Human Infectious Diseases: List, Prevention and Control

Consider in the article a list of infectious diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets. We are talking about infectious ailments. A feature of these diseases is that they have an incubation period. That is, a short period that begins at the time of infection and ends when the first symptom appears.

The list of infectious diseases that will be considered in the publication:

  • flu;
  • diphtheria;
  • measles;
  • herpes simplex.

Why are only these diseases considered? Emphasis was placed on those diseases that are common. Herpes is affected if not all, then every second. We hear about the flu every year in the autumn and winter, when the epidemic begins. Measles has become quite active in recent years, so it is important to know more about it.


One of the most common infectious diseases. In most cases, if complications do not develop, the ailment resolves on its own in 7 days. But in severe cases, it leads to death. Every year in the world, 3-5 million people get the flu, of which about 500 thousand die due to the severe course of the disease.

The disease is transmitted from the first day of infection and sometimes up to 5-7 days. It is characterized by an aerosol transmission method, that is, through drops of saliva, mucus in which the virus is present.

human infectious diseases


When the flu hurts the head, muscles, joints, a dry cough appears. Body temperature rises sharply to 39-40 degrees. In general, these symptoms cannot be called specific. The incubation period lasts for each patient in different ways, but most often 1-2 days. With a mild form of the disease, even if not treated, the flu goes away in 3-4 days and is accompanied by chills, fatigue, cough. In severe cases, secondary problems may occur: cerebral edema, vascular collapse and some others.


As already mentioned, this contagious disease resolves itself in most cases. No drugs have been developed that could 100% help with the flu. The most important thing in treating the disease is not to harm yourself and not infect others. That is, you do not need to contact healthy people. You should observe bed rest, otherwise you can earn complications. Self-medication is also excluded. Antibiotics should not be taken, as the flu is caused by viruses, not bacteria.

Mild flu can be left untreated, only use drugs that will alleviate the symptoms. So that the disease does not go into a severe stage and complications do not appear, you must follow all the doctor’s instructions.

contagious disease prevention

Flu prevention

The best way to not get this contagious disease is to get vaccinated. It’s better to do it every year. The Ministry of Health recommends vaccination for children under 5 years of age and for older people over 65 years old, medical workers, people with incurable diseases and chronic diseases, as well as pregnant women.

Even if a person can become ill after vaccination, he will have a lower risk of developing a severe form of the disease, respectively, the flu will be easier to transfer.


Severe contagious disease of people that affects the oropharynx. Children can subsequently develop edema of the respiratory tract, which is dangerous.

It is transmitted by airborne droplets, through infected products and through objects used by the patient.

what diseases are contagious


The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 to 10 days. Of the symptoms, it is necessary to note swelling of the neck, enlarged tonsils, swelling of the mucous pharynx, plaque on the tonsils, swollen lymph nodes, fever, weakness and a pale skin tone.


This disease should be treated only in a hospital. They hospitalize absolutely all infected people, regardless of symptoms, even if the diagnosis has not yet been definitively diagnosed, but there are already suspicions of diphtheria.

Patients are given a special serum that suppresses the toxin of this disease. Antibiotics are powerless. The dose to be administered depends entirely on the stage and degree of the disease. Throat should be sprayed with disinfectants. If a secondary infection develops, then antibiotics are already advised. Intravenous solutions can be prescribed to support the body: ascorbic acid, potassium glucose mixture, and others.

Prevention Nuances

The most important point in the prevention of contagious diphtheria disease is vaccination. The drug includes an toxoid, which allows you to develop immunity to the disease. A man cannot do anything for his defense, since it is important not to contact the patient, but to understand externally who is sick and who is not is impossible. Therefore, it is important that when an epidemic occurs, all patients are put in a hospital to prevent infection of other people.


Over the past three years, measles has begun to affect more and more people. In 2017, more than 100 thousand people died from it in the world. Of these, almost 90 thousand are children. In 2018, 1.7 cases of infection per 100 thousand people were recorded in Russia.

Therefore, it is important to know the measures for the prevention and control of an infectious disease - measles. It is transmitted by airborne droplets.

list of infectious diseases


The incubation period lasts 8-17 days. At the very beginning of the disease, a runny nose, headache, sneezing, fever, swallowing of the throat and voice become hoarse. A specific feature of measles is the appearance of spots that occur only with this ailment. They occur on the 4th-5th day of illness.

measles is a contagious disease


To date, there is not a single drug that allows you to fight measles. Therefore, symptomatic treatment is performed. Drugs are prescribed that will allow you to expectorate mucus from the respiratory tract and soften the inflammation in them, as well as mucolytics. You can take pills to lower the temperature.

Vitamin A is recommended to reduce the risk of complications. If untreated, 10% of people die due to illness.

Preventative measures

As mentioned above, vaccination is the only way to protect yourself from the disease. It is most effective, in addition, the disease itself affects only people, so this disease in theory can be completely eradicated.

infectious disease prevention and control

Herpes simplex

Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself in small wounds on the face, genitals, hands. It is transmitted by direct contact with the affected area of ​​the skin or through fluids secreted by an infected person, for example, saliva.


Herpes at the onset of the disease is practically not manifested. A person can notice only small wounds in some areas of the skin. However, if complications begin, then the eyes or the nervous system will suffer.

After the first infection with herpes, the virus of the disease remains in the person and is not removed by the immune system. Accordingly, most often the disease is in a latent stage, sometimes manifesting itself under the influence of certain factors.


There is no way to get rid of the herpes virus. And since many people suffer from this disease, there is no way to eradicate it. Thanks to antiviral drugs, you can reduce the risk of relapse. Therefore, treatment in all cases is only symptomatic.


In fact, there are no exact methods of prevention. Therefore, try to be less in the cold, protect yourself, monitor your immunity, as the disease often recurs when the protective functions of the body are weakened. Treat all diseases on time, avoiding chronic forms.


Now you know which diseases are contagious among those that are now common. Beware of viruses and consult a doctor on time. Then you can avoid unpleasant consequences. And always remember that prevention is easier than cure.

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