Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna - the main female image in the novel "Oblomov". In addition, this is one of the most striking characters. First, she appears on the pages of Goncharov’s work as a young, yet unformed personality. Later, in the final chapters, the reader sees Olga Sergeyevna Ilyinskaya as a caring mother, a wise woman.
Appearance description
In order to give a characterization to Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeyevna, one should recall the words of the author. How did Goncharov describe his heroine? “If Olga is turned into a statue, she will become a model of grace, harmony” - this is how the author talks about the girl who conquered Oblomov’s heart. She is not tall, but her camp has an unusual grandeur. Her whole image is harmonious, attractive. Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna many admired. There was an internal charm in it, having little in common with external beauty.
Character, interests of the heroine
Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya received an excellent education. She knew science, art. I read a lot and was in constant development. This young woman possessed an inquiring mind, constantly learning something new. Internal features were reflected in appearance. Olga's lips are always a little compressed - a sign of thoughtfulness, desire for the search for truth.
What else is known about Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna? The heroine's place of residence is the house of a relative, aunt Maria Mikhailovna. Olga early orphaned, quickly matured. She is distinguished by amazing activity, energy. And therefore it is very strange that when meeting Oblomov, he instantly becomes interested in this infantile, weak-character person. What attracts Olga to Ilya Ilyich?
Oddly enough, a love story is one of the main storylines in the novel, which tells about a man who spent almost his entire life on the couch. In the work of Goncharov various facets of a wonderful feeling are revealed. The relationship between Ilyinskaya and Oblomov is an example of an all-encompassing, vibrant love. However, the heroes are doomed to part.
Critics have a different perception of the role of Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya in the fate of the protagonist. Some believe that this is a bright image that can save him from the abyss of "Oblomovism". Others speak of the selfishness of Ilyinskaya, a woman for whom dubious obligations become above feelings.
The love story of the heroes of Goncharov begins in the spring, in the very period when the lilac blossoms, and the air seems to be saturated with romance, sensuality. A friend of Stolz introduces Ilyinskaya Oblomov. For Ilya Ilyich, a girl is the embodiment of an ideal, femininity, harmony. After the first meeting, her image does not go out of his head. Oblomov, finally, for the first time in many years can not sleep. And the robe is unbearable to him, and Zakhar is suddenly annoying.
After the first meeting between the characters a romantic relationship is struck. Oblomov has real feelings for Olga. Who is this sensitive, reflective person becoming for Ilyinskaya? Does she love him? This is not to say that Olga does not feel any feelings for the dreamer Oblomov. But rather, she wants to love the man she will make of Ilya Ilyich in the future. She enjoys moralizing, educating Oblomov. She is not able to love him for who he is. Olga Sergeevna seeks to change him. Oblomov understands this . And this understanding becomes unbearable for him. Between them there is a gap.
After the break with Oblomov, Ilyinskaya began to establish warm relations with Stolz. At first it was just friendship. Later, she develops into a romantic relationship. Finally, Stolz makes an offer to Olga Sergeevna. They are bright, active, purposeful individuals. It would seem to fit perfectly together. However, with Stolz Ilyinskaya does not become happy.
Andrei Ivanovich saw a grateful student in Olga. He surrounded her with attention, became her mentor. He was for Olga what she once tried to become for Oblomov. After breaking up with Ilya Ilyich, Olga leaves for Europe, where she spends a lot of time with Stolz. She listens with interest. He is fascinated not only by Olga's desire for knowledge, but also by her femininity.
Years pass. Andrei Ivanovich and Olga Sergeevna have children. Over time, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for Stolz to conform to the Ilyinsky male ideal. But she begins to suffer from stinginess, the German rationality of her husband. And more and more often he recalls the dreamy Oblomov. There is no love between Ilyinskaya and Stolz. There is no understanding that would undoubtedly have developed between Ilyinskaya and Oblomov, if their life had developed differently. The ideal for Olga is Ilya Ilyich. However, during their romantic relationship, she was too young to show more understanding, tact and patience.
Pshenitsyna Agafya Matveevna
Ilyinskaya Olga Sergeevna is the exact opposite of this heroine. Ilya Ilyich found happiness precisely with Agafia. Although happiness was illusory. This is a simple kind woman who, unlike Ilyinskaya, does not seek knowledge. Her whole nature is aimed at caring for loved ones. Agafia has a simple Russian beauty. This is the ideal of a peasant woman who seemed to have descended from the paintings of Russian painters of the 19th century.