Severus Snape's Magic Wand

Severus Snape is one of the main characters in the Harry Potter series of books. He was not only a potions teacher, but also a very skilled wizard. In the world of wizards, it is very important that the wand is perfect for its master.

What was Severus Snape's wand?

Character summary

Severus Snape was a talented and very powerful wizard. He taught potions at the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Wizardry, and was also dean of the Slytherin School. Most students and teachers did not like him, because he gave the impression of a gloomy and secretive person, devoid of any attachments.

Severus Snape was one of the few who could create new spells. He also had excellent command of occultation (he could block the path to his consciousness). Snape dreamed of teaching defense against the Dark Arts, which he was well versed in. Despite the fact that many considered him a supporter of the Dark Lord, he, risking his life, helped Professor Dumbledore, working as a double agent.

Based on the fact that he was fluent in magic and was able to create new spells that could be destructive, Severus Snape's wand was perfect for him. Indeed, in order for the spell to work out, it is necessary to concentrate the will and direct its creation of the spell. Therefore, we can conclude that Severus Snape was not only a powerful wizard, but also a strong personality.

Severus Snape


The most popular magic wands in the UK were Ollivander products. Severus Snape acquired his wand, like most other wizards, from Mr. Ollivander in Diagon Alley. Mr. Ollivander believed that for the core of the wand, it is best to use one of the three components - the unicorn hair, the phoenix feather, or the dragon’s heart core.

Of course, in the UK there were other manufacturers of magic wands, but their products were not as popular as the works of Ollivander. It is not surprising that Voldemort came to this talented master to ask him about the Elder Wand.

Mr. Ollivander

What was it made of?

Two identical sticks do not exist. She herself chooses the owner, depending on the characteristics of his character and abilities. What is Severus Snape's wand made of?

She was 13.5 inches long. The wand was made of rosewood, and the core of the dragon's core. It should be noted that wizards with such a core were most often wizards who could control their emotions. Therefore, it is not surprising that she chose a potions professor.

Severus Snape's wand was one of the most powerful. The core of the dragon vein allowed to cast the most powerful spells. No wonder Snape was the most powerful Death Eater after the Dark Lord. One of Severus Snape's signature spells was Sectumsempra. Severus was also an excellent duelist.

Severus Snape's wand

Elderberry stick

The Elder Wand is one of the most powerful magic items that the Dark Lord has been hunting for. Voldemort mistakenly believed that she considered her master Severus Snape.

An elderberry wand, according to legend, belonged to one of the Peverell brothers and was one of the three most powerful magic artifacts. There is no exact information about what kind of core the Elder Wand had. But Dumbledore, who conducted the research, believed that her core was made from the tail of the estral.

The elderberry wand belonged to Dumbledore. The Dark Lord decided that Professor Snape, having killed the director of Hogwarts, became its master. But Dumbledore disarmed Draco Malfoy, thereby defeating him and becoming the new owner of the Elder Wand. The Dark Lord killed Severus. By the time he realized his mistake, Harry Potter was the owner of the wand.

Severus Snape and Harry Potter

Interesting facts from the film

In the film, the handle of Severus Snape's wand consists of two identical parts, thereby showing his position as a double agent. Also, the handle is covered with unusual patterns that are similar to Celtic. And Severus Snape’s wand is one of the few that have retained their design since the first film.

Severus Snape is one of the most controversial characters in Harry Potter. Despite his coldness and prejudice towards the main characters, he often saved them using his abilities.

The relationship between Harry Potter and Severus Snape was not easy from the start. In the last part of the film, Harry Potter sees the memoirs of a potions professor in the pool of memory and realizes how good and brave Severus was.

Severus Snape is an example of what a wonderful tandem can turn out if the wand is perfect for its master. She strengthened his abilities, which gave him the opportunity to create strong spells. It is not surprising that a strong magic wand chose Severus Snape, who has a logical mindset, strong magical abilities and is able to control his emotions.

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