"Naturkoksinum": reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use

The drug "Naturkoksinum" is a reliable protector against influenza, and in addition, from colds. The effectiveness of this homeopathic remedy has been repeatedly proven through clinical studies, as well as experience in use in Canada, in which, as you know, there are similar climate conditions to Russia. Next, we will talk in detail about this tool and get acquainted with its instructions for use.

naturoxinum instructions for use

Reviews on Naturkoksinum will be presented at the end of the article.

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. More than 200 types of viruses (influenza, adenovirus, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, coronavirus, etc.) can be caused. Transmitted by airborne droplets.

Untimely or improper treatment of colds can lead to serious complications, such as bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, tracheitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, meningitis, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, etc.

About this homeopathic remedy

This therapeutic drug has established itself as an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of influenza and otolaryngology. Compared with other medical devices, its main advantage is that this drug is completely natural. It does not contain any artificial ingredients, while it is very fast, and at the same time it can reliably destroy viruses along with the common cold and flu.

flu and ARVI drugs


Naturoxoxinum is produced on the basis of an extract of the liver and heart of a Barbarian duck, which serves as the main component of the treatment in question. Excipients, in turn, are sugar granules.

The medicine is a homeopathic medicine, the effect of which is explained, first of all, by the active ingredients that make up its composition.

Indications for use and dosage regimen of the drug

This is a drug for the prevention of influenza and SARS, which is advisable to prescribe to small and adult patients.

naturocoxinum Price

The dosage of the drug in question directly depends on the stage of the disease. The use of the medication does not depend on the age of the patients, therefore it can be used if necessary by absolutely everyone.

According to the instructions for use with Naturkoksinum, put the contents of the tube under the tongue (one dosage equals 1 gram) and hold the medicine in the mouth until completely dissolved. Children under the age of five need to dissolve the contents of the tube in a small amount of water, giving it from a spoon or from a bottle with a papilla.

It is necessary to take the presented medicinal product fifteen minutes before or exactly one hour after eating. As part of prevention, during the spread of otolaryngological ailments before the onset of symptoms of the disease, as a rule, they take one dose once a week.

Naturoxinum for children

The price of Naturkoksinum is quite reasonable.

In the event of the first symptoms of the disease, take one dose, and then repeat the use of the drug from two to three times with an interval of eight hours. In the presence of severe symptoms of the disease, they drink one dose twice (morning and evening) for two or a maximum of three days. In case of doubt regarding the use of this medication, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The specialist will certainly answer all the questions by telling how to correctly use this therapeutic homeopathic medicine.

Use of funds for children as part of influenza prevention and otolaryngology

This drug for the prevention of influenza and SARS is prescribed very often. As a rule, this medicine is prescribed to children from birth, that is, without any age restrictions.

Side effect from the use of this homeopathic remedy

At the moment, there is no information about the side effects of the drug in question. But against the background of its use in some patients, the appearance of certain allergic reactions is possible. Reviews of Naturkoxinum should be reviewed in advance. In case of the slightest occurrence of side effects, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the medication

What else does the instructions for use for Naturkoksinum tell us?

A homeopathic medicine is forbidden to take in a number of the following situations:

  • The patient has an increased individual sensitivity to the individual ingredients of the drug.
  • The patient has galactose intolerance along with a deficiency of lactase and glucose, as well as galactose malabsorption.
instruction for use

Immediately before using Naturkoksinum for children and adults, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor, even though the remedy is natural and safe. The use of the drug in question is possible for pregnant women only if the benefit to the expectant mother exceeds the potential risks to the fetus. In this case, the consultation of a qualified doctor is also necessary.

Special instructions for the use of the drug

The sooner the necessary treatment has been started, the faster, and at the same time, the effect of this drug is more effective.

Reviews of Naturkoksinum confirm this.

While maintaining the expressed symptoms of the disease (against the background of temperature and chills) within twenty four hours from the start of therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

It is worth paying attention to information for patients with diabetes: in one dose of the drug contains 0.1 bread unit. This homeopathic medicine has no effect on the ability to drive vehicles.

Overdose and interaction with other medicines

Cases of overdose by Naturoxoxinum have not yet been officially registered. It should be borne in mind that taking homeopathic medicines does not exclude therapy with other medicines.

What is the price of Naturkoksinum?

flu and orvi

Terms and conditions of storage, cost of medication

This medicinal product is stored in a dry place with a temperature of from fifteen to twenty degrees. They store the drug out of the reach of children, and its shelf life is about five years. The cost of the drug is around three hundred and twenty rubles. This homeopathic medicine is dispensed without the patient presenting a prescription.

Reviews about Naturkoksinum

In their reviews, people report that this tool helps in the comprehensive treatment of influenza, and in addition, serves as a good prevention of otolaryngological ailments. Consumers like the fact that the medicine is natural, suitable for use at any age and does not cause adverse reactions.

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