The drug "Warfarin Nycomed": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The average pharmacy chain can offer customers several thousand drugs in different price categories. If necessary, the pharmacist will select the drug according to your indications and financial capabilities, but still it is usually better to adhere to the recommendations of your doctor, acquiring exactly the remedy that is indicated in the prescription. For certain diseases, this is extremely important, so if you are prescribed a specific drug, then you need to look for it in pharmacies. If your prescription says "Warfarin Nycomed", then, despite the abundance of its analogues, get these pills. For diseases requiring blood thinning, this drug is most suitable, and therefore it is widely prescribed by medical specialists. However, the drug itself causes a lot of questions in patients. Today we will take a closer look at the popular drug "Warfarin Nycomed": instructions for use, a number of indications and contraindications, analogues, as well as its features. Each issue will be considered by us in a separate section.

release form

Drug characterization

The instruction to Warfarin Nycomed states that it is a remedy that effectively inhibits blood coagulation. It contributes to its dilution, which is necessary for various cardiovascular diseases, as well as the prevention of thrombosis. Most often, the drug is prescribed after heart attacks and strokes, but in addition to the listed problems, there is a fairly wide list for the use of Warfarin Nycomeda. We will talk about him a little later.

It should be borne in mind that drugs that affect blood coagulation are divided into two categories: direct and indirect exposure. When we talk about direct anticoagulants, we need to know that they have an effect on thrombin and are able to thin the blood throughout the body. Judging by the instructions for Warfarin Nycomed, the drug belongs to indirect anticoagulants. They affect the blood a little differently. Drugs of this category affect the synthesis of enzymes, and therefore are prescribed much more often than drugs of the previous group.

It must be borne in mind that if the doctor prescribed you "Warfarin Nycomed", then this indicates a certain danger to life. After all, the formation of blood clots, which can clog vessels, leads at least to the development of a heart attack and stroke. They can cause various health problems and, in the worst case, lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, be sure to start taking the drug according to the instructions for use (Warfarin Nycomed obliges patients to strictly follow the given scheme) or according to the schedule indicated by the attending physician.

A few words about the manufacturer

If you carefully read the instructions for the tablets "Warfarin Nycomed", you can get information about the manufacturers of this drug. Today, it is produced by several pharmaceutical companies, all of which are foreign firms.

Most often tablets from Finland, Ukraine and Poland fall on the Russian market. In Denmark, there is a large pharmaceutical factory that also produces this drug. It should be borne in mind that tablets of different manufacturers can differ markedly in shape, color and quantity in one package. Therefore, always look at the data on the pharmaceutical company, which are indicated in the instructions and on the packing board. Depending on the plant, even the dosage of the drug may be different.

To date, in pharmacies you can find four types of drug. One of the most popular among all is precisely Warfarin Nycomed. It has a suitable dosage and packaging, so one package is enough for a course of treatment.

composition of tablets

Release form and packaging

The drug "Warfarin Nycomed" is packaged in bottles of fifty and one hundred tablets. Usually the attending physician always warns patients about what kind of packaging they will need. If you have not been informed about this, then do not hesitate to inquire so as not to overpay for the amount of pills you do not need.

The medicine "Warfarin Nycomed" is a small blue pill. Both bright and light shades are allowed. It depends on the manufacturer of the drug, so there is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the drug. Each tablet in the vial has a convex shape on both sides, one is applied to the risk for a more convenient division. It is made in the shape of a cross.

It is worth considering that the bottles are made of plastic, not glass. Therefore, the drug must be kept away from direct sunlight and hot objects.

The composition of the drug

"Warfarin Nycomed" has a fairly simple composition, so it rarely causes an allergic reaction, even in those patients who are hypersensitive to various components of drugs. A similar property of the drug significantly expands not only the scope of its use in medicine, but also the categories of people who are shown tablets.

They have one active ingredient - warfarin sodium. Each tablet contains two and a half milligrams of this active ingredient. It is he who is responsible for blood thinning and affects the synthesis of enzymes.

There are not too many excipients in the drug, their list is limited to components that are responsible for the absorption of tablets in the body. These include:

  • povidone;
  • lactose;
  • corn starch;
  • indigo carmine and the like.

Most of the tablets contain lactose, so those who suffer from its intolerance should inform the attending physician about this fact. Perhaps he will replace "Warfarin Nycomed" with analogues or will more closely monitor the patient's condition.

In general, despite the fact that the instructions contain a lot of side effects, the drug rarely causes them when the prescribed dosage is observed. When prescribing Warfarin Nycomeda (2.5 mg), the daily dose should not be exceeded in any case, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences for the body, even fatal.

Patient Memo

Why tablets "Warfarin Nycomed"? We will give reviews and recommendations of doctors and patients on this topic a little later, but for now I would like to discuss the features of this drug. We already mentioned one of them - strict adherence to the indicated dosage, and it is necessary to focus on the doctor’s recommendations, and not on the general scheme from the instructions. If this rule is not followed, then the risk of bleeding of a different nature is great. And with long-term use of the drug, such a reaction must be avoided at all costs.

For many patients, Warfarin Nycomed (reviews and instructions for use can give complete and detailed information about the drug) is prescribed for life. Therefore, it is likely that any deviation from the necessary concentration in the body will cause bleeding. To avoid this, it is important to follow a number of recommendations. They can not be found in the instructions for "Warfarin Nycomed" (2.5 mg), but doctors usually write such handouts for their patients with their own hands.

First of all, every patient taking this drug should regularly take blood tests for coagulation. Usually, the first control is appointed after three to five days of treatment, and then the doctor is guided by the results of the examination.

With prolonged treatment, tablets of a different manufacturer cannot be used. We have already mentioned that pharmaceutical companies produce drugs with different concentrations of the active substance, and therefore it is easy to harm your health.

If you are taking Warfarin Nycomed, you can drink any other medicine only with the permission of your doctor. This applies even to seemingly innocuous multivitamin complexes or analgesics. Also, do not consult a doctor to start taking any herbs.

Warfarin Nycomed requires a certain diet. Compliance with the diet is the key not only to effective treatment, but also to well-being, if your appointment involves the use of lifelong medication.

In reviews of Warfarin Nycomed (2.5 mg), it is sometimes mentioned that doctors emphasize the need to exclude cranberry juice and alcohol from drinking. Alcohol-containing drinks are absolutely incompatible with the drug, so you should not create precedents and drink even in the smallest quantities.

If you notice any bleeding, consult a doctor immediately. Even in cases where it seems to you that this is a slight loss of blood, in fact the situation can be much more serious. Only the attending physician can draw conclusions about this.

Diagnosing any side effects from Warfarin Nycomed should be the reason for an immediate visit to a specialist. He will prescribe a number of tests to the patient and, based on their results, will adjust the daily dose. In some cases, tablets can be replaced by others, however, it should be borne in mind that exit from the drug takes a certain time.

Pharmacology and therapeutic effect

From the instructions for use for Warfarin Nycomed and reviews about it, you can quickly get comprehensive information about how the drug works in the human body. Usually, patients do not pay due attention to this information, but they are important for understanding the mechanism of the effect of the drug on blood coagulation.

The drug primarily acts in the liver, blocking the synthesis of vitamin K and its dependent components. As a result, coagulability slows down, which is what is necessary to achieve with the use of the drug.

At the initial intake of pills, the effect of them can be seen at least thirty-six hours, in some cases it occurs only after three days. Previously, none of the coagulation tests will show the expected result. Near the end of the week of treatment, the maximum concentration of the active substance in the patient's body is observed. If the course of treatment ends, and the doctor does not prolong it, then the former coagulation returns about four days after the withdrawal of the tablets.

It is worth noting, focusing on the instructions for use with "Warfarin Nycomed" (2.5 mg), that it is very rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and its ability to bind to blood proteins approaches one hundred percent. The drug is excreted from the body through bile and urine. Usually this process stretches over a time interval of more than three days.

blood clots

Pills "Warfarin Nycomed": what they help from

The list of indications for the use of the drug is very wide. If a little generalized, then we can say that the drug is recommended for people prone to blood clots and embolism. Moreover, it can be indicated to those who already suffer from this disease or wish to prevent its occurrence. At the initial stage of the disease, the tablets do not allow the existing clots to increase and break away from the walls of the vessels.

If we list the diseases in more detail, it should be noted that most of them are those that clearly threaten the life of the patient. The following problems fall into this category:

  • varicose veins;
  • thromboses of a different nature (arteries, with a heart attack, acute venous form or relapse of the disease, etc.);
  • thromboembolism;
  • recovery period after surgery in the case of the use of a large number of hemostatic agents;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • prosthetics of blood vessels and individual heart valves;
  • blood clots in the pulmonary vessels and so on.

In general, specialists count several dozen diseases in which the use of Warfarin Nycomeda is mandatory. In these cases, the drug will be a real life-saving patient.

Also, doctors quite often prescribe pills as a prophylaxis after any surgical interventions in the cardiovascular system. Regardless of the severity of the disease, preventive measures that prevent the formation of blood clots should be carried out without fail.

Getting ready to take the drug: nuances and features

From the reviews of Warfarin Nycomeda, you can understand how it is necessary to drink the prescribed tablets. But still, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the recommendations of the doctor, and not on the comments of patients.

How to take Warfarin Nycomed? Naturally, strictly according to the scheme. It will be useful to pre-draw a table and mark the date, time and dosage of the tablet in it. The fact is that you need to take the drug at the same time. This requirement must be strictly observed. But before or after a meal, drinking a pill is absolutely unimportant. Eating does not affect the absorption of the drug. It is recommended to drink a tablet with a large amount of clean water, you do not need to chew it. Usually, the doctor prescribes a medication once a day, but this dosage can be adjusted at any time.

It should be borne in mind that before starting treatment, a specialist prescribes several special laboratory tests. They show the rate of blood coagulation in comparison with a healthy person and with average indicators accepted as normal. The results of the tests are issued in units, if they are higher than normal, then the risk of stroke is high. At lower rates, bleeding may occur. Ideally, a few days after the start of taking the pills, the average indicator decreases slightly, which is what the doctors want to achieve.

taking pills

Instructions for the drug

The instructions for use with Warfarin Nycomed tablets give a very approximate intake schedule. But on it you can get a general idea of ​​the rules for taking the drug.

The fact that you need to drink it at the same time, we have already mentioned. The course of treatment in each specific case is determined only by the doctor, he has the necessary qualifications to adjust the dosage and determine the duration of taking "Warfarin Nycomeda".

The initial dose given to the patient depends on whether he has previously taken such a medicine. But regardless of this, each patient must pass a control analysis, which will be repeated every month or, in extreme cases, once every two months. Depending on the results, a decision is made on the duration of therapy.

For those patients who are not familiar with the drug, the starting dosage is prescribed in the form of two tablets. Thus, it is necessary to be treated for four days, then the patient must pass a control analysis. Most often, its results are satisfactory, therefore, further adjustments are made. The doctor prescribes maintenance therapy, consisting of one to three tablets. Dosage above the indicated may lead to negative consequences for the body. In this mode, you need to drink tablets for about two weeks.

If you have already used Warfarin Nycomed, then the treatment regimen will be different. In the first two days, the patient drinks from two to six tablets per day. Over the next three days, the dose will be considered supportive and should not exceed seven and a half milligrams per day. At the end of this period, the patient must be tested and checked for blood coagulation. The course of treatment can be extended by the decision of a doctor or, conversely, suspended.

Can children drink pills?

The reviews of Warfarin Nycomeda mention the peculiarities of taking medication in children. Unfortunately, there is no complete data on the dangers of the drug for a fragile organism. But children's age does not apply to obvious contraindications, therefore, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe this medicine to small patients.

Most often, the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the child, however, he should not have problems with the liver. Otherwise, side effects and aggravation of general health are possible. The dose of the active substance per kilogram of weight should be approximately 0.2 milligrams. With liver problems, it decreases to 0.1 milligrams.

After the first days of admission, an analysis is given and the advisability of further treatment will be determined by the doctor.

proper nutrition

Elderly patients: how to take the medicine

Elderly people react in many ways to many drugs. Therefore, the instructions for use for them indicate special rules for taking medications. However, a special effect of Warfarin Nycomed on elderly patients has not been identified. Tablets are prescribed to them according to the usual scheme, but this group of patients should be closely monitored by specialists for the entire period of treatment, since there is a high probability of side effects.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding

Pregnant women should avoid taking Warfarin Nycomeda. , .


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But breastfeeding cannot be an obstacle to treatment. Despite the fact that the drug is excreted along with milk, its maintenance dosage will not harm the baby. Therefore, during lactation, Warfarin Nycomed may well be prescribed.


List of contraindications

The drug is prescribed quite widely, but it has a number of contraindications. This must be remembered when starting taking pills to reduce blood coagulation. If you have anemia or are prone to frequent and prolonged bleeding, then Warfarin Nycomed treatment should be avoided. It can provoke new health problems for the patient.

Those who are not able to regularly take the control tests necessary to adjust the dosage, need to refuse to take this drug. Without such control, the drug should in no case be taken.

It is also strictly contraindicated for persons who, for health reasons, are forced to take a large number of other drugs that enter the body in a reaction with Warfarin Nycomed.

If you tend to prescribe yourself the dosage of certain medicines, then do not start taking pills to reduce blood coagulation. Otherwise, your self-treatment will lead to the most tragic consequences, often such an attitude to your health becomes the cause of severe internal bleeding.

For the period of menstruation, women should stop taking the drug. It is contraindicated in high blood pressure, renal and liver failure, as well as aneurysm.

Patients who have recently undergone surgery for serious injuries should also slow down with Warfarin Nycomed treatment. The category of obvious contraindications include ophthalmic and cranial operations.

Do not forget about hypersensitivity to the drug. It occurs extremely rarely, but it still happens in isolated cases, therefore, with the first symptoms of sensitivity, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Feasible side effects

We already mentioned that the drug is quite serious and requires constant medical supervision. But even in this case, about eight percent of all patients who are prescribed long-term treatment with Warfarin Nycomed have bleeding. Some of them require immediate hospitalization and blood transfusion. If you do not do these manipulations, then the situation can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, any side effects should be treated very carefully and reported to the attending physician immediately.

Bleeding is one of the most common side effects of taking pills. In many cases, blood appears even in the urine. This should be an occasion for a visit to the doctor.

Some patients have a fever. In such situations, you need to immediately take antipyretic drugs and consult your doctor.

The body can respond to short-term or long-term pill administration with stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting.

Often bruises begin to appear on the skin, it is also necessary to inform the doctor about this phenomenon. Since such side effects can be the first messengers of internal bleeding.

Often taking "Warfarin Nycomeda" is accompanied by itching, rash, urticaria and other symptoms of an allergic reaction. Sometimes treatment is accompanied by profuse hair loss, leading to one of the stages of baldness. However, after drug withdrawal, the patient's condition normalizes as soon as possible.

In rare cases, patients may exacerbate kidney problems and develop urolithiasis.

Warfarin nycomed

Analogs "Warfarin Nycomeda"

It is worth noting that the drug has a lot of analogues. Moreover, they all belong to different medical groups. For example, analogs include direct anticoagulants, various enzyme drugs or heparins. In general, modern pharmaceutical companies can offer consumers the analogues of Warfarin Nycomeda from five groups. It is noteworthy that many of them do not require regular monitoring of blood coagulation. Therefore, they are suitable for patients who live far from the clinic and cannot often visit the doctor.

Of the most popular analogues can be called:

  • "Clopidogrel." This drug has a narrow list of indications and is used primarily for the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome and coronary heart disease. The average cost of tablets does not exceed four hundred rubles.
  • Sincumar. The drug in its therapeutic effect and mechanism of exposure is most reminiscent of Warfarin Nycomed. Its value ranges from six hundred rubles.
  • Lopirel. This is the most expensive analogue of Warfarin Nycomeda. Its price exceeds one thousand rubles, it is prescribed with caution to those patients who have a risk of increased bleeding.

Based on everything written above, we can say that Warfarin Nycomed is a very serious drug, which in no case should be used without the advice of a doctor. In addition, during the treatment process it is necessary to carefully listen to your feelings and respond in time to any changes that occur in the body.

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