Recently, people are increasingly complaining about the appearance of various kinds of dermatitis, which occur for a number of reasons. By and large, they include almost all inflammatory reactions of the skin to the effects of various irritants. Treatment of dermatitis begins only after the cause of the disease has been accurately established.
Dermatitis is divided into contact and toxidermia. Contact arise due to the influence of external factors on the skin. And with toxidermia, these factors first penetrate the body, and then manifest themselves on the skin. Effective treatment of dermatitis is impossible without identifying its etiology and pathogenesis. All irritants that cause this disease are of a chemical, biological or physical nature. The easiest way to treat dermatitis is caused by physical irritation of the skin. This pressure, friction, temperature and radiation effects, the action of alkalis and acids. Often irritation is caused by plants, such as euphorbia, caustic buttercup, nettle, ash, hogweed and others.
The so-called "optional" stimuli can cause inflammation of the skin only in those people who have increased sensitivity. They cause allergic dermatitis. Most often, the following substances cause this disease: formalin, turpentine, medicines, polymers, washing powders, perfumes, cosmetics, intexicides, salts of nickel, cobalt, chromium. Plants such as aloe, tobacco, snowdrop, garlic, geranium, primrose also cause this disease.
The pathogenesis of ordinary dermatitis is reduced only to damage to the skin tissue, therefore its manifestations are determined by the concentration (strength), nature and duration of exposure to the irritant. In this case, skin lesions appear immediately after contact with an external stimulus, and its area coincides with the area of ββcontact.
Sensitizers that cause allergic dermatitis, when combined with proteins of skin tissues, form conjugates that have the properties of allergens. Under their influence, the production of lymphocytes is stimulated, which causes the development of dermatitis, which is an allergic reaction of a delayed type. An important role in the sensitizing mechanism is played by the individual properties of the body, namely: the state of the nervous system, genetic predisposition, skin condition, concomitant and transferred diseases, the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands. Monovalent sensitization determines the features of the course of such dermatitis: the presence of a latent period, the intensity of the inflammatory reaction of the skin, the concentration of the irritant and the duration of its effect, the area of ββthe lesion.
Treatment of dermatitis begins with determining the clinical picture of the disease. Simple dermatitis occurs in acute or chronic form. The acute form has 3 stages: erythematous (swelling and hyperemia), vesicular (formation of vesicles, crusts and erosion), necrotic (tissue decomposition and subsequent scarring). The acute form is accompanied by severe itching, pain, burning. The chronic form, the cause of which is prolonged exposure to irritants, is characterized by congestive hyperemia, lichenification, infiltration, the appearance of cracks, increased keratinization, and skin atrophy.
Diagnosis of dermatitis is carried out using the following examinations: a general analysis of urine and blood, an immunogram, an analysis of feces for worm eggs, fluorography, a serum proteinogram. Based on them, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes: diet; hyposensitizing, sedative, antihistamines; elimination of allergen; sanitation of the affected area; therapy of concomitant diseases; corticosteroids; vitamins C, B; nicotinic acid; adaptogens; immunomodulatory therapy.
Treatment of contact dermatitis begins with the determination of the irritant and the termination of contact with it. Therapy usually includes hydrocortisone ointments, other steroid ointments, the use of wet and cool compresses on the lesions.
Treatment of dermatitis on the face can begin only after establishing the cause of the disease. This type of dermatitis begins to be treated after eliminating irritating factors (cosmetics, fluorinated toothpaste, tinting agents, intensive insolation, exposure to meteorological conditions). A comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out, concomitant pathologies of the endocrine and digestive systems are treated. Careful skin care is required. Depending on the cause, drugs with azelaic acid, Clindamycin, and Metronidazole are used. Cool lotions with tannin and boric acid solutions also help. Sulfur-containing drugs have also proven themselves well.