Toenail turned white: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Not everyone knows that by the appearance of individual organs and parts of the human body, you can make a picture of the state of his body as a whole. So, for example, according to the condition of the tongue, skin or cornea of ​​the eye, it will not be difficult for an experienced specialist to evaluate the work of internal organs and human systems. The presence of characteristics specific to individual diseases often helps to establish a true ailment.

Features of the appearance of the nail plate in individuals often act as a defining symptom in establishing an accurate diagnosis. Most of them have a very reasonable explanation, others - indicate abnormalities in the body. Many complain of brittle and stratified nails. What can they talk about? Is it true that a person has an infectious or fungal disease if the toenail is white. What to do in this case?

White toenail: causes

The process of the appearance of a light shade on the plate can proceed in different ways. Most often, the toenail has turned white from the base. There can be several reasons for this condition.

why the toenail turned white

Genetic predisposition

The first reason should not be emphasized if one of your close relatives, in particular your parents, has a similar phenomenon. Heredity plays an important role in transmitting to a child not only genetic diseases, but also specific features of the structure, appearance, and functioning of organs and systems.

The influence of external factors

Often, the reason why the toenails are white is because the chemicals used in the household, and sometimes cosmetics, are used. In such cases, it is important to remember what you used on the eve of the onset of the symptom and whether your plates were exposed to chemical compounds (for example, cosmetic varnishes). Often, cheap decorative varnishes containing hazardous chemicals become the cause, and white spots appearing on the nails signal the occurrence of allergic reactions.

healing nail polish

Decreased hemoglobin in the blood

This complex iron-containing protein is responsible for transporting oxygen molecules to all tissues of the human body. Due to the deficiency of this protein, oxygen starvation develops and, as a result, iron deficiency anemia. One of the distinguishing symptoms of this condition is a pronounced pallor of the skin, including tarnishing and pallor of the nails.

Normally, for a healthy person, a pink shade of nails is considered acceptable, while a patient with chronic anemia has a deformation of the nail plate with a pronounced whitish shade of the surface of the nail.

This kind of condition is corrected with the help of special iron-containing drugs or by saturating the diet with iron-rich foods. Anemia is diagnosed by laboratory tests of blood composition (clinical analysis).

Failure of the spleen

The spleen is involved in several important processes for the human body, including the process of blood filtration.

Due to the malfunctioning of this organ, small recesses form on the surface of the nails, the color of the nail changes (whitening of the nail plate is observed).

Serious violations require no less serious treatment. In the presence of concomitant symptoms (pain in the left hypochondrium, a feeling of fullness, weakness, etc.), it is important to consult a doctor in time. The sooner the doctor diagnoses the disease, the greater the chances of an early cure.

Nail fungus (onychomycosis)

A fairly common fungal disease, the initial stage of which is characterized by the appearance of white longitudinal stripes and spots on the nail plate. As the fungal infection spreads, the nail acquires a dirty gray or yellow hue. Infected plates become denser, and eventually begin to deform and crumble.

whitened toenail

With the progression of the fungus, it may happen that the toenail turns white and leaves. Due to the disease, the plate becomes thicker and seems to rise, in some cases an unpleasant odor appears.

In order not to bring the disease to a severe form, it is important to begin treatment of onychomycosis at an early stage of infection. Currently, a large number of new tools and methods are used in the treatment of nail fungus: from special varnishes, ointments and sprays to laser destruction of fungal spores.

Finger injury in the area of ​​the nail plate

Even a harmless bruise can affect the change in the color of the nail, and with a serious injury you can observe the blackening of the nail plate due to internal hemorrhage. In some cases, after the wound has healed, the nail begins to go away or remains deformed. In addition to bruises, a similar symptom can be caused by a microtrauma caused by the pedicure master in the process of grinding the nail plate.

the toenail is white and goes away

Infection of the body with parasites

This is a rare but likely reason why the toenail has turned white. In cases of massive helminthic invasions, a decrease in the protective functions of the body (malfunctions of the immune system) is observed, as a result of which the plate is noticeably thinner, and a lack of vitamins affects its appearance. In particular, the hue and appearance are changing.

If the reason why the toenail is whitened lies in the parasitic infection of the body, the patient requires complex treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the true cause, followed by replenishing the vitamins and minerals that are missing from the body, which are necessary to give the nails a healthy appearance.

white toenail

Autoimmune diseases

The manifestation of such diseases is associated with the development of autoimmune antibodies that damage healthy body cells. The list of autoimmune diseases includes over one hundred and forty names, among which are common diseases such as type 1 diabetes mellitus, psoriasis and endometriosis.

A distinctive sign of malfunctioning of the human immune system is whitened toenails. In addition to white blotches, pronounced red spots may appear. Such a manifestation is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor and conduct a series of diagnostic measures.

Treatment and Prevention

Since the reasons why the toenail is white are heterogeneous in nature, the treatment of symptoms directly depends on the mechanism of formation of such a phenomenon. As a rule, after eliminating the underlying cause, the symptoms and consequences of the disease disappear.

whiten toenail what to do

Based on this, in order to maintain a healthy state of nails, experts offer a set of general measures aimed at preventing symptoms:

  • compliance with the correct regime and diet in order to avoid a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • reception as a prophylaxis of vitamin deficiency special vitamin complexes;
  • avoidance of stressful conditions;
  • safety precautions;
  • regular visits to the clinic in order to check the general condition of the body;
  • strict observance of hygiene rules.

As topical treatment procedures, when the toenail is white, the following are allowed:

  • Baths with a solution of sea salt. For one liter of water add a teaspoon of sea salt without impurities and dyes. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
    white toenail causes
  • A bath with the addition of oak bark and pharmacy chamomile. For preparation, the following recipe is used: per liter of water, brew one teaspoon of oak bark and chamomile. Let it brew. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  • Application to a diseased nail of a composition made from olive oil with lemon juice.
  • The use of protective and strengthening varnishes.

A properly functioning body eliminates the possibility of unpleasant symptoms. That is why a healthy lifestyle and compliance with medical recommendations can avoid most diseases.

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