Diseases of the skeletal system, especially osteoporosis, affect every fifth person who is in old age. This ailment inevitably leads to fractures. About fifty percent of these patients die, in this regard, it is important to begin treatment at the initial stage, paying much attention to prevention. To do this, there is an effective tool called "Osteogenon." Instructions and reviews can be found in this review. The presented drug is a new generation of medicine. Its main task is to accelerate the formation of bone marrow in a fracture. It is actively used to treat osteopenia and osteoporosis. The basis of this drug is an organic hydroxyapatite complex that accelerates the formation of bone tissue.
Description of the drug and its composition
According to the instructions, "Osteogenon" is made of organic elements, which include:
- Calcium, phosphorus. These are trace elements that are necessary for bone repair. They are contained in the preparation in a ratio of two to one. Calcium is completely absorbed in the intestine, which inhibits bone destruction due to parathyroid hormone. At the same time, phosphorus delays the withdrawal of calcium from the body.
- Collagen also contributes to the formation of bone tissue.
- There are also insulin-like growth factors that promote collagen production.
- Growth factor contributes to the active production of osteoblasts and collagen, which are responsible for the formation of new bone tissue.
Also, the instruction for Osteogenon tablets indicates that starch along with talc, iron oxide and magnesium stearate are related to auxiliary elements. The tablets of the drug are distinguished by an oblong biconvex form. Their color is light yellow. There are four blisters in the package, each of them contains ten tablets.
Injections with this tool are not carried out, since it is available only in tablets. Clinical studies involving dogs have demonstrated that only the entire complex of the constituents of this drug produces a remineralizing effect on bone tissue, and not its individual components.
This is stated in the instructions for use. Reviews, analogues of "Osteogenon" consider below.
Next, we turn to the indications and find out under which diseases of the skeletal system it is advisable to use this medication.
In accordance with the instructions, "Osteogenon" is released only on prescription, as its uncontrolled use is fraught with serious health problems. It is prescribed against the background of the following conditions:
- In the case of a bone fracture - in order to accelerate the formation of bone callus.
- During pregnancy - in order to normalize calcium and phosphorus metabolism, as well as during breastfeeding.
- For the prevention or treatment of osteopetrosis and osteoporosis.
- With rheumatoid arthritis.
- Against the background of dysplastic diseases of the joints and connective tissues.
- With scoliosis, and in addition, against the background of changes in the bones when they are affected by rickets.
Absolutely for every medical device, both indications and restrictions for the appointment are characteristic. As the instruction to Osteogenon informs us, the main contraindications to its use include:
- The presence of individual intolerance to the components of the product.
- Severe liver or kidney damage.
- High levels of calcium in urine and blood.
- The age of the patient is up to eighteen years.
- The presence of urolithiasis.
There are some indications for the use of Osteogenon. This drug contains sodium chloride in its composition, so it is not prohibited for people who suffer from hypertension. In the event that the patient is prone to kidney disease or suffers from their initial stage, the doctor needs to individually select the dosage of the drug for treatment. It is forbidden to take alcoholic beverages during the treatment period, since the effectiveness of the drug is greatly reduced.
Instructions for "Osteogenon"
The tablets of this medicine are taken orally one hour after eating and washed down with water only. Osteoporosis is treated with this drug in a daily dosage of not more than four tablets daily.
In the presence of fractures and for their speedy healing, patients should take two Osteogenon tablets three times. In the event that there are other indications, the doctor sets the dosage in the amount of two tablets twice.
The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, depending on each case individually. Most often, it is at least six months with osteoporosis, and with fractures it lasts about three months.
What else can you learn from the instructions for use with Osteogenon?
Research results
In the treatment of fractures and osteoporosis, a combination of vitamin D3, Osteogenon, and calcium is required. What effect drugs have at low bone density was previously unknown, in this regard, scientists conducted a study.
For this, a contingent of patients was admitted to the hospital with impaired bone adhesions during fractures. Three groups of people were collected for the study. The first of them was sixteen people, all of them were treated with the help of "Osteogenon". The second used drugs with calcium and vitamin D3, and the third group was treated surgically, without drug therapy.
Drug treatment lasted three months, and then urine and blood tests were collected from the subjects. Markers of bone metabolism along with immune and hematological parameters were calculated in the obtained material.
After calculating and comparing the data, it was found that the operated limb during therapy with vitamin D3 and calcium has a reduced bone density. After examining the patients taking Osteogenon, an increase in bone density of five percent was noted. In people who took Osteogenon, the period of fracture fusion was reduced by three months, while in the other group, the terms improved by only fifteen percent.
From the information obtained, it can be concluded that the use of the drug is fully justified by a clinical study and enables patients to lead a full life in comparison with those who use other methods for their treatment.
The analogues of Osteogenon will be presented below. Instructions for use also contain information about side effects.
Side effects
In rare cases, the use of this medication can cause some side effects in patients. Basically, some people have an allergic reaction to the components of this drug while taking this drug. It is also worth noting that patients have a high level of calcium in their urine, which is always recorded if drugs such as Osteogenon with a high content of this element are used for a long time.
The structure of this medicine and its main active component are unique, and therefore it cannot be replaced. Somewhat similar are the funds belonging to the same group, namely those that have a therapeutic effect on the bones.
The following similar medications are available, which include Arthron Triaktiv and Bivalox. Drugs that make up for the lack of calcium are also available on the market - these are primarily Calcemin and Nycomed.
Osteogenon medicine can be bought at a pharmacy; its cost starts from five hundred rubles. For interest, it is worth comparing the described drug with the cost of Bivalos, whose price is three hundred rubles higher. This medication is released in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is further prepared. The medicine "Artron Active" takes an intermediate position between them and costs seven hundred rubles in Russian pharmacies. Unlike the medicines presented, Osteogenon is the cheapest and most effective in the treatment of bone diseases.
Osteogenon Compatibility with Other Medicines
In the event that the patient takes antibacterial drugs, they must be divided in time by four hours with Osteogenon, since it slows down the absorption of the former, and the effectiveness of the action, accordingly, will also be worse.
Patients who are taking vitamin D at the same time should definitely know how much of this element circulates in the blood, since calcium can be strongly absorbed during the treatment of bone fractures and can cause hypercalcemia.
According to the instructions, the Osteogenon medicine has a huge number of positive effects, but despite this, not every patient has the opportunity to be treated. This is due to the high cost and serious costs, because one box for treatment is definitely not enough.
But, on the other hand, it is best to listen to a doctorβs opinion and restore your working ability faster. In order to get acquainted with the medicine in detail, in case of doubt about its effectiveness, you can always visit the forum and read reviews in which patients share their problems, and in addition, the results after therapy with Osteogenon. Also, on such Internet resources professional doctors often leave their opinions.
Doctors reviews
Specialists who have used Osteogenon in their practice note the accelerated dynamics of the regenerative process of bone tissue in fractures. Doctors also write that thanks to this drug, bone strength is restored in the presence of osteoporosis.
As noted by doctors, adverse reactions can occur if dosage is not followed. This drug requires strict monitoring of the concentration of calcium in the patient's urine.
A strict contraindication, as experts emphasize, is the presence of urolithiasis or hypercalciuria. In case of pregnancy, only the doctor decides on the appointment of this medication. In this case, the doctor proceeds, first of all, from the results of the examination of the woman.
Patient Reviews
As for patients, in their reviews on various forums they also write about the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment with this medication. The only discontent in people is the cost of this medicine.
Thus, both patients and doctors agree that the drug is today a very effective and effective tool for osteopenia and osteoporosis.
We reviewed the drug "Osteogenon" instructions for use and reviews about this tool.