Deer milk: composition and useful properties

Many people may be surprised to hear about the existence of deer milk. Despite this, it exists and is even actively eaten in the northern regions, where it is called a necessary product when living in places with a harsh climate.

What features does deer milk have?

History and distribution

To date, deer milk is produced only in the northern regions of Russia, which is why people living outside the Arctic Circle usually do not know anything about this product.

Deer drinks milk

For half a year, a female deer is able to produce more than 100 kg of product. The amount of BJU contained in such milk is significantly greater than in any other milk (for example, deer has 5 times more fat in milk than in cow's milk). It is these properties that made the product indispensable for use in harsh regions.

Previously, deer milk was stored in the turned stomachs of animals. At the same time, milk and butter were kept in tueses, which were made from two layers of birch bark.

In what form is it used?

For an ordinary person, deer milk can be an excellent substitute for cow milk, but at the same time it contains much more fat and protein. Some people compare this product with cream, as it has a rather viscous consistency. For this reason, the taste of such milk is not quite standard - not everyone can drink it raw. People who use it on an ongoing basis speak of a tart and harsh taste, but if you dilute it with water, the taste becomes quite pleasant.

Milk with cookies

Often, deer milk is used as an additive to tea; in Norway and Finland, cheese is massively made from it. Previously, oil was also made from it, which had a greenish tint and a solid consistency (due to the high fat content). Today, oil is practically not produced due to the lack of demand for it.

Composition and beneficial properties of deer milk

First of all, it is worth noting that the product contains only β€œmodel fats”, which are well absorbed by the body and are absorbed by more than 98%. If you pay attention to the composition of deer milk, you can see that it consists of:

  • 63.3% of water;
  • 36.7% solids;
  • 10.3% protein;
  • 22.5% fat;
  • 2.5% milk sugar.

The calorie content of the product is 272 kilocalories per 100 g.

Due to its antioxidant content in reindeer milk, it becomes an excellent anti-aging medicine. And the presence of calcium will help preserve and restore bone tissue. In addition, there are several more useful properties of the product:

  • Strengthening immunity. Due to its vitamin D content, deer milk improves calcium absorption and enhances immunity.
  • Mood improvement. The product contains substances that affect the hormone serotonin, which, in turn, affects the mood of a person.
A glass of milk
  • Strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Milk contains a large amount of potassium, which plays an important role in the development of the nervous system, vasodilation, lowering blood pressure, normalizing blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Muscle tissue growth. Protein is the main "builder" of human muscle tissue. And as it was written above, the protein in deer milk is 3 times more than in cow.


Reindeer milk is a complex product that contains many components - proteins, fats, vitamins, acids, etc. In this regard, deer milk can cause an allergic reaction in humans, both in raw form and in the form of products of its processing .

Product intolerance can occur for two reasons:

  1. Due to the lack of lactose - the substance responsible for the absorption of milk;
  2. Due to allergy to milk protein.

As a rule, these forms of milk intolerance are found only in children, however, adults also often suffer from this problem.

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