"Cerebrum compositum" for children: reviews, instruction

So, today we will find out in what cases the Cerebrum Compositum is appointed for children. Reviews about this drug, instructions for use, as well as contraindications and opinions of doctors will be presented to our attention. To be honest, in the modern world it is quite difficult to decide whether one or another medication can be trusted or not. But when it comes to children, you have to study reviews about a particular medicine carefully. Nobody wants a child to not have better health, but worse. Let’s start with you to study the issue as soon as possible.

cerebrum compositum children reviews


You should start by familiarizing yourself with the drug. This is a Cerebrum Compositum (for children). Reviews this medication, to be honest, earns mixed. But more on that later.

We will deal with a homeopathic remedy. By itself, it is a liquid in ampoules for injection, transparent, odorless. Available in packs of 5 "bottles". Each of them has 2.2 milliliters of substance. In principle, nothing special so far. The most common saline for injection. Its main feature is that it can be administered orally.

Indications for admission

But in what cases is the Cerebrum Compositum appointed for children? Customer reviews say that the spectrum of action of this drug is quite extensive. And the doctor can prescribe it anyway. Or for prevention, or for real treatment.

In general, our current medication is, as already mentioned, a homeopathic remedy. It is prescribed in cases of circulatory disorders in the brain or with head injuries. These are the most common scenarios.

In addition, Cerebrum Compositum can be prescribed in the event of a depressive state (including in children). Chronic fatigue syndrome, impaired coordination, as well as mental impairment - all this is a direct indication for the use of the drug. Often, Cerebrum is used in cases of developmental delays. This includes both physical health and mental abilities. In addition, you can sometimes give the "Cerebrum Compositum" in order to improve the mood of the child. Not the most popular option, but it has the right to exist.

cerebrum compositum reviews for children

Who is forbidden?

For all this gets good "Cerebrum Compositum" reviews. For children, this drug, as you see, is prescribed very often. True, he has a number of contraindications. Which ones?

They are not very many. The first is hypersensitivity. Secondly, the tendency of the child to allergic reactions. Thirdly, individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. For very young children (up to a year), this medication is prescribed extremely rarely and only under the supervision of a doctor.

In principle, the contraindications end there. And this, of course, pleases buyers. You can hardly worry about your child. "Cerebrum compositum" is a remedy that for children has almost no contraindications.

Side effects

Very often, Cerebrum Compositum is prescribed for children. The instruction says that the drug has almost no contraindications. But does that happen? Parents are interested in what side effects may occur after taking.

Cerebrum compositum reviews for children to drink

The manufacturer claims that you will not see any negative consequences. Cerebrum is easily tolerated at any age. But there are exceptions. In rare cases, the patient may experience irritability. Very young children have whims and tearfulness. In addition, sometimes a variety of allergic reactions occur: itching, rash. A decrease in the child’s activity for a while is also a side effect of the drug. Do not be scared - soon the patient will return to normal.

Terms of use

These are the mixed reviews Cerebrum Compositum receives . For children, this drug is prescribed in different dosages. Depending on age. And sometimes with a precise definition only a doctor helps. Some parents are not particularly happy with this scenario. Indeed, instead of treatment, you will have to spend time consulting with a specialist.

In any case, the manufacturer makes recommendations on this. Rather, they are for doctors, not parents. "Cerebrum compositum" for children under one year old is extremely rare. And in small quantities - about 1/8 of the ampoule once a week. Babies at a more conscious age (up to 3 years) are given from 1/6 to 1/4 of the liquid contained in the bottle. The frequency does not change. All also once a week. As you can see, with age, the dosage increases. Children under 6 years old are injected with the drug in the amount of 1 / 2-1 / 3 ampoules, and after this age - by the whole.

Cerebrum compositum for children

From all of the above, we can conclude that you can make and organize an independent dose and prescribe a dosage, but only at your own peril and risk. On the one hand, there will be no drug overdose - this is good. On the other hand, injections are not entirely pleasant. And not every child will agree to injections. Therefore, it receives mixed reviews Cerebrum Compositum. Children can drink this solution, by the way, too. To do this, dissolve the whole ampoule in 50 milliliters of water, and then distribute the resulting solution for a day. So that the child does not feel discomfort, you can pour Cerebrum Compositum into any drink. For example, in juice. Frequency of admission is once a week.


Do not forget about such a factor as the price of the goods. When it comes to medicines, the price tag is strongly reflected in the popularity and rating of the drug. As already mentioned, the Cerebrum Compositum is often prescribed to children. Reviews of moms and dads regarding the cost remain pretty good. Often, even the parents themselves ask the doctors to give them recommendations on the use of Cerebrum at home. Prevention for the sake of.

Cerebrum compositum for children instruction

And all this is because, on average, one package of the product will cost the buyer 1,200 rubles. Not too expensive if you take into account how much the drug is distributed. This is enough for the child for a period of one to four months. So on a budget this drug will not hit. And this, of course, pleases. Indeed, most medicines in Russia, especially children’s, are expensive.


The last thing left to clarify is how effective our current medicine is. Perhaps this is the most important thing that can be. It is not for nothing that doctors prescribe Cerebrum Compositum for children. Reviews of parents about this medication, for the most part, are encouraging.

Cerebrum compositum for children under one year old

Why? After the first application, you will see progress. Not strong, but he will be. After a few weeks, the result will only please. Cerebrum Compositum really helps children develop and remain always inquisitive and active. In babies up to a year, this effect is difficult to see. You will just notice how the child began to develop and behave more calmly. Just keep in mind - “Cerebrum Compositum” is not a solution to all health problems of a child. Do not neglect the recommendations of doctors during the course of treatment.

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