The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies causes a huge number of different disputes. But, despite the disagreement of doctors and patients, such drugs are very popular in our country and are produced in large volumes.
One of the commonly acquired homeopathic remedies is the Tonginal medication. Instructions for use, the form, composition and indications of this medication are indicated below.
Packaging, form, composition
The drug "Tonginal", the instructions of which are described below, are homeopathic drops that have a weak camphor aroma. They are intended for oral administration and are available in a dark glass bottle with a dropper dispenser. The main ingredients of this remedy are: Glonoinum, Tabacum, Veratrumalbum, Camphora, Acidum hydrocyanicum and ethyl alcohol.
Pharmacodynamic properties
How does a homeopathic remedy like Tonginal work? The instruction states that the pharmacological effect of this medication is determined by the properties of the main substances that it contains.
The considered drops contribute to the restoration of the balance of activity of parasympathetic and sympathetic autonomic NS. In people with vagotonia, they significantly enhance the tone of the sympathetic NS.
It should also be noted that this medicine normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. It reduces the frequency and intensity of vegetative crises and increases the resistance of the human body to stresses of various nature (for example, psychoemotional or physical).
What other properties are inherent to Tonginal? The instruction reports that this drug normalizes the venous outflow and regulates the tone of the vessels of the brain, improving blood circulation in them. It also promotes better metabolism in the heart muscle and reduces the excitability of the vestibular apparatus.
Thus, the medication in question adapts patients with hypotension, vestibular disorders, autonomic pathology and significantly improves their quality of life.
Indications for taking homeopathic drops
For what reasons can a drug such as Tonginal be prescribed to a patient? The instruction states that the following conditions are indications for the use of this drug:
- vestibular disorders, including Meniere's syndrome ;
- VVD, accompanied by hypotensive disorders;
- diencephalic syndrome;
- syndromes occurring with autonomic disorders.
Contraindications for taking homeopathic drops
In what cases are Tonginal drops contraindicated? The instructions attached to this tool say that it is not recommended for prescribing with hypersensitivity and alcohol dependence.
As for the period of breastfeeding and the time of pregnancy, then in such conditions, the medication is used only as directed by the doctor.
Medication "Tonginal": instructions for use
The drug in question can be prescribed to adults and adolescents. As a rule, drops are used in pure form or pre-diluted in ordinary drinking water. Patients from 12 years old are recommended to take this medicine in the amount of 10 drops.
As for children under one year of age, this medication is prescribed to them one drop three times a day after a meal or before it. As a rule, such a preparation for babies is bred in 1 large spoon of water or milk.
Children under the age of 12 years "Tonginal" appoint 7 drops. They are also pre-diluted in water and taken half an hour before or after dinner.
To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the medication in question is held in the mouth for a short amount of time before swallowing.
If a rapid decrease in the severity of the symptoms of the disease is required, then for adults, the drug is prescribed 8-10 drops every 30 minutes. As for children under 12 years old, they are given 3-5 drops, and for children under one year old - up to 8 times a day, one drop with a small amount of water or milk. After that, they switch to the usual dosage regimen - three times a day.
The recommended duration of treatment with this tool is 2-3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated.
Side effects
Does the medication considered by us contribute to the appearance of adverse reactions? According to the instructions, this tool does not cause unwanted effects.
Price and reviews
Now you know how Tonginal drops work. Instructions for their use have been described above.
The cost of this drug varies between 550-570 rubles. According to reviews of most consumers, the price of this medicine is very high. Moreover, they argue that the drops in question allowed them to overcome vegetovascular dystonia and hypotension. When using the drug in patients, normal health is restored very quickly, headache, dizziness and symptoms of weather dependence are stopped.