Steamed rice: benefits and harms to the body, especially cooking and reviews

In the process of cleaning rice grains from the peel and the germ, a large amount of biologically active substances is irreversibly lost. Therefore, the past processes of grinding and polishing rice already contains very few useful elements. Cleaning technology was attempted in the United States. It was the military of this state fifty years ago that invented a method for cooking steamed rice. The culture processed in this way becomes easy to prepare, does not lose its nutritional and positive biological qualities. In this article, it will be considered steamed rice: the benefits and harms for the body, useful properties, the use of food for weight loss or as part of therapeutic diets. Looking ahead, it can be noted that the product has a rather positive effect on the body.

The method of obtaining the product

First, what is steamed rice? The benefits and harms of eating a product depend largely on the way it is obtained. Steam treatment technology is designed to preserve the quality indicators of grain crops. The meaning of this treatment is that part of the beneficial vitamins and trace elements passes into the grain from the shell parts. As a result, the glassiness of the grain, which is characteristic of crops of this type, increases.

As a result of steaming, rice acquires a yellowish tint with an amber tint, its fragility decreases. When steamed, the starch contained inside is destroyed. The cores become monolithic, saturated with moisture and warm at the same time.

steamed rice benefits and harms

Using steam processing technology allows to increase the yield of the finished culture. In the future, rice, which is used in the preparation of various dishes, turns out friable and airy. Recently, the product has become quite popular. But what effect does steamed rice have on health: the benefits or harms of the body? This is worth dwelling in more detail.

Composition of steamed rice

A rather rich composition of vitamins and microelements is distinguished by steamed rice (the benefits and harms of any product depend on the availability and variety of useful substances groups, nutritional value), since when stored with steam, it retains up to 80% of useful biologically active substances.

Steamed rice contains mono-, di- and polysaccharides (pectin), as well as high molecular weight compounds: proteins (7.4%), lipids (0.7%) and carbohydrates (77.6%). Pectin compounds stimulate blood circulation, lower cholesterol and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Monosaccharides provide the body with energy for growth (which is especially important in childhood), disaccharides perform the same function, but when used excessively, can cause obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases, and proteins, lipids and carbohydrates are involved in thermoregulation, metabolic processes, saturate and provide the necessary amount of energy.

steamed rice health benefits

Vitamins are represented mainly by substances of group B. There are elements E and PP in steamed rice, which respectively resist the destruction of body cells, positively affect the health of the skin, hair and regulate the activity of the nervous system, hormonal balance. As for B vitamins, the following substances are contained in steamed rice:

  • Thiamine (B1), participating in the main metabolic processes of the body.
  • Riboflavin (B2), which promotes the synthesis of other important elements and the conversion of amino acids.
  • Pantothenic acid (B5), which is involved in the production of hormones in the adrenal cortex and corticosteroids.
  • Pyridoxine (B6), which provides the exchange of amino acids and is especially important for the initiation and maintenance of life.
  • Folic acid (B9), involved in the production of "hormones of happiness."

Lecithin, methionine, cysteine, lysine, choline - all this wealth represents a group of nutrients such as amino acids. They are the main building block of proteins. The micronutrients that make up the grain culture also differ in variety: steamed rice contains iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, calcium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus.

Steamed rice

Of steamed rice, however, as well as from ordinary, you can cook a huge number of different dishes. First of all, this, of course, porridge. Among sweet dishes with rice, casseroles and puddings are most famous. They put the grain in soups, used as fillings. Rice is great for both meat and seafood, perfectly sets off and complements sour, spicy and salty dishes.

what are the benefits and harms of steamed rice

It is thanks to the presence of a huge number of biologically active elements that steamed rice is used to feed infants. Experts advise giving it to children as early as six months of age. The well-known property of this culture, which is a positive effect on peristalsis, is widely used in folk medicine. But, like any product, rice has positive properties and can negatively affect the body.

Useful properties of steamed rice

What are the benefits and harms of steamed rice? The beneficial properties of the product are largely determined by the rich composition and preservation of the culture shells during processing, which preserves the biological value of rice.

Due to the content of lecithin and B vitamins, steamed rice improves brain activity, thereby favorably affecting the central nervous system as a whole. The benefits of dishes from this culture also extend to the work of the hematopoietic system and the heart muscle. The use of steamed rice is recommended for patients with a diagnosis of atherosclerosis, as the product helps to improve the elasticity and strength of blood vessels. This property is also useful for people of advanced age. In addition, the product effectively removes toxins from the body, prevents the formation of plaque cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

The positive effect of steamed rice does not bypass the genitourinary system. The product improves the functional ability of the kidneys and the performance of the channels for removing waste from the digestive system from the body, normalizes the water-salt balance.

what are the benefits and harms of steamed rice for diabetes

The main feature of the product, which allows steamed rice to be used by people with various digestive disorders, is the absence of gluten. Steamed rice envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby protecting its mucosa from irritation. The product also reduces the activity of gastric juice. This culture can be consumed by those who suffer from diseases such as enteritis, gastritis and ulcers.

Starch contained in steamed rice is slowly being degraded, which contributes to the slow and constant absorption of glucose into the blood. This property is especially relevant for those patients in whom this process is problematic. This group of patients includes people with diabetes. They quite often use steamed rice for cooking. The benefits and harms of this culture are scientifically proven by many doctors.

The negative effect of the product on the body

But not only the advantages of this culture pay attention to buyers. Quite a lot of people are interested in whether it is true that steamed rice is harmful (what exactly and how to minimize the negative impact if the use of the product is necessary, for example, as part of a therapeutic diet).

The main disadvantage of steamed rice, which at the same time is a plus, is the ability to affect intestinal motility. That is, in simple terms, excessive use of the product leads to constipation. But this drawback can also be easily eliminated: just add fresh fruits and vegetables to the dishes.

Steamed Rice in Slimming Diets

Steamed rice, the benefits and harms, the preparation and use in dieting for weight loss are discussed among nutritionists and losing weight. Steamed rice is characterized by low calorie content (only 123 kcal / 100 g), and its energy value is practically not noticeable for the body, so that it contributes to the fastest discharge of extra pounds.

rice benefits and harm to the body useful properties

Nutritionists advise using this culture as the main product of their general diet or during fasting days. A variety of mono-diets using steamed rice are also based on the same principle, but you should not get carried away with them for a long time. The best option is to maintain a mono-diet for three days. During this period, it is necessary to use exclusively boiled rice without additives - salt, oil or spices. The diet will effectively get rid of a few extra pounds, will allow you to cleanse the body of toxins, and is quite gentle for the body. To use steamed rice for weight loss for a longer time without harm to health, you just need to combine it with various kinds of meat and vegetables.

How to still use steamed rice to maintain health

Steamed rice contains complex carbohydrates that break down for a long time, so a serving of cereal as a breakfast will be an excellent choice. The dish will be an excellent source of energy, which will give a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

The method of preparation of steamed rice

Steamed rice, the benefits and harms of which have already been discussed above, retains its positive properties during further heat treatment, i.e. cooking cereals. Cooking is described below.

You need to pick up a pot of water and put it on fire, the water should be twice as much as rice. By the way, the quality of the liquid also needs to be paid attention to. It is advisable to use purified water rather than tap water.

steamed rice is harmful than

While the water is heating, you need to rinse the rice well in cold water. Although the product has gone through various stages of processing and purification, it can still contain shell residues or impurities in the form of other plant crops. After boiling water, it is necessary to salt it a little, because in salty water all cereals boil faster. Cook rice in a small fire under a tight-fitting lid. It should be noted that steamed rice generally cooks longer than usual. Cooking time is twenty to twenty five minutes.

After this period, it is necessary to remove the lid from the pan, cover it with a towel and allow excess moisture to drain. This will contribute to the fact that in the end, the rice is not viscous and porridge-like, but crumbly. You can understand that the dish is ready by its color. Rice from amber yellow will turn into snow-white. After all the above manipulations, the dish can be served on the table. Such rice will look great with herbs.

The benefits of steamed rice for diabetics

Cereals are used as part of various therapeutic diets. But what are the benefits and harms of steamed rice for diabetes? Of course, it is impossible to treat diabetes solely with rice, but the use of the product for preventive purposes is entirely justified. Steamed rice significantly diversifies the diet of patients with diabetes. In addition, as mentioned above, steamed rice will contribute to the slow and gradual absorption of glucose and once again enrich the body with biologically active elements.

steamed rice cooking benefits and harms

So, good digestibility, the ability to provide the body with a large number of vitamins and minerals, promoting weight loss and the ability to use the product as part of therapeutic diets - all this is distinguished by steamed rice. The benefits and harms to health have been studied, it has been proven that the positive properties of steamed rice dishes far exceed the possible negative consequences of its excessive consumption.

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