How to clean a pig’s stomach at home quickly and effectively

Pork is loved by many people. It is used for cooking various dishes. The meat is appreciated for its excellent taste. Also, a pork stomach is used in the preparation. In boiled form, it is stuffed with various fillings. But first you need to get acquainted with how to clean a pig’s stomach at home. The nuances of the procedure are described in the article.

Where is it used?

This offal is considered traditional in Slavic cuisine. This muscular organ is used in the creation of the following dishes:

  • brawn;
  • saltison;
  • haggis.
How to quickly clean a pig’s stomach

In culinary business, the product is used for stuffing, which is associated with its bag-shaped form. Pork stomach is rarely used as an independent dish. In many countries of the world it is used as a necessary ingredient in the design of the Christmas table. The product is appreciated for its nutritional value and ease of preparation. How to clean a pig’s stomach at home? This process can be mastered by every hostess. To do this, you do not need to learn complex culinary techniques and technologies.


Considering the topic of how to clean the pig’s stomach, you should familiarize yourself with its beneficial properties. Muscle organ is rich in:

  • vitamins A and E;
  • arachidonic acid, which is in the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamins B.

Calorie content of the product is 160 kcal per 100 g. Due to the increased nutritional value, this dish is in demand in the northern countries. In Russia, they also love to cook this product.


How to clean a pig’s stomach? Before starting this work, preparation of the shell is required. Pigs are unscrupulous animals, in the meat of which there are many toxic components for humans. For this reason, the product does not have a degree of roasting.

The internal organs of the pig may include more harmful bacteria than the rest of the body. In order to prevent poisoning or infection with parasites, the heart, intestines, stomach, liver need to be additionally cleaned.

How to clean a pig’s stomach

Usually, after slaughter, this organ is washed from food debris, but this is not enough to completely disinfect the product. Moreover, the production cleaning is of poor quality. How to clean a pig’s stomach? The procedure is as follows:

  1. The outer part is washed for several minutes with running water.
  2. When the outer skin is treated, the organ is turned out and the folds are cleaned with a knife.
  3. The inside is also washed under running water and the mucus is cleaned from the walls. To do this, the surface may be cleaned with a dishwashing brush.
  4. There is a proven way of how easy it is to clean a pig’s stomach: the product must be placed in boiling water for 10 minutes to degrease, and then remove the protective film.
  5. The organ is soaked in salt water. This is a lengthy procedure that needs to be done 5-6 hours.

How to quickly clean a pig’s stomach to speed up its soaking? The organ can be placed in salt water with vinegar. In 1 liter, 4 tablespoons of 9% acid are added. In this solution, the product should be 2-3 hours. The use of vinegar also has a positive effect on thick muscle tissue, making it elastic, so the shell does not tear when cooking dishes. These are all the nuances of how to clean a pig’s stomach at home. Compliance with the recommendations allows you to get a quality and tasty product.

Odor elimination

Finding out how to clean the pig’s stomach, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for eliminating odor. After vinegar treatment, the organ is washed in water, boiling it in advance, otherwise a specific taste may arise due to excess acid.

How to clean a pig’s stomach at home

To properly prepare a fresh stomach, some cooks rub it after soaking it with dry mustard. This provides a special taste and perfectly disinfects the product. Slices of garlic are also suitable. Proper handling makes the product safe.

What to do next?

After cleansing, experts advise to freeze the stomach for high-quality disinfection. The organ must be packed in a plastic bag and put in the freezer overnight. But this method can lead to a loss of taste, since moisture in animal tissue crystallizes and destroys muscle fibers. Dishes based on frozen stomachs will be dry.

How to clean a pig’s stomach at home

Often, a part of the intestine is also bought with the stomach. To prepare stuffed dishes, this part is cut off and the hole is sewn up. Artiodactyls' stomachs contain many valuable elements, therefore it is forbidden to overexpose the organ in solution.

When processing it must be cleaned carefully. If the integrity of muscle tissue is damaged, then the stuffing can go outside. In order for the filling to remain inside, the organ is sutured with durable threads with a gypsy needle. This completes the processing. Recipes of popular dishes are presented below.

Fried with onions

It is necessary to prepare a little salt, sunflower oil. Seasonings - 15 g, green onions - 30 g, offal - 1.5 kg will be required. The stomach is cut into pieces, and then they are transferred to salt water and boiled for 3 hours.

The boiled product should cool, then it is cut into small pieces and fried in oil. If the stomach is properly cooked, its hue will be golden. To make it look beautiful, before serving it is sprinkled with seasonings and chopped onions.

How to clean a pig’s stomach


This is a dish for the preparation of which the offal is stuffed and baked. To get a cowboy, you will need a stomach, salt, seasonings, wine, onions, pork meat and 2 chicken legs. Chicken meat is separated from the bone and cut into small pieces. Then prepare the pieces of pork. The meat is seasoned, salted, and the onion is added in rings. The dish is poured with wine and left for several hours.

The stomach begins with meat, but not completely, but in such a way that there is little space left. Then the offal is pierced in different places. Then a strong twine is applied, with which the main hole is sutured.

Bay water, allspice, and then the stomach are added to the water. It is boiled for 1.5 hours. Then it is transferred to a hot oven and baked for 1 hour.

Stuffed Buckwheat

If the offal is filled with buckwheat, then it will be satisfying. And when mushrooms are added, the dish also becomes more aromatic. It will take 100 g of mushrooms, 300 g of buckwheat, 300 ml of broth, chicken breast, carrots, salted pork meat (100 g), onions (2 pcs.). And you should also take sunflower oil, seasonings, salt, half a head of garlic.

Preparation required. Boil buckwheat until half cooked. Next, blanching of mushrooms is performed. You need to grate the carrots, chop the onion and passer the vegetables. The meat ingredients are cut into small cubes.

How to easily clean a pig’s stomach

The resulting components for the filling are mixed, seasoned, salted and sprinkled with chopped garlic. The offal begins with minced meat, sutured. Then they put it into a stewing container and pour the broth. All this is covered and put in the oven. The dish is baked at 180 degrees. Cooking lasts 3 hours. The cover is removed 30 minutes before readiness.


A pig’s stomach has long been eaten. Usually it is used as a shell for stuffing. You can still use boiled stomachs in their pure form. If the processing is performed correctly, then the quality of the finished dish will be high.

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