How to dry apples in an electric dryer? At what temperature do apples dry

During the harvest period, the time comes for harvesting for the future. Many prefer canned fruits and vegetables and pickles. Compotes and jam are very tasty. Quite popular is the harvesting of vegetable and fruit products by freezing. There are a huge number of recipes for preparing these blanks. But at the same time, one should not forget that vegetable and fruit preparations can be prepared by drying. This type of food storage has several advantages. First of all, the maximum preservation of vitamins, as well as the absence of any kind of preservatives. Dried fruits have a long storage period that does not require the creation of special conditions.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer

Harvesting Dried Apples

Dried fruit compote is a popular drink that is prepared in the winter. The main component in it is apples. At first glance, it may seem that it is rather difficult to dry them, and not cope on their own. Without even special equipment, itโ€™s easy to harvest apples. There are several different cooking methods, and the simplest of them is drying in the sun.

The natural way to harvest - the easiest and most affordable

Dried fruits are very healthy. At home, apples can be dried outdoors. This method of harvesting contributes to the preservation of nutrients. The quality of the workpiece will depend on the correctness of its implementation. How to dry apples in the sun?

How to dry apples in the sun

The main condition of this method is the air temperature. Naturally, this event is planned for a period with intense solar radiation. In cloudy or cold weather it is impossible to dry apples. Special preparation of the fruit is not required. For drying, ripe dense apples of sweet and sour varieties are suitable . The fruits are washed and dried. Then remove the core and cut into thin slices. Before decomposing the apple, the containers are covered with parchment paper or a clean cloth. Slicing is laid out on a baking sheet or wooden tray in one layer. They are placed in the sun. The drying process involves daily shaking of fruit containers. At the same time, the apple slices turn over. The dried fruit preparation period will last three or four days.

Mixed cooking method

Fruit slices should dry well. Even a little moisture can ruin dried fruits during storage. Therefore, when the sun is not bright enough, apple slices can be dried and dried in the oven. At what temperature should apples be dried?

At what temperature do apples dry

Start drying at forty degrees Celsius. Next, the temperature is raised to seventy degrees Celsius. The last stage takes place at sixty degrees Celsius. The whole process will take about six hours. Finished dried fruit is cooled and laid out in paper bags, linen bags or glass jars. They are very well stored and will be an excellent vitamin aid in the winter.

The use of technology for the preparation of dried fruits

The natural way is good. But if the summer is rainy, you canโ€™t see good dried fruits. In this case, a miracle technique comes to the rescue. Many use electric ovens or microwave ovens for this purpose . But, of course, special equipment will be more convenient for the preparation of dried billets. An electric dryer for apples is an excellent solution to this issue. Will not need to depend on weather conditions and time of year.

Electric dryer for apples

Principle of operation

Apples are quite juicy fruits. To prepare dried fruits from them, you need to evaporate the moisture contained in the fruits. This can be achieved in high temperature and constant air flow. For these purposes, various versions of electric dryers have been designed that provide the process of evaporation of moisture. Typically, this is a thermostat with a built-in fan.

Different dryer options

How to dry apples in an electric dryer will depend on the type of equipment selected. The simple design consists of a plastic sheet having a thickness of 3-5 mm. The inside is equipped with a heating element. The pallet, designed to accommodate fruit slices, has a size of 20x60 cm. How to dry apples in this type of electric dryer? This option is very easy to use, does not require special skills. On a pallet, cut apples into slices in one layer. Plug the equipment into a power outlet. The whole drying process consists in periodically turning the apple slices.

Electric dryer for apples

A more complex type of electrical equipment has greater productivity. The main part is an electric motor, usually located in the lower part. A different number of plastic pallets with sides are installed above it. The entire structure on top is equipped with a cover with a hole for air exhaust. Electric dryers of this type are small-sized and convenient to operate. They are equipped with a different number of pallets and may have various optional equipment.

How to dry apples in this type of electric dryer? The engine generates a hot stream of air that enters the installed trays. Before turning on the dryer, prepare apples. They are thoroughly washed and dried. Apples are cut into thin plates and stacked in trays. Cutting is best done in the form of half rings, moreover, immediately before drying. Prepared fruits are quickly oxidized and darken. The fruit blank is stacked on pallets in one layer. All preparatory work is completed. You can include equipment.

How much to dry apples in an electric dryer

How much to dry apples in an electric dryer? The temperature regime may be different. Low temperature - 35 degrees Celsius, medium - 50โ€“55 degrees Celsius, high - 60 degrees Celsius. Apples are dried at an average temperature for ten hours. After the drying process, the equipment is turned off. But you should not remove the trays immediately after finishing work. They remain in their original place for thirty minutes. During this time, dried fruits cool. Now the pallets are taken out. Dried fruits are poured onto prepared trays. It is best if the finished product stays outdoors for a while. After that, dried apples are packaged in prepared paper bags or linen bags intended for storage.

Dried fruit readiness determination

How to dry apples in an electric dryer until fully cooked? Dried fruits are considered fully prepared if the slicing has changed its natural color and does not stick to hands. Drying times for different varieties of apples may be different. It depends on the juiciness of the fruit. Drying of early and medium grades will take a little less time than winter. Very juicy fruits will have to be dried in several stages. If at the end of the drying process the cut is a little damp, it should be dried.

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