Esperal (gel) under the scapula: reviews, composition, preparation, coding period and results

The reviews dedicated to the implant intended for insertion under the scapula and Esperal gel testify: this medicine shows a fairly reliable effect when used correctly. However, you can see feedback about the short-term effectiveness or the wrong result of the application, as expected by the patient. To avoid disappointment, you need to know how the tool works, what the results of the application promise the manufacturer. Consider what “Esperal” is, how it works and what distinguishing features it has.

What is this about?

As can be seen from the reviews about the Esperal gel developed for implantation under the scapula and gel, people who want to get rid of alcohol addiction resort to this drug. Like other drugs of a similar class, this medication provokes a deterioration in the overall health of a person who uses alcohol. Against the background of coding, the intake of alcoholic beverages leads to numerous undesirable consequences. A person, having encountered them several times, instinctively begins to fear the use of such a product.

The duration of the effect of drugs intended for coding is determined by the individual characteristics of the body. The result is observed while a person is using the tool. To solve this problem, pharmacists have developed an alternative administration format. First, Esperal tablets came to the market, which proved to be a good effect, but the result was observed only at the time when a person used them. An alternative was Esperal gel intended for insertion under the scapula. Reviews of this tool indicate: for a certain period of time, the patient does not feel cravings for alcohol, while he does not have to constantly drink pills.

coding esperal gel

About aspects of the problem

Like any other drug intended for coding, Esperal shows the result only when the person consciously wants to recover from dependence. If you use the product after the expiration of its effectiveness, no results will be observed. Probably, a person will again reach for alcohol.

In order for the course of getting rid of addiction to be high-quality, you should use reliable medicines that most effectively eliminate the craving for alcohol. Esperal gel intended for insertion under the scapula is one of these. Reviews of it testify: the drug provokes few side effects and copes with the main task quite qualitatively, although some people who use it were dissatisfied with the relative short duration of the result. In addition to gel under the same name, there are tablets and implants on sale that are implanted under the skin of a person in need.

Gel coding "Esperal" allows you to save a person from continuing harmful use. The medicinal composition gives chemical protection. A person who has chosen such a way to get rid of a negative habit can keep himself from the next dose of poison on his own. No additional external control is required. Since the effect of the Esperal gel lasts for a long time - several months - it is safe to say that temptations do not overcome the personality for really long. An important aspect of the drug course is the goodwill of the patient, before the introduction of the medication or implantation of the drug, you must take his consent. A person should be aware of the need for a drug course and prepare for it.

Motivation and rules

Esperal gel coding is possible even when a person is not aware of the need to quit alcohol addiction. He may lack a desire for an adequate healthy life. In this case, according to experts, one cannot count on a positive effect.

Coding is a treatment format in which the result is largely determined precisely by the patient's interest. If the motivation is strong, the outcome of the treatment will be worthy. If “Esperal” was administered to people who did not want to change their lifestyle, this gave a minimal result. Feedback from relatives about Esperal in this case was rather negative. If a person is motivated to get rid of addiction, the duration of the effect is significantly longer.

As the patient reviews say about the introduction of an implant under the scapula and Esperal gel, this drug should be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor. There are known stories of attempts to use the medication on their own, at home. Many ended negatively, as a layman cannot provide the correct supply of funds to the human body.

Esperal Gel Duration

Indications and contraindications

According to patients' reviews on the introduction of Esperal gel injections under the shoulder blade, the drug does not provide a magical and instant cure for addiction. The manufacturer explains this fact in the accompanying instructions. A medicine developed by a French company was created for the preventive use and elimination of relapse. "Esperal" is used during the treatment of a person from dependence on alcohol. Products intended for implantation and intravenous administration also have detoxifying qualities. This is especially true in the case of a chronic course of alcohol dependence.

In some cases, the pharmaceutical product in question cannot be used. As you can conclude from the reviews, coding "Esperal" (under the scapula, gel injectively) is possible only if the patient's body meets a number of conditions. There is a possibility of intolerance to the components of the drug. This is formed individually. Each patient has a risk of reaction. You can not use this effective tool for coding for severe pathologies of the heart or blood vessels, liver, kidney failure. The drug is prohibited in epilepsy and is not prescribed in the case of mental illnesses and pathologies of a nervous nature.

About security

According to the accompanying instructions, the action of the Esperal gel in some cases can be dangerous for the patient. For this reason, it is recommended to abandon the therapeutic course during the period of gestation. Do not use a pharmaceutical product if a woman is breast-feeding a baby.

You can not use the medication immediately after taking the next dose of alcohol. Between taking the substance and starting the drug course, you need to pause. The duration of this period is determined by the doctor based on the characteristics of the state of a particular needy.

esperal gel under the scapula

The right start is the key to success

Esperal gel coding is possible if a patient with alcohol addiction is willing to accept such a course. Treatment must be conscious. Laws prohibit the compulsory cure of alcohol dependence. Before starting the course, the needy draws up a receipt, passes it to the medical staff.

In order for the start of the course to be of high quality, minimally dangerous for a person, you need to pause after the last use of alcohol. This reaches several days. For most, it varies from five days to a week, but deviations are possible according to individual indications. Much depends on the severity of the case and how good the patient is.

Before injecting Esperal gel under the scapula, you need to check the health status of the needy. The examination provides the basis for choosing the appropriate duration of treatment. Most require coding for a period of one to five years.

Before starting the course, a person will be required to give informed consent to the use of medicines for the entire period indicated by the doctor based on the results of a case study. When the preparation is completed, the specialist proceeds directly to the coding. There are several forms and uses of Esperal.

How to help the needy?

The classic use of Esperal is under the shoulder blade. Gel intended for intravenous use, I use a little less.

First, consider the installation of an implant. The use of the drug is carried out in strict conditions of impeccable sterility. The doctor must comply with aseptic, antiseptic rules and requirements. Implantation is performed through an incision performed by a special surgical instrument. Usually, a medication is placed under the scapula, from where it is difficult for a person to remove an element on his own, without the assistance of an outside person. If necessary, they can install the medicine in the buttock, stomach. The event does not provoke a pain syndrome, local anesthesia is performed before the procedure. The place is treated, the analgesic is injected into the circulatory system.

After completing the preparatory phase, the drug is placed in a completed incision and closed with sutures. Many are interested in how much Esperal acts (gel under the scapula in the form of an implant). Much is determined by the correct execution of the installation procedure and subsequent compliance with the requirements.

In particular, the patient is forbidden to wet the area of ​​damage five days after introduction. Every five days, daily or twice a day, you need to change the bandage. Removal of sutures is usually prescribed for 5-7 days after the initial intervention. It is recommended to do this in a hospital setting. An attempt to remove the seams at home can provoke infection of the site, initiate inflammatory processes and suppuration.

Esperal gel encoding

Usage: Alternative

Another use case indicated in the instructions for the Esperal gel is injecting the drug. Injection acts by the same mechanism as the implanted agent. For a long time, a gel-like pharmaceutical product is stored in the administration area. Due to this, the blood regularly receives a new portion of disulfiram. More often the gel is injected into the vein, at the bottom of the scapular zone, the gluteal muscle tissue.

How does it work?

Esperal gel injected guarantees delivery of disulfiram to the body. This substance, studies have shown, effectively helps people overcome alcohol addiction. The product was created by French pharmacists and in our time is used almost more often than all others if necessary to inject or sew an implant. As can be concluded from the responses, the results of treatment in most patients who consciously agreed to the course are positive, although the duration and characteristics of the course vary.

After administration of the drug (by injection of Esperal gel under the scapula or implantation of the implant), resorption processes begin. The active ingredient is disulfiram. The compound affects the reaction of the processing of ethyl alcohol. Normally, in the liver, this substance decomposes into acetaldehyde, acetic acid. The first ingredient is a toxic substance, whose toxicity is greater than the original alcohol. The liver has a specific enzyme that can deactivate this poison, oxidizing it, but due to disulfiram, the enzyme activity is prevented.

Activity Features

Outside of drinking, as one can conclude from the side effects related to the side effects of reviews that appear against the background of the Esperal gel administration under the scapula, the drug practically does not manifest itself. Studies have shown its almost absolute harmlessness. If a person drinks alcohol, even a very small amount, a strong poisonous reaction starts, affecting the performance of most body systems. The reaction is due to the prevention of the activity of the liver enzyme responsible for the oxidation of acetaldehyde. This poison accumulates in the body, leading to the formation of a typical intoxication reaction.

The entire duration of the Esperal gel when a person consumes alcohol, an accumulation of organic poison is observed, which indicates specific symptoms.

The severity of manifestations depends on the characteristics of the body:

  1. The patient feels hot flashes to the skin of the face, neck, vomits and feels sick, the body as a whole is disturbed by malaise.
  2. Many note that the arms and upper body are disturbed by heat.
  3. Brain tissue may swell.
  4. There is a possibility of the formation of intracranial bleeding. Acetaldehyde poisoning leads to a noise in the head, convulsions, impaired consciousness, lowering pressure.
  5. The heartbeat frequency increases, fever grows, the chest responds with a feeling of contraction.
  6. Possible angina pectoris, acute heart attack, coma and even death.

The latter is observed if the toxic substance provokes a fatal disturbance in cardiac activity.

Thus, a person refuses alcohol in order not to experience such a condition again.

expiration date esperal gel

Is it so scary?

The side effects provoked by the Esperal gel intended for insertion into the buttocks under the scapula are determined by the specific nuances of the patient's body. Without alcohol, there are none.

Some people admit that after drinking alcohol there was only a general feeling of discomfort, malaise, some felt sick. Others were faced with aggravated consequences. All reactions are divided into manifesting immediately and delayed. The instant response is mainly observed from the side of the heart and vascular system, central nervous system. Delayed effects are rarely characterized by acute events. Observations show the likelihood of toxic hepatitis. There is a probability of impaired health and functionality of the kidneys, pancreas.

Since the side effects inherent to the Esperal gel intended for insertion under the scapula are potentially severe and serious, this drug is allowed to be used only after examination of the patient. Esperal is only allowed to be used as a cure for alcohol dependence. The doctor must examine the condition of the patient. The entire period of treatment is also important specialist supervision. Without an adequate examination, there is a chance of a severe outcome. An even higher risk of such consequences when administering the drug on its own, without first consulting a doctor.

Side effects without alcohol

The entire duration of the action, which is typical for the Esperalu scapular gel gel (it varies from three months to almost a year), is likely to produce undesirable side effects. The most common metallic taste in the mouth. Persons receiving treatment with the drug note discomfort due to this phenomenon. Already at the stage of consent to the therapeutic program, the patient should know what side effects may occur outside of drinking and if such a product is taken.

It is known that some individuals on the background of the use of the drug "Esperal" noted confusion, decreased memory. Perhaps a deterioration in the quality of vision, an allergic reaction. There are cases of polyneuritis of the legs. There may be noise in the head, there is a chance of pain.

If you use alcohol during the treatment period, the consequences may be neurological disorders. Among the side effects mentioned in the instructions, there is cerebral edema. There is a likelihood of insufficient activity of the respiratory system. Esperal in combination with alcohol can provoke a collapse, a failure of the rhythm of the contraction of the heart, and an angina pectoris.

esperal gel patient reviews

Features of the effect on the body

Since the validity period for the Esperal gel introduced under the scapula is quite long, and the course can last up to five years, tests have been carried out to identify what is the effect of the pharmaceutical product on the human body with prolonged use. As revealed from observations, this can be accompanied by a patient's psychosis and hepatitis. There is a possibility of gastritis, an acute attack of polyneuritis. Psychotic conditions characteristic of patients are somewhat similar to alcoholic ones. In the case of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, a blood clot may appear in the vascular network that feeds the brain. If the use of Esperal is accompanied by numbness of the face, arms and legs, it is necessary to urgently cancel the remedy.

If during the period of validity of the hemming under the scapula, Esperal gel, the patient will consume 50-80 ml of 40% ethanol, serious consequences may occur from the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs. There is a danger of convulsions and swelling.If such consequences are noted, the patient needs to cleanse the body of toxic substances. Detoxification should be performed as an emergency.

Combined use

You can find a lot of reviews about how much “Esperal” acts, reviews. The gel under the scapula, the implant in this part of the body is a medical measure applied to a large number of people in need in different parts of the world. Very often it is necessary for people suffering from various diseases and, for this reason, forced to use medicines.

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Esperal gel instruction


The manufacturer recommends special caution when it is necessary to use theophylline-containing products against the background of an injection or installation of an Esperal implant. Disulfiram prevents the transformation of this drug compound in the body. To minimize the danger, it is necessary to adjust the volumes of theophylline prescribed to the patient.

When warfarin is used during treatment with Esperal, a condition possibly dangerous to human health is possible. The same risks are associated with a combination with other anticoagulants. The combination of such agents is highly likely to lead to bleeding.

Pharmaceutical products intended for oral use are more effective if a person receives Esperal. To minimize risks, it is necessary to take indicators of prothrombin time and adjust the dose of anticoagulant based on the results of the analysis. Regular monitoring is indicated throughout the treatment period and a few more days after the completion of the Esperala course.

Accuracy requires a combination of the drug in question and tricyclic antidepressants. Intolerance to alcohol is growing.

When combined with drugs of the benzodiazepine class, the sedative effect of these drugs increases. The processing of benzodiazepines by oxidation reactions is inhibited.

Application: subtleties

For the gel introduced under the scapula, the validity period (reviews about Esperal tell about this in sufficient detail) varies from three months to almost a year. From medical practice it is known that sometimes the drug is initially administered exactly under the scapula. Such an event does not belong to the category of surgical procedures. After applying the product, no scars remain. Before the introduction, local anesthesia is done, since the injection of Esperal is painful.

If it is necessary to repeat the procedure, the doctor may advise changing the location to a vein. A dispersed drug gel is introduced into the vessel. Sometimes an introduction to the vein that nourishes the liver is indicated. It is allowed to inject the drug into muscle tissue, under the skin in a layer of fiber. Intravenous administration and a different format of Esperal gel injection can be implemented at home, if you invite a specialist to conduct it. Special care for the injection site is not necessary.

Injection alternative

An injection is not the only way to use Esperal. There is a drug intended for implantation. It is injected into the muscle tissue under the scapula. At the same time, a fibrous capsule appears in the tissues of the body, enveloping the body foreign to the human body. Due to such a capsule, the resorption processes are slowed down, the duration of the therapeutic effect increases. The most modern forms of the drug in favorable conditions can show an effect for three years. In each case, the period is determined by the nuances of the body. In the majority who received the implant, the duration of the effect is estimated per year.

Rare rejection reactions are known. There is a danger of a local response of the body. The skin turns red, swells, the patient feels local pressure. Perhaps the formation of a weak focus of inflammation.

Stitching: features

The duration of the formation of the fibrous capsule is a couple of days, sometimes three days. Throughout this period, a person can suffer from moderate adverse events. Some have a headache, there is a possibility of mild heat. If severe pain persists after the introduction of the medication, the site is disturbed by the release of pus, the fever is fixed, you need to use medical help as soon as possible. Symptoms are usually explained by lack of care. If a person does not change the dressing, wets the zone, the probability of negative phenomena is higher. Sometimes the cause is contamination of the affected area. There is a risk of an individual response of the body - an intolerance reaction may form.

Will it help or not?

As tests have shown, observations, as can be seen from medical statistics, the use of Esperal in different forms gives a good result only if a person is interested in abandoning addiction. In order for the drug course to give a reliable result, it is necessary not only to convince a person to agree to medical support, but to explain to the sufferer what the benefit of refusing alcohol is for him. The patient must realize the importance of working against addiction, resorting to all available means. The long-term effect of the drug injected or implanted into the muscle tissue allows the person to maintain self-control and control their actions, but the entire period of treatment must be worked with a psychologist, otherwise the likelihood of exacerbation of dependence after the termination of the composition is high.

Some note that for the first time after receiving the drug, the very thought of alcohol, the smell of alcoholic drinks caused nausea, a feeling of rejection and disgust. This phenomenon is formed not for everyone, but the duration, as can be seen from the reviews, varies.

Doctors and manufacturers of Esperal gel pay attention: the main effect that ensures the effectiveness of the drug is associated with the toxic effect of the alcohol decay product in the human body. The body, having survived the influence of a strong poison, automatically activates protection in the form of measures to prevent the ingestion of a dangerous substance inside. This is due to the formation of disgust. This sensation in itself is not a direct result of the action of the Esperal pharmaceutical product.

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