What to do if stabbing in the throat? Causes

Sore throat can be caused by various factors. An unpleasant symptom appears from viruses, bacteria, allergens. Sometimes it stabs in the throat, like a needle. To cure this, the correct diagnosis and treatment are necessary. This is described in the article.


If stabbing in the throat, it is often associated with:

  • laryngeal injuries;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the throat;
  • inflammation
  • neuralgia and neurosis.

All these factors have a different effect on the nature and intensity of pain, on the general state of human health. Depending on the cause, treatment is prescribed.


If in the throat it pricks, like a needle, then often this is associated with damage to the mucosa by large pieces of food, sharp objects (especially in young children). This also comes from inaccurate use of a fork, swallowing the bones of fish or poultry.

When injured, cutting pain is observed. Uncomfortable sensations are markedly enhanced during swallowing. Injury can occur in both adults and children.

Foreign elements

Often, for this reason, the throat is pierced in children, because they often try different things on the tooth. Foreign objects can then easily enter the respiratory tract.

stabbing in the throat when swallowing

Small elements of the designer, paper clips, pieces of chalk or a pencil lead can fall into the throat of a child. This can lead to more serious complications than stitching pain.


This is a common reason why it hurts in the throat. There may be cutting, dull, sharp, intense and weak sensations. With angina, there is swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, redness or the appearance of ulcers. With pharyngitis, severe perspiration, pain during swallowing, the appearance of red or white plaques in the throat are observed.

stabs in the throat like a needle

There are a lot of diseases leading to throat stabbing. They occur in adults and children. Only a doctor can distinguish one ailment from another and make a diagnosis.


He is very pricked in the throat due to neurological disorders. Discomfort often occurs with pathologies of the ear and facial nerve. Usually pricks only in a certain part of the throat, affecting the tonsil, part of the tongue or back wall.

If such tingling appears, urgently need to see a doctor. The condition is considered unsafe, so pull with treatment is not worth it.

Other reasons

If pricks and perspiration in the throat, then this may be due to:

  • dental ailments;
  • pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • purulent throat abscess;
  • the accumulation of lymphoid tissue in the lateral pharynx;
  • teething wisdom;
  • odnofagii.
throat hurts

To temporarily eliminate pain, it is necessary to prevent the mucous membrane of the throat from drying out. Then you need to use medicines prescribed by doctors.

Who to contact?

If it hurts, throats, you need to contact the otolaryngologist. Especially this should be done with redness, high fever, plaque on the glands and other symptoms that indicate inflammation in the larynx.

throat causes

If the examination shows that the throat is in order, and the stitching pain does not disappear, then the patient is referred to a neurologist. With the help of a consultation, this specialist will be assigned effective means to improve the condition.


If there is a stab in the throat and a cough, you should consult a specialist. First, the otolaryngologist examines the patient's throat to identify foreign elements, mucosal injuries and inflammation. If there is a suspicion of pharyngitis or tonsillitis, pharyngoscopy is performed. At the risk of an infectious disease of the throat of bacterial etiology, a smear is taken from the pharynx for inoculation on pathogenic microflora.

When the results of bacterial culture are obtained, the otolaryngologist performs an antibioticogram. This procedure establishes the sensitivity of bacteria in the smear to certain antibacterial agents.

If a sore throat due to trigeminal neuralgia, the doctor examines the symptoms. When an anamnesis is collected, palpation of the face is performed to determine the affected trigeminal nerve. Additionally, CT or MRI is prescribed to determine the causes of neuralgia.


What to do if stabbing in the throat depends on the cause. If trauma to the mucous membranes is detected, then rejection of hot food and drinks is required, as well as the exclusion of solid foods until wounds and cracks are removed.

If the reason is in an object that is stuck in the larynx, then Heimlich’s technique is used to eliminate it. If the foreign body is very deep, then tweezers will be required, but this procedure should be performed by a doctor. After eliminating the subject, a diet is required, as with mechanical injuries to the throat.

Inflammation therapy

If the throat is very prickly from inflammation, rinses with soda and salt are effective. Still helps warm plentiful drinking and steam inhalation with eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile.

stabbing in the throat and coughing

Suitable lozenges (Trachisan, Septefril, Septolete) or lozenges (Doctor Mom, Kukasil). With their help, it will be possible to get rid of pain and redness of the mucous membrane of the throat.

How to treat neuralgia?

If it stabs in the throat when swallowing and is associated with neuralgia, treatment cannot be carried out independently. This is a difficult process in which you need to get rid of the main cause of damage to the trigeminal nerve.

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, anticonvulsants, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants are prescribed. In especially difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.


Sanitation of the oral cavity is performed to reduce dryness and sore throat, mechanical cleansing of mucus, sputum, pathogenic microflora. This allows you to open access to medicines. You can use drugs:

  1. Iodinol. The tool has an antiseptic effect, it inhibits the synthesis of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, reduces inflammation, accelerates regeneration.
  2. Miramistin. The medicine has a bactericidal effect. With it, stopping wound and inflammation, generating local immune reactions.
  3. "Chlorhexidine." With it disinfection of the oral mucosa is performed. The growth and reproduction of microbes is also suppressed.
  4. "Furacilin." The drug does not allow the development of purulent-inflammatory processes that appear from the effects of bacterial and fungal infections.

These procedures can not be performed for children under 3-4 years old because of the risk of leakage of the solution into the esophagus. In acute inflammation, rinsing is preferably performed every 2 hours. To reduce the drug load on the respiratory tract, an alternation of antiseptic drugs with saline, soda solutions, phyto-decoctions is required.


Aerosol therapy has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Medicines that are administered by the inhalation method are deposited, circulate for a long time in the pulmonary circulation, and are completely and actively absorbed from the membrane of the respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect is performed due to the directed effect on the pathology in the absence of adverse systemic reactions.

Means of various pharmaceutical activity are used:

  1. Topical antibiotics and antiseptics - “Chlorophyllipt”, “Dioxidin”, “Fluimucil”, “Gentamicin”.
  2. Anti-inflammatory - “Rotokan”, “Malavit”, “Propolis”.
  3. Glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines - Dexamethasone, Pulmicort, Cromohexal.
  4. Immunomodulators - Derinat, Interferon.

The duration of 1 session for an adult is 7-10 minutes. A single dose and daily multiplicity of the procedure is set by the doctor individually.

The effect on the progression of inflammation and catarrhal phenomena is provided by inhalations based on slightly alkaline mineral water. Essentuki, Narzan, Borjomi, an aqueous solution of sodium chloride are used. They have a rehydrating effect on the respiratory system, restore water-salt balance, improve blood flow, stop spasms of smooth muscles, normalize the central nervous system.

Moisturizing the mucosa, reducing pain is performed using steam inhalation decoctions. For this, medicinal plants, essential oils, soda and salt are used.

Cold treatment

Sometimes discomfort in the throat appears from SARS. To restore the condition, no special measures are required. Proper care is required. The following rules are used to combat SARS:

  1. Need bed rest if the temperature is high.
  2. Gargling required.
  3. Anti-inflammatory pills and sprays are also prescribed. They relieve pain. They are taken in the evening to sleep peacefully. Often prescribed "Septolete", "Faringosept", "Decatilene", "Stopangin."
  4. It is necessary to rinse the nose in the presence of a runny nose. Now many drugs are used based on sea salt and synthetic components.
  5. At night they use vasoconstrictors that help breathe.
  6. Need plenty of warm drink. With it, harmful toxins produced by viruses are eliminated. Liquid in large quantities reduces temperature.
  7. Antitussive drugs are used.
  8. Antipyretic drugs are effective in the presence of elevated temperature. Apply on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Do not use acetylsalicylic acid.
  9. Need to take vitamins. It can be fruits, preserves, pharmaceuticals. Immunity must fight the infection.
  10. Do not use antiviral agents. They give a burden to the kidneys.
  11. If the infection is bacterial, then an antibiotic is added to the indicated treatment.
  12. Sometimes intestinal preparations are needed. Used Lactiale, Bifiform.
why stabs in the throat

Treatment eliminates pain symptoms, alleviates and eliminates the causes. But this must be done by the doctor. If improperly treated, many ailments turn into chronic and lead to serious complications.

Folk remedies

To alleviate the condition of the throat, herbs and rinses are used. They eliminate pain, inflammation. Sage milk has long been known as a popular remedy. Drink it in unlimited quantities. It is useful for inflammation, relieving pain. Sage can gargle. The effect will be almost the same.

For such purposes, a solution of soda, salt and iodine is suitable. The tool helps with angina. Use it every 2 hours. With it, tingling, inflammation, pain is eliminated. But you should not use it too often, as this leads to an overdrying of the mucosa.

You can still grate garlic and add to milk. The mixture is heated and consumed 3 times a day. This fluid contains many vitamins, relieves pain and inflammation. To improve the taste, honey (1 tsp) is allowed.

You can brew onion husks in milk. This liquid is consumed or gargled. It is a great anti-inflammatory solution. There are many alternative methods for treating throat. They must be selected individually based on consultation with a doctor.


In order to prevent injury and penetration of foreign bodies into the throat, which can lead to discomfort and wounds, it is necessary to qualitatively remove the bones from the fish when it is used. According to the purpose and carefully you need to use cutlery, and also to ensure that the child does not pick up toys and other small objects in his mouth.

To protect against inflammation, you need to carry out immunotherapy at least 2 times a year, completely treat viral and infectious diseases. It is important to prevent hypothermia.

To protect against the development of trigeminal neuralgia:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition;
  • create a daily regime by balancing rest and physical activity, sleep and wakefulness;
  • do not allow hypothermia of the face;
  • timely treat current ailments and regularly perform preventive medical examinations.

Do not self-medicate. Even if the pain can be stopped on their own, without establishing the cause of their appearance, a full recovery will not occur. And only a qualified doctor can determine this.

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