx when swallowing

In connection with pains in the nasopharynx, an increase in body temperature often occurs, the general condition is disturbed, an increase in submandibular lymph nodes is possible. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor for medical help.

Pathogens causing nasopharyngeal diseases

Nasopharyngeal diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Treatment in each case is carried out using different groups of drugs. Diseases caused by viruses are treated with antiviral drugs, and immunomodulators are also used. When infected with a fungal infection, anti-candidiasis drugs are used. It is impossible to improve the well-being of a viral and fungal infection by taking antibiotics. They will only do harm by eliminating the beneficial bacteria in the intestines. If bacteria provoked the disease, then antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. It can be very difficult to figure out how to treat pain in the nasopharynx itself. Therefore, if it occurs, you must consult a doctor so that he makes the correct diagnosis and prescribes the necessary treatment.


Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Often, it develops with acute rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis and tracheitis. Its causative agent can be viruses, bacteria and fungi. When a disease occurs:

  • sore and dry throat;
  • redness and swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • dry cough;
  • pain in the nasopharynx when swallowing;
  • weakness, headache;
  • enlarged lymph nodes: submandibular and cervical;
  • fever.
sore throat nasopharynx

The disease can be acute and chronic. During treatment, medications are prescribed depending on the causative agent of the disease. Be sure to consult a doctor.


Laryngitis is a disease associated with inflammation of the larynx and vocal cords. Often occurs during SARS. Sometimes the causative agents of the disease are streptococcus bacteria or staphylococci. Laryngitis can provoke dustiness of the room, smoking, overstrain of the vocal cords, irritation of the mucous membrane with hot food, allergic reactions. With allergic laryngitis, laryngeal edema occurs, causing shortness of breath and a threat to the patient's life. Especially the disease is dangerous for children. With the disease, dryness and sore throat occurs, pain in the nasopharynx when swallowing, a hoarse voice, a barking cough, which subsequently softens and sputum begins to separate, swelling occurs, but the temperature rarely rises. When treating, the cause of the disease is eliminated first. The patient is prescribed warm drinking, gargling, alkaline inhalations, warm foot baths, physiotherapy is used.


Tonsillitis is a disease manifested by inflammation of the tonsils. Most often it is bacterial in nature and is caused by streptococci, but less often viruses and fungi can be the causative agent. The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • increased body temperature up to 39 degrees and above;
  • sharp pain when swallowing;
  • paroxysmal cough;
  • muscle soreness;
  • headache;
  • redness of the tonsils;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

For the treatment of pain in the nasopharynx it is necessary:

  • Observe bed rest.
  • Gargle with alkaline solutions up to 6 times a day.
  • Drink more warm fluid to relieve pain and remove toxins from the body.
  • Make inhalations using decoctions of herbs.
  • Mandatory use of antibiotics if tonsillitis is caused by streptococcal infection.

An improperly treated acute form of the disease becomes chronic.

Adenoiditis in childhood

Adenoiditis is a disease associated with inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils. This pathology affects children, mainly under the age of 7 years, with the growth of adenoids caused by frequent colds and weakened immunity. The acute form of adenoiditis begins with intoxication and a rise in temperature, the appearance of an obsessive cough. Babies are anxious, often can not suckle due to lack of nasal breathing. In older children, the throat does not hurt, and pain in the nasopharynx clogged with viscous sputum is present. They complain of bad hearing and pain in the ears, giving to the head.

severe pain in the nasopharynx

The voice becomes nasal, the cough intensifies, the occipital, submandibular and posterior cervical lymph nodes increase. If symptoms occur, consult a doctor and get recommendations for the treatment of adenoiditis. Otherwise, the acute form will become chronic, in which the child becomes lethargic, indifferent, he has reduced attention, memory and school performance. For treatment, antibiotics Amoxicillin, Ospen, Augmentin, drops in the nose, Collargol, Protargol, Nazonex, which are instilled after washing the nasopharynx, are prescribed. Vitamins are used to strengthen immunity.

Pain in the nasopharynx without fever

Not so rare are cases when the throat hurts, and the temperature is not elevated. There are three versions that explain the lack of temperature in colds:

  1. An infection that has already occurred before has got to a person with strong immunity, it is not perceived by the body as dangerous and does not require the development of protective forces.
  2. Often sick people have weakened immunity and the body does not have the strength to fight the infection. In this case, severe weakness appears due to intoxication. Urgent medical help is needed.
  3. According to the latest version of the patient, a completely unfamiliar virus attacks, which the body encounters for the first time. Urgent consultation with a doctor will help to cope with the disease.
nasopharyngeal pain than to treat

You can determine a cold at normal temperature by the following symptoms:

  • the presence of a runny nose;
  • redness and sore throat;
  • cough;
  • body aches;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out his appointment.

How to get rid of pain in the nasopharynx?

With pain in the throat, regardless of the pathogen, the following measures are taken to alleviate the symptoms:

  • Hot, cold and spicy foods that irritate the sore throat are necessarily excluded.
  • Ventilation of the room and humidification of air in it are systematically carried out.
  • A large amount of fluid is used.
  • The patient’s conversations are limited so as not to strain the vocal cords and not to irritate the throat.
  • It is advisable that the patient quit smoking or limit the number of cigarettes smoked.
  • At temperatures exceeding 38 degrees, antipyretic drugs are taken: "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol".
  • Taking antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents, depending on the pathogen, as prescribed by the doctor.
    pain in the nasopharynx without fever
  • The use of local therapy to relieve swelling and irritation in the nasopharynx includes frequent rinsing and rinsing of the nose, the use of Ingalipt, Stopangin, Hexoral sprays and absorbable tablets: Pharyngosept, Septolete, Strepsils.

All this will help relieve symptoms and greatly alleviate the condition.

Rinse nose

In diseases of the nasopharynx, one of the important procedures is washing the nose, which allows you to clear it of mucus and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. To do this, use:

  • boiled water with the addition of a teaspoon of sea, table salt or drinking soda;
  • decoctions of chamomile, sage, calendula;
  • saline;
  • preparations "Aqua Maris", "Aqualor".

Before washing into a non-breathing nose, it is necessary to instill the vasoconstrictor drops "Sanorin" or "Naphthyzin" and wait until it breathes.

nasopharyngeal pain treatment

You can rinse with a syringe, a syringe without a needle or a teapot:

  • bend over the sink and enter the solution into the nostril, which is located above;
  • with good patency, the solution flows through the second nostril;
  • open your mouth during washing because part of the liquid will spill out through it.

After washing the nostrils, you need to blow your nose. All actions are performed from the second nostril. The solution should be warm, body temperature.


Severe nasopharyngeal pain will decrease if you constantly gargle. For this, Miramistin, Furatsilin, Chlorophyllipt, and saline, which have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, are quite suitable as pharmacy antiseptic drugs. In addition, solutions are prepared at home, using:

  • Potassium permanganate - dissolve several crystals in a glass of water, so that the solution turns pink.
  • Boric acid - dissolve a teaspoon in a glass of boiled water, you can add a little baking soda, mix everything.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - add a teaspoon to a glass of warm water.
  • Soda and salt - add a teaspoon per liter of water, mix everything.
pain in the nasopharynx throat does not hurt

When the procedure is performed regularly, the symptoms of the disease quickly disappear.

Preventive actions

Protecting yourself from pain in the nasopharynx is completely unrealistic, but it is possible to minimize the risk. To do this, you must:

  • Eat properly. In your diet more include foods containing various vitamins and minerals, this will help the use of vegetables, fruits and various herbs. Low-fat meat and fish should not be ruled out; dairy products are mandatory. The more varied the menu, the more essential nutrients the body will receive.
  • Lead a mobile lifestyle. Daily walks, simple physical exercises strengthen the body.
  • Conduct humidification. Dry air causes pain in the throat and nasopharynx, microtraumas of the mucous membranes occur, where pathogens are populated. In winter, a room fountain or a damp towel on a heating battery will improve the microclimate in the apartment.
  • Take vitamin complexes. Be sure to use vitamins and minerals sold in pharmacies several times a year.
  • Stop smoking. Harmful substances contained in cigarettes adversely affect the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • Wash your hands more often. Many pathogens enter the mouth with dirty hands.
  • Dress for the weather. Hypothermia provokes various colds.


The nasopharynx is an organ that combines the upper respiratory tract into a single system. The main function of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and adenoids is the retention of the pathogenic flora at the entrance to the body. A large number of blood vessels, which are located in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, warm the air passing into the respiratory tract. And the hairs located at the entrance to the nasal opening, and small fibers on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx retain the dust and, together with the secret, bring it out. Pain in the nasopharynx may indicate violations of these important processes.

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