"Ipecacuana": homeopathy, purpose, form of release, administration features, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

People get sick so often and so much that pharmaceutical companies will always thrive. But we must give them their due: they supply the market with a huge assortment of all kinds of medicines, so there is always something to choose from. In a series of conventional medicines, homeopathic remedies stand apart. And among them there is one called Ipecacuana. About homeopathy and "Ipecacuan" we will tell in more detail below.

What is homeopathy?

It must be said right away that homeopathy is the subject of fierce debate in the scientific community, and many luminaries of medicine do not consider it to be science at all, calling it fraud and quackery. But first things first.

The word "homeopathy" comes from the Greek language and literally means "a similar disease." Such a translation corresponds to the essence of homeopathy - to put it more or less briefly and in simple words, then this is a form of alternative, otherwise complementary (translated from English - additional) medicine. The methods of such medicine are non-drug and non-surgical methods of treatment. These are all kinds of massages, extrasensory perception, aromatherapy and so on. Homeopathy is also one of them.

This type of alternative treatment consists in the fact that people take minimal doses of such a substance that a healthy person, if you take a large (more simply, normal) dosage, will cause symptoms of the disease that he suffers from. Thanks to this, the patient is recovering. In other words, this treatment according to the principle of "wedge with wedge ," "like heal like." It is widely known, for example, the practice when a sore throat is treated with ice cream - the same story here.

According to some reports, clinical trials did not confirm the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies; many believe that in this case there is simply a placebo effect (a sincere and strong belief in a person that after taking this drug he will recover). That is why around homeopathy and its preparations for many years, decades, debate has not subsided.

The difference between homeopathic remedies and conventional drugs

What is the essence of homeopathy, sorted out. The difference between homeopathic medicines and "real" medicines is that in the manufacture of the former they use a variety of substances of both animal or plant and mineral origin. They are bred in a special solvent - and not once, but tens, or even hundreds. Sometimes it also happens that in the resulting homeopathic remedy there can be no drop or crumbs of the active substance. As a solvent, either water or a sugar solution is usually used. Before diluting the substance, the container with the solvent is shaken, and so every time, no matter how many times it was diluted. By the way, to understand how many times this substance has been diluted, a special labeling helps: the Latin letter D (sometimes instead of X stands for it) stands for decimal dilution, and the letter C stands for hundredth. After the letter is a number (sometimes in front). For example, D5 will mean ten to the fifth degree - that is how many times this drug has been diluted (that is, one hundred thousand times). And if there is a marking on the product, for example, C30, it means one hundred and thirty degrees, and so on.

In which cases are homeopathic remedies prescribed

First of all, you need to remember that in our country it is forbidden to everyone to prescribe homeopathic remedies. This can only be done by a qualified doctor who has completed a course of homeopathy and has the appropriate certificate as confirmation. He can prescribe a similar remedy to the patient in the following cases:

  1. If the disease is acute, that is, it started suddenly, and emergency treatment is required - then a homeopathic medicine is taken for several hours or a couple of days.
  2. If the disease is seasonal and has a relapse, this is, for example, the case with allergies.
  3. With skin diseases.

Homeopathy medicines: Ipecacuana

So we got close to the drug with such an interesting name. It is named for the plant from which, in fact, is produced. Ipecacuana is a small herbaceous shrub, the second name of which is not so poetic - the emetic root. As an emetic, Ipecac and acts - but in large quantities; in small doses, this plant has a medicinal effect when coughing - it is used as an expectorant in the form of a decoction, infusion or powder.

The drug "Ipecacuan" is in the latter case and is used. Do not forget that this is a homeopathic remedy, that is, diluted, which means that you should definitely not be afraid of the vomiting effect.

Types of homeopathic remedies

Ipecacuanas have many forms: syrup, granules, decoction, tincture or powder. The latter, in combination with milk sugar, is used for rubbing the body, or rather, the affected part. The broth is prepared, of course, in water - or rather, in boiling water; he should be infused for ten to fifteen minutes. The tincture is made as follows: the root is turned into powder and soaked in a seventy-degree alcohol solution.

Ipecacuan drug

What broth, that infusion, that powder - these forms of "Ipecac", rather, relate to home use. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can often find only syrup and a granular version of the drug.

Pharmacological action

Whatever form the above preparation is, it is made in any case from the root of Ipecac. The roots of the plant contain malic and citric acid, alkaloids, phytosterol and so on, due to which the properties of the plant include the ability to thin the sputum - and therefore it is no wonder that the homeopathic remedy based on them has an excellent expectorant effect.

Ipecacuan in homeopathy: indications for use

So, two actions are ipecac, depending on the dosage: expectorant and emetic. When can a similar drug be prescribed by a specialist?


Firstly, of course, in chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system, which are inflammatory in nature and are accompanied by a discharge of sputum, it is not always easy. In addition to sputum, with the help of Ipecac, they treat whooping cough, laryngitis of various shapes, shortness of breath. If the dilution of the drug is higher, then Ipecac can be used in homeopathy in order to eliminate hay fever, typhoid, bleeding and hemorrhage, including uterine, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and so on. In some cases, the use of ipecac is also acceptable for the treatment of problems associated with the eyes. And among the indications for ipecacuan in homeopathy are migraine and photophobia. That's how widespread the use of this homeopathic remedy is! It is only important to adhere to the prescribed dosage of "Ipecacuana" (usually prescribed by the doctor in each case and depending on the form in which the patient is going to take ipecacuana). And then the effect will not take long.

Contraindications Ipecac

With the indications for Ipecac in homeopathy, everything is clear. But in fact, although this is not a traditional medicine, Ipecacuanha should have contraindications. It really is. However, there are not so many cases where the aforementioned homeopathic remedy is not approved.

Ipecac Roots

Firstly, it should not be taken by those people who have an individual intolerance to the drug (or any of its components), and secondly, to pregnant women and nursing mothers, despite the fact that it is usually with homeopathic remedies that these categories of citizens are allowed to be treated . Probably, the ban on the use of "Ipecac" by future and real young mothers is due to the possible emetic effect of the above funds and the weakness of the body that occurs after this, as well as severe nausea accompanying the emetic effect. By the way, it is for the latter reason that Ipecacuana as an emetic is now practically not prescribed. In addition, it is doubtful the appointment of "Ipecac" when coughing babies until they reach one year of age.

Side effects and overdose

Like any other drug, even of homeopathic origin, Ipecacuana has its own side effects. One of them has already been mentioned above, and more than once: even intended for the treatment of cough, in large doses of Ipecacuan can cause vomiting and subsequent nausea, weakness, dizziness. Another side effect that can occur as a result of an overdose is muscle soreness. Among other things, problems with the activity of both the cardiovascular and nervous systems can begin. It is also important to know that if the specified powder gets on the skin, it will cause irritation and a rash. If you accidentally inhale it, you can get a light burn of the mucous membrane, and an uncontrollable cough, which will be difficult to stop, will be provided. Also among the side effects of the drug are increased salivation, diarrhea, skin reactions, including allergic ones.

Granules: briefly about the method of application

First, we will talk in granules Ipecacuanas - after all, it is they who are most often found in pharmacies. In the instructions for the use of "Ipecacuana" granular it is said that you need to take a homeopathic remedy three to four times a day at once, eight pieces at a time. These manipulations should be undertaken every time before eating, about thirty minutes, or, if they forgot to do it before eating, then after it - but not less than an hour later. The course of treatment, according to the instructions "Ipecacuanas", should be at least three weeks, and preferably a month. Then you need to take a short break, after which any supportive therapy will be good. The instruction also warns: if an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease appears, it is necessary to interrupt the treatment for a week, and if the remedy does not have any desired effect, you should contact your doctor with this question.

A few words about syrup

The effect that Ipecacuana has on the human body has been repeatedly emphasized above: either an expectorant or emetic. Thanks to the last effect, Ipecacuana syrup is very often used to eliminate poisoning and its symptoms. This, in general, is not surprising: not only homeopathic, but also traditional medicines, which are recommended to drink in case of poisoning, have a similar effect (for example, Enterosgel). I drank the remedy, it caused vomiting, the stomach became empty, it became easier: the system is approximately the same. Since many ordinary medicines are forbidden for children under a certain age (usually up to twelve to fourteen years old), but no one, including children, is able to avoid a life of poisoning, the Ipecacuana syrup is perfect for them to help cope with this a problem.

Emetic effect

However, this remedy also has its opponents, pointing to the disadvantages of the drug. So, for example, the emetic effect does not always occur immediately, as necessary. In addition, it can be so unstoppable that it becomes really difficult to control yourself (especially if the patient is a small child), and self-control in this situation is extremely important if only because after the stomach has been released, activated charcoal or a similar drug should be taken (“Filter ", for example). However, studies confirm that this form of “Ipecac” in homeopathy copes well with its main task - the elimination of various toxins from the body. However, this does not prevent specialists from now prescribing the drug exclusively in special cases. Self-administration of ipecac syrup by patients at home, the so-called self-administration and self-medication, is not taken into account.

Another interesting information on the results of clinical trials: the desired effect after taking the syrup occurs in about half an hour (we are talking about children), can vomit from one to eight times, and the duration of the vomiting reaches sixty minutes. Up to twelve years they drink fifteen milliliters of syrup, after twelve they drink twice as many milliliters (30).

"Ipecacuana" as an emetic has its own individual contraindications. Syrup should not be given to infants, people who have been poisoned by alkalis or acids, in case of impaired consciousness or reflexes, with a sharp deterioration in the condition, or when swallowing sharp objects.

Possible analogues of "Ipecac"

Like any drug on the pharmaceutical market, Ipecacuana has its own competitors - its analogues, both more expensive and cheaper. At the same time, you need to understand that Ipecacuana has absolutely one hundred percent absolutely identical drugs. There are only those that are similar in one thing. Among the substitutes for the aforementioned remedy, one can name pink Rhodiola, evasive peony, esculus and others. We will talk about some in more detail below.

Aesculus, or horse chestnut, is also a homeopathic remedy. It is used to combat venous congestion and hemorrhoids. With “Ipecacuana” in homeopathy, they are united by the possibility of using uterine bleeding or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Available in two types: ointment for external use and rectal suppositories.

Ointment esculus

Evasive peony is used in the form of alcohol tincture as a sedative for insomnia, autonomic problems, and as an anesthetic for a variety of gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis, ulcers, and so on. Also successfully used is the peony evasive in gynecology.

Mesereum, or wolf's bast, is prescribed for neuralgia, conjunctivitis, severe headaches, migraines, bronchitis (the last two facts make him related to Ipecacuana in homeopathy), stomatitis, stomach ulcers, cystitis. It is acceptable to use it with lichen.

Reviews about the drug

What do people consumers say? How do they relate to this homeopathic remedy? Among the reviews of "Ipecacuan" there are both positive and negative. Obviously, the former are left by people who believe in the power of homeopathy, and the latter are skeptics who doubt the legitimacy of the existence of such a science. Some note that the drug helped them and got better, others - that the drug did not bring any effect.

Interesting facts about homeopathy and Ipecac

  1. Vladimir Dahl was at first a fierce opponent of homeopathic remedies, but later radically changed his attitude towards them and became their supporter and even defender.
  2. The term "homeopathy" we owe to the scientist, doctor from Germany, Christian Hahnemann.
  3. Chocolate is often used as a homeopathic remedy.
  4. In Britain, the Queen herself protects the homeopathy. And every third doctor recommends that his patients take the above funds.
  5. The true adherent of homeopathy and its preparations was Emperor Nicholas the First.
  6. Homeopathy became anti-scientific for Russian people in Soviet times. It was then that a hostile attitude towards her was born, which was exclusively encouraged.
  7. Many people think that homeopathic medicines are tiny balls that must be taken throughout your life every fifteen minutes. It is a myth.
  8. Also a supporter of homeopathic remedies is the popular musician Paul McCartney.
  9. Homeopathy in different countries: in Scotland more than fifty thousand people use it annually, in Brazil - seventy percent of the population, in India the demand for such alternative medicine is so great that more than two thousand corresponding clinics and ten huge concerns are opened throughout the country.
  10. Every eighth person who visits a homeopath belongs to the upper strata of the population.
  11. Even the father of medicine of Hippocrates is called a kind of supporter of homeopathy, since he said that there are two healing laws - the law of opposites and the law of similarity. Namely, it is based on the likeness of homeopathy.
  12. Homeopathic remedies usually cost less than conventional medicines.
  13. More than four thousand homeopathic preparations of various kinds have passed clinical trials.
  14. Brazil, to be more precise, Brazilian forests, is considered the birthplace of Ipecacuana. There, Ipecac grows in the wild in the public domain, however, in addition to this, it is also grown artificially. This is done both in Brazil itself and in other states, for example, in India or in Malaysia.
    Dried roots
  15. In medicine, only the roots of the above plants are used, the stem is not of the slightest interest to doctors.
  16. Ipecac roots are dug up throughout the whole year almost without any break - it is done only in the rainy season.
  17. As you might guess, Ipecac is a very poisonous plant.
  18. There are many legends about Ipecac. In particular, they say that a brave British navigator brought from Brazil a miraculous root, thanks to which England first learned about Ipecac, then Europe, and then the whole world. The same sailor allegedly appeared as the author of the remedy from the Ipecacan root, which could then be taken with cough.
  19. Many healthy people, preoccupied with their appearance and longing for weight loss, specially drink Ipecac syrup to vomit after eating. True, by doing this they bring their body more harm than good.
  20. The appearance of Ipecac is quite unpresentable - it is a small, one might even say, tiny shrub no more than twenty centimeters high.
  21. Ipecacuana sometimes causes pneumonia (if you overdo it with use).
Ipecac flowers

Having decided to be treated through homeopathy, you should definitely read the instructions for use of Ipecacuana. Let's hope this information is useful only in theory. Health to you!

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