How does the drug "Gaviscon"? Reviews about this medication are ambiguous. About how to use this tool, whether it has analogues, contraindications and adverse reactions, we will describe in detail in the presented article.
Form, packaging, composition
What is included in a drug like Gaviscon? Reviews of experts say that the active substances of this medicine are calcium carbonate, sodium alginate and sodium bicarbonate. As for the packaging, it depends on the form of release of the medication. Currently available for purchase:
- Chewing tablets "Gaviscon" (mint or lemon). One carton may contain 16, 8, 32 or 24 tablets.
- Liquid "Gaviscon" (suspension). Reviews of patients say that such a form can be purchased in a bottle of 150, 100 and 300 ml.
- The drug "Gaviscon" double action. The medicine is available in the form of a suspension, which is packaged in 10 ml sachets, as well as in bottles of 200, 150, 600 and 300 ml.
- Suspension "Gaviscon Forte." Reviews of experts indicate that such a mint medicine is sold in bottles of 80, 250 and 150 ml.
Pharmacological features
For what purposes can the medicine "Gaviscon" be used? Instructions for use, reviews of doctors claim that this is a synthetic medicine with an antacid effect.
Sodium alginate, which is part of the drug, is obtained from seaweed. Once in the stomach, it immediately reacts with its contents. As a result of such exposure, a gel is formed. It prevents the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. By the way, just such a throw causes a feeling of heartburn.
It should be noted that after taking the medication, a gel enters the esophagus, and not the acidic contents of the stomach. In this case, the substance obtained as a result of the reaction is not able to cause irritation.
Unlike other antacids, Gaviscon does not cause a sharp and rapid decrease in stomach acidity. In other words, the environment that is necessary for normal digestion persists even after using an antacid preparation. At the same time, the resulting gel protects the mucosa quite effectively from the negative effects of gastric juice.
Like other antacids, the medication in question does not affect the cause of diseases of the digestive tract. It causes only regurgitation and has only a symptomatic effect.
Indications for use
In what cases can the medicine "Gaviscon" be prescribed? Reviews of experts say the following indications of this drug:
- symptoms that occur with increased acidity of the juice of the stomach, as well as when throwing its contents into the esophagus (for example, with belching acidic, heartburn, including during pregnancy);
- unpleasant sensations that occur after eating (for example, with a feeling of fullness of the stomach);
- heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.
For what reasons can the Gaviscon medication be contraindicated? Testimonials from experienced doctors indicate the following prohibitions:
- individual intolerance to the components of absorbable tablets or suspensions;
- phenylketonuria;
- children under 10 years old.
It should also be noted that this drug is prescribed with caution to patients with cardiovascular insufficiency, kidney diseases, as well as with a violation of their work. Also, the medicine should not be taken if the patient requires a diet with a restriction of salt. This is due to the fact that the medication in question contains a large amount of sodium (it retains fluid in the body).
It should be said that the significant calcium content in the drug makes it impossible to use for people with kidney stones or with an elevated level of this element in the blood.
Dosage and route of administration of the drug
How should I use the medicine "Gaviscon"? Reviews (Gaviscon candles do not exist) experts say that this drug must be taken orally before bedtime and after eating.
The drug is available in the form of tablets, carefully chewed and swallowed along with saliva. At the same time, drinking it with water is highly not recommended.
When using a suspension in a sachet, it should be thoroughly kneaded right in the bag, and then taken orally.
If within a week the therapeutic effect did not begin to appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. The lack of result may be associated with reduced acidity of the contents of the stomach.
How much should Gaviscon take? For adults, the suspension is prescribed in an amount of 10-20 ml (Gaviscon Forte - 5-10 ml).
The maximum allowable dosage per day is 80 ml (Gaviscon Forte - 40 ml).
As for chewing tablets, they are recommended to take 2-4 pieces per 1 dose. The maximum amount of the drug per day is 16 tablets. The elderly are prescribed the same dose.
Overdose symptoms
In the event that the patient has taken a large dosage of the drug, he may have severe bloating. As a treatment for this condition, it is recommended to cancel the medication and conduct symptomatic therapy.
Adverse reactions
As a rule, tablets and Gaviscon suspension are well tolerated by patients. But sometimes such a drug can cause adverse reactions of an allergic nature. It should also be noted that exceeding therapeutic dosages of calcium carbonate often causes rebound syndrome, constipation and hypercalcemia.
special instructions
The medicine "Gaviscon" does not have any effect on the concentration of attention and the reaction rate of a person. Therefore, there are no professional restrictions during treatment with this drug.
If you need to use this tool in conjunction with other medicines, then the interval between their doses should be at least 2 hours.
What you need to know about the drug?
Can I take Gaviscon during pregnancy? Reviews of experts say that it is allowed to use such a medication during gestation.
If the patient needs to follow a low salt diet, then he should definitely take into account the fact that the drug contains a large amount of sodium.
People with hypercalcemia and nephrocalcinosis, as well as with a tendency to form kidney stones, should take this medication with extreme caution, since it contains calcium carbonate.
It is strictly forbidden to prescribe "Gaviscon" to patients with phenylketonuria. This is due to the fact that it includes aspartame.
With reduced acidity of the juice of the stomach, the effect of the medication decreases. If the patient's condition has not improved within 7 days after taking the medicine, you should consult your doctor.
It must be borne in mind that tablets and suspension "Gaviscon" can mask the symptoms of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
In case of impaired renal function or the presence of gastroenteritis, the patient often experiences hypernatremia.
Analogues of the drug and its price
What can replace the drug "Gaviscon"? Analogs (reviews about the medicine you will find at the very end of the article) of this remedy may have completely different dosages and methods of administration than the medication in question. Therefore, they should replace the medicine "Gaviscon" should be prescribed by a doctor.
The main analogues of the drug in question are the following: “Fosfalugel”, “Vicalin”, “Vicair”, “Gastrocepin” and “Gastal”. As for the price, then this tool is very high. For 16 tablets you will have approximately 200 rubles.
Antacid Patient Reviews
Despite the high cost, Gaviscon is very popular among those who suffer from increased acidity of the gastric juice. This is due to the fact that such a medication effectively copes with the task. According to patients, it quickly eliminates the feeling of heartburn and heaviness in the stomach after eating.
Gaviscon tablets taste good. However, many people notice that in the process of chewing, the medication sticks quite strongly to the teeth, which causes considerable discomfort. In addition, the disadvantages of this medicine include its high cost, because to eliminate heartburn at a time you need to take up to 4 tablets.
Also among the negative reviews, there are also those where patients complain of side effects in the form of nausea and vomiting.
Many women are very pleased with the fact that you can use Gaviscon during pregnancy. Reviews of expectant mothers say that such a drug quickly eliminates bitterness in the mouth and heartburn. However, it does not affect the development of the fetus.