5 metatarsal fracture of the foot: diagnosis, rehabilitation, prognoses

The main questions for patients when contacting a traumatologist with a fracture of the metatarsal bones: “How long will it take to wear plaster? Is it mandatory to walk with crutches after a fracture? How to stand up after an injury? ” This article will answer these and many other questions of interest.

The human foot is a complex structure in anatomical terms and consists of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, including soft tissues. In total, the human foot consists of 26 bones, among which only five are called metatarsals. They are the longest in the foot. What threatens a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone? About it further.

closed fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone

Relevance of the problem

According to statistics today, if we talk about fractures of the metatarsal bones, this is five to six percent of the total number of fractures of the bones of the human skeleton. These injuries are not uncommon in both male and female. The most common fracture is 5 metatarsal bones, as well as 4 (this is affected by their location in the anatomical plan, the third metatarsal bone is very rarely broken).

The bones that make up the human foot create a fairly complex mechanism that performs many functions, namely: they carry out the movement of a person, withstand heavy loads of a different nature. They provide cushioning during human walking.

All the bones of the foot in humans, and their number is 26 pcs., Are very closely related to each other. If one of them is injured, damaged or displaced, this can affect further deformations and dysfunctions of the others.

Groups affected by fracture risks:

  • People between the ages of twenty and forty.
  • Men actively involved in sports.
  • Ballerinas
  • Soccer players.

An open or closed fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone is a common occurrence in these categories.

metatarsal fracture 5 with displacement

The anatomical structure of the human foot

  • The metatarsal bones are 5 tubular bones located between the phalanges of the fingers and the bones of the tarsus. Their main function is to ensure active movement of the foot and play the role of a lever (running, walking and jumping).
  • Short tubular bones (phalanges) of the toes. The 1st toe consists of 2 phalanges, all the rest of the 3. The total number of them on each leg is 14. A fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone can occur completely by accident.
  • Three sphenoid bones. They have such a name because of their wedge shape.
  • The cuboid bone is located at the side of the foot.
  • The scaphoid is located at the forefoot.
  • Talus.
  • Calcaneus.

If a person has received a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone, then he should contact a traumatologist orthopedist.

Types of Fractures

A fracture of the metatarsal bones is understood as a violation of their integrity due to trauma.

They are classified as:

  • Emerging as a result of injury.
  • Appearing due to fatigue or stress.

Different fracture lines:

  1. Transverse.
  2. Slanting.
  3. T-shaped.
  4. In the form of a wedge.

5 metatarsal fracture rehabilitation

Fractures due to injury

Consider fractures resulting from an injury. They can form due to a blow to the foot with a heavy object, as well as tucking of the foot during walking or running.

The following types of fractures are classified:

  • Fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone with displacement - as a result of the fracture, bone fragments are displaced.
  • Bone fragments do not move.
  • Open fractures.
  • Closed fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone of the foot.

If a person received such an injury without displacement, then the elements of the damaged bone will remain in the same position. An open fracture is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, in which case parts of the bones can be seen in the wound.

An open fracture is dangerous for humans, since the percentage of infection and future complications, such as phlegmon, osteomyelitis, sepsis, gangrene and tetanus, are very high. How much does the 5 metatarsal bone fracture heal? About it below.

The main clinical signs

  1. Pain at the fracture site of these bones appears either immediately after the injury, or after some time.
  2. Damage to bones immediately at the time of the injury is accompanied by a crunch that the patient can hear.
  3. Perhaps the deviation of the metatarsal bone to the side.
  4. The patient's foot finger is visually shortened.
  5. Possible swelling the day after the fracture or on the same day.

Jones Fracture

One of the varieties of such injuries is the Jones fracture. This is a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone with a displacement at which fragments slowly heal. After it, in some patients, the bone never fuses.

Patients can often be misdiagnosed. As a result, treatment for foot sprain is prescribed.

closed fracture of the 5 metatarsal foot

Fatigue fractures

These are injuries that are characterized by cracks that are hardly noticeable on the x-ray.

The reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Heavy physical exertion on the foot area.
  • In particular, they are observed among athletes who, in the process of running, quickly increase the mileage in marathons.
  • The structure and shape of the metatarsal bones with deviation.
  • Changing the shape of the foot.
  • Exposure to narrow shoes when worn.
  • Often diagnosed in people engaged in ballroom dancing at a professional level.
  • Osteoporosis.

With the above types of fractures, mandatory and timely treatment is required. A careless attitude to such an injury can seriously affect the condition of the foot in the future.

What are the signs of diagnosing such a fracture?

  • The patient has pain in the foot after exertion (prolonged walking or running).
  • The pain disappears after a short rest, and then intensifies again if a person begins to walk around the room or stands in one place for a long time.

5 metatarsal fracture

  • When palpating the foot, the patient indicates a point pain at the fracture site.
  • An external sign of a fracture is swelling of the foot, but without bruising.

The above symptoms suggest that you need to contact a traumatologist. Similar symptoms are observed with a fracture of the metatarsal bones and sprain. The conviction is considered erroneous: if the patient walks, then he does not need medical care. Diagnosis of a fracture of the base of the 5 metatarsal bone of the foot, carried out untimely, and unqualified treatment of any fractures, including fatigue, leads to serious consequences.

What are the complications?

  • The bone structure of the human foot changes, which leads to restriction of movement and makes it difficult to wear shoes.
  • Perhaps the development of arthrosis at the site of injury.
  • It is important to align the displaced elements of the bones, otherwise angular deformation may appear.
  • The patient suffers from chronic pain in the foot.
  • The patient quickly feels tired in the legs, and especially when he walks or stands still.
  • If the fracture does not grow together, then an operation is necessary.


After a fracture of the base of the 5 metatarsal bone, a diagnosis can be made by the presence of injury, patient complaints, visual examination of the foot, and also using x-ray equipment.


Modern types of treatment in traumatology:

how much does the 5 metatarsal bone fracture heal

  • Plaster cast application. It is used in case when a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone of the foot occurred without displacement of fragments.
  • A gypsum dressing is used to protect the site of injury from various types of impact on the fracture, ensures the correct position of the bone fragments in the anatomical plan and the immobility of the foot, which is necessary for quick healing.
  • Surgery. The displacement of bone fragments as a result of a fracture of the metatarsal bones requires surgical intervention, as well as the use of mini implants for their fixation and comparison.
  • The patient needs to use crutches during walking the entire period, regardless of the type of treatment (surgical or conservative). Crutches help eliminate stress on the foot.
  • When the patient is allowed to remove the bandage, he will be rehabilitated to return to an active life and restore foot function.

Modern medicine provides a new method of treatment, the so-called osteosynthesis, with which the doctor has the opportunity to compare bone fragments and give them the correct position. Using a special rod, fixation is carried out inside the bone. This technique makes it possible to use the load on the foot in the early stages and make more movements with the toes of the foot.

The need for immobilization

In order to minimize the acute consequences of trauma of the metatarsal bones, rest and a limited set of movements are needed, which, in turn, will help eliminate secondary displacement and create all favorable conditions for rehabilitation.

If the victim does not have displacement of fragments, then the gypsum during a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone is changed to a special orthosis.

It allows you to do physical stress on the leg, without provoking pain and swelling of the soft tissues of the foot.

Together with the immobilization of the fracture, painkillers, physiotherapeutic procedures, preparations for blood vessels and decongestant ointments can be prescribed. The decline of this phenomenon suggests that five to seven days after a fracture of the 5 metatarsal bone, it is possible to conduct a control radiography.

So, a sharp increase in physical exertion on the foot leads to fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone. Patients complain of pain when they exercise regularly. At first, it makes itself felt only during exertion, then the symptoms manifest themselves more and more often, as a result, the clinical picture of a “fresh fracture” develops.

The doctor should do an examination. He needs to examine both ankles, scaphoid and base 5 of the metatarsal bone. Conduct research using x-ray equipment. With any fracture, and especially the 5th metatarsal bone, a foot x-ray is performed in 3 projections: lateral, anteroposterior and oblique. In severe cases, other methods of radiation diagnosis can be used: MRI or functional imaging.

First aid to the injured

First aid at the prehospital stage includes:

fracture of the base of the 5 metatarsal bone of the foot

  • Creating the necessary rest for the foot.
  • It is necessary to apply cold to the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal bone. An ice bubble inside helps very well. It is used to reduce swelling of soft tissues and reduce pain in the foot. At home, an ordinary towel in which ice is wrapped is suitable. There is a certain period of time for which cold can be applied. Doing this procedure is necessary for twenty minutes every hour.
  • The elastic bandage is suitable for fixing the foot, so that later on to put on the leg a compression stocking. Its use requires uniform bandaging in order to exclude circulatory disorders of the lower limb.
  • A damaged foot should be placed on a raised platform. The patient places the foot just above the hip.
  • It is possible to overlay the tire on the foot.
  • Find the nearest emergency room for medical attention.

5 Metatarsal Fracture: Rehabilitation

A plaster cast for fracture is worn for a month and a half.

The attending doctor (trauma doctor) can allow the patient to step on a broken leg only if an x-ray of the metatarsal bones is visible on the radiograph. Plaster cast should be removed only with the permission of the doctor. Doing this prematurely and yourself is forbidden. It is important to dose physical activity during the recovery period. The first thing a patient should do is to step solely on the heel and eventually expose the entire foot to stress. The doctor prescribes physiotherapy exercises, which helps to quickly restore function and helps to return the patient with a fracture to normal life. In case of pain during physical education, it is necessary to suspend the prescribed course.

Swimming, massage and physiotherapy are positively affected. Water exercises with light loads effectively restore the normal functioning of the foot. If the swelling of the legs has increased, you can use the ointment "Lyoton 1000" or "Troxevasin."

Special orthopedic shoes and insoles prescribed by a doctor make the rehabilitation process more comfortable. It is also recommended that you do “home charging.”


“Home exercise” for the foot is as follows:

  • Flexion and extension of the toes.
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to "get up" on toes and on heels.
  • Pull the foot toward you (ten to fifteen times).
  • Stretch the foot away from you (ten to fifteen times).
  • Turn the foot to the left (ten times).
  • Turn the foot to the right (ten times).

The functions of the foot are usually normalized 1 month after the removal of the cast. To strengthen the bone, the patient should eat foods high in calcium and vitamins daily.

A fracture can happen in everyone, especially if a person leads an active lifestyle. You need to be careful, try to avoid traumatic moments, wear comfortable shoes and try to use foods with a sufficient calcium content in them.

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