Candles "Macmirror": instructions for use, analogues

In the female body, malfunctions associated with bacterial infections of the genital organs sometimes occur. For examination and diagnosis, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist. For treatment, drugs with a wide spectrum of action that are opposed to various pathogens can be prescribed. If antifungal therapy and antibacterial therapy are necessary in the complex, then Macmiror may be needed - suppositories. The instruction contains detailed information about the reception, indications and possible consequences.

Genital tract infections

The composition of the drug

The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, but other forms of release are also used to treat the partner or in some other circumstances. The same active substance has any Macmirror. Suppositories (instructions contain a complete list of components) include nifuratel and nystatin. They have an orange hue and a slightly elongated and rounded shape. Intended for vaginal use only.

For women, a cream is also intended, which has the same purpose as the candles. The active substance is the same for them, the drug looks like a liquid-like cream of a yellowish or beige hue.

"Macmirror Complex" - candles

For oral administration, tablets are prescribed. Their intake is necessary to enhance the effect of vaginal drugs or for the treatment of a sexual partner. The active component is only nifuratel, and the dosage is quite large - 200 mg per pill.

Therapeutic action

Nifuratel is the basis of the drug "Macmirror" (candles). The instructions say that the substance has a destructive effect on a number of fungi and many bacteria. The tool has also found application in gastroenterology in the treatment of intestinal infections.

An ingredient such as nystatin is also included in candles and cream. It destroys the membrane of pathogenic fungi, which determines its effect. Women noticed the high effectiveness of the drug against thrush, because the active substance actively destroys the Candida species.

"Macmirror" - an antifungal drug

Indications for use

Quite clear evidence has "Macmirror." Candles, according to the instructions, are effective in the following cases:

  • infectious diseases of the female genital organs (chlamydia, yeast-like fungi that cause thrush, trichomoniasis);
  • to relieve clinical manifestations of urethritis and cystitis.

Often, gynecologists prescribe a remedy to eliminate the symptoms of thrush and to prevent all kinds of vaginitis.

Candles "Macmirror" for bacterial infection

How does the drug work?

It has the combined effect of "Macmirror" (candles). The instructions, reviews confirm this, it is said that the drug quickly eliminates vaginal infections, and side effects are rare. The effect of the drug is due to its powerful composition.

It is based on the substance nystatin, which has an antimicrobial effect. At the same time, it works inside the cell itself, destroying it and thereby not giving a chance to the pathogenic flora to multiply. Nystatin is especially effective against Candida species. Nifuratel included in the composition contributes to a more pronounced effect and provides an antimycotic effect.

The instruction shows that the tool has the following properties:

  • antiprotozoal;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal.

At the same time, it is active in many Macmirror parasites (candles). Instructions for use and expert reviews confirm effectiveness against such simple microorganisms as:

  • toxoplasma;
  • Giardia
  • amoeba;
  • pneumocysts;
  • Trichomonas.

Due to this diversity, the medicine is prescribed for a variety of diseases of the intimate sphere of a woman and a man.

"Macmirror" candles - instructions for use


The drug should be prescribed only by a specialist. It is not recommended to use candles on their own, because it is necessary to examine the patient and identify sensitivity to the active components. But even if the remedy was prescribed by the gynecologist, it is recommended to carefully read the annotation attached to it. It is known that a medicine is usually well tolerated. Side effects are rarely observed, but there may be individual reactions.

There are no strict contraindications for the drug. But gynecologists with caution and only in case of urgent need appoint "Macmirror" (candles) during pregnancy. The instructions indicate that only the first trimester is a relative contraindication. There is also no extensive experience in using the drug in the treatment of adolescents. Therefore, for children under 18 years of age, a similar drug is selected, but allowed to be taken at an earlier age.

Features of treatment during pregnancy

Antifungal and antibacterial action has Macmirror. The instructions for the use of suppositories during pregnancy say that they are prescribed with great care and only when the expected benefit exceeds the various risks to the fetus. Only a gynecologist who conducts pregnancy should prescribe the drug, and after conducting tests for pathogenic microflora.

There are no strict prohibitions and "Macmirror complex" (candles). The instructions for pregnancy do not prohibit them, but pills should be limited. They enter the stomach and are absorbed as much as possible into the bloodstream. In addition, this form of release is prohibited during breastfeeding, but you can only temporarily suspend the natural process.

"Macmirror" - use during pregnancy

Features of the reception

A special effect can be achieved only if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed. Suppositories themselves should be inserted deep into the vagina, while there are certain rules:

  • suppositories are intended for intravaginal use only;
  • unless otherwise specified by the gynecologist, it is necessary to administer one suppository in the evening before bedtime;
  • after the introduction, it is recommended not to get up or go to the toilet, otherwise some of the substance may leak out and the effect of use is reduced;
  • it is not recommended to use candles during menstruation, in this case the therapeutic effect is significantly reduced.

It is worth noting that the course of treatment is 8 days, therefore, if a woman is expecting menstruation soon, then it is necessary to wait for its end and only after that start taking it.

Possible analogues

On the basis of nitrofuran produced candles "Macmirror". The analogue, accordingly, should also have it in its composition. The substance is a topical antibiotic that rarely causes side effects. In connection with these drugs, it is possible to prescribe even to pregnant women. If for any reason it is necessary to choose a replacement, then the product should be based on nitrofuran, therefore, in the instructions should pay attention to the active substance.

To date, in pharmacies there are only a few funds with a similar composition and principle of action. The following medicines have a minimum number of prohibitions, side effects and similar components:

  • Osarbon;
  • Venro Kit;
  • Lactozhinal.

However, it is worth considering that the drugs contain an antibiotic, so they are sold strictly according to the prescription. Therefore, for an appointment, you must consult a doctor and look for a replacement for Macmiror together (in the candlelight). Instructions for the use of analogues also show that they are antimicrobial agents that relieve vaginal infections. The drugs are also available in the form of candles and have the same indications.

If diseases of the genitourinary sphere are diagnosed, then Macmirror (candles) is also effective. The instructions for use of analogues may not indicate this. Doctors recommend in this case to use drugs in the form of tablets, which are available on the basis of the same active ingredients. The following medications can be distinguished:

  • Furazolin;
  • "Acylact";
  • "Furazolidone."

When prescribing these pills, doctors recommend drugs to support the immune system. This is due to the fact that infections of the genitourinary organs often develop amid a decrease in immune forces.

When choosing an analog "Macmirror" it is better to consult a doctor. Only a specialist is familiar with the characteristics of each remedy and can recommend them based on the well-being of the patient and the characteristics of his body.

Side effects and overdose cases

Very rarely causes adverse reactions "Macmirror complex." Suppositories (instructions and reviews confirm) can cause local irritation, redness and swelling. Sometimes patients note itching on the skin and various rashes. But such manifestations are associated with individual sensitivity to incoming components and the body's response to the introduction of a foreign body into the vagina.

Absorption of the active component when using suppositories is quite low, so the risk of an overdose is small. In addition, suppositories act locally and selectively, therefore, the risk of exceeding the norm is minimized. However, uncontrolled use of candles is prohibited. Otherwise, you can get complications in the form of irritation of the mucosa and immunity of bacteria to the local antibiotic.

Performance and Usage Reviews

Quite positive feedback is the Macmirror complex. Candles (instructions for use and reviews confirm this) are the safest because they act locally. But often, doctors prescribe suppositories together with pills, so their effectiveness increases. If it is necessary to simultaneously treat a sexual partner, then pills are also used.

It is believed that the drug protects against inflammation after cauterization of erosion and other surgical interventions. In this case, the recovery period is faster, and the patient is not bothered by pain. However, there are opinions that the use of candles is somewhat inconvenient. Even if you use them, as the instruction says, at night, then then the discharge is worried all day. Many women recommend using pads during treatment to protect their underwear and maintain proper hygiene.

The drug has many positive reviews in the treatment of giardiasis. In this case, the woman at first is concerned about abdominal pain. After examination and treatment, the condition quickly normalizes, but in this case, the drug is used in combination.

Important information

It must be remembered that with sexual infections and bacterial infections, it is necessary to treat a partner. This need is due to the risk of re-infection. The gynecologist usually also recommends avoiding intimate relationships during therapy.

Candles "Macmirror" is not used to treat children. For this category of patients, the Macmirror Complex is designed, which is available in the form of a cream. A special applicator is designed to treat the vagina. A special graduated syringe has a nozzle that allows you to enter the cream, but the hymen is not damaged.

Compatibility with other drugs

Sometimes Macmirror is prescribed with Nystatin. Due to the fact that the drug in question contains the component of the same name, the effect of the last drug is amplified many times.

candles macmirror

No more significant interactions with co-administration have been identified. It is possible to combine medication with drugs that contain alcohol.


The drug "Macmirror" has a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect. Candles do not bring much discomfort, are well tolerated by patients. Discharge may bother you, but gaskets can help deal with the problem. Itching and burning are, but quite rarely. Active components gently affect the body, but are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria. It is important that the drug is not forbidden to use during pregnancy, but you must consult a doctor for the appointment.

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