Lymphomyozot for children: a description of the drug

Lymphomyozot for children is often prescribed by doctors. This is a comprehensive homeopathic remedy that enhances metabolic processes, accelerates the elimination of toxins and excess fluid from the body, and also normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic and immune systems.

Drops of Lymphomyozot: composition and properties

This drug belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines, and is developed on the basis of natural raw materials. It contains extracts of more than 20 medicinal plants, as well as purified water for injection and ethyl alcohol.

As already mentioned, after the drug enters the body, active metabolic processes begin. The drug improves the relationship between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. In addition, the active components improve lymph drainage, stimulate the barrier functions of the lymph nodes. Lymphomyozot also removes excess toxic substances from the body.

But this is not all the properties of this drug. It has been proven that its administration improves the permeability of tissues and cells to other agents. This allows you to significantly reduce the dose of medication and, therefore, reduces intoxication.

Lymphomyozot for children: indications for use

This tool is used to treat many diseases, but mainly in combination with other drugs. By the way, Lymphomyozot goes well with other medications. So, this drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Medicinal intoxication or poisoning with other substances.
  • Diathesis, eczema, dermatosis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.
  • Swelling of the heart, kidneys, lymph nodes.
  • Dysbacteriosis, microflora composition disorders.
  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, including chronic tonsillitis.
  • Diseases that are accompanied by immunodeficiency.
  • Complications of diabetes.
  • Disorders of mental development, personality disorders.
  • Neoplasms, tumors.

Of course, this drug is not a panacea. To achieve the maximum result, it is necessary not only to take a course of taking drops, but also to use other medications prescribed by your doctor.

Lymphomyozot (drops): instructions for use

Do not take them without first consulting your doctor. General manufacturer recommendations regarding dosage are as follows:

  • It is recommended that newborn babies take three or four drops twice a day.
  • A child from two to six years old can take eight drops two or three times a day.
  • For children over six years old, an adult dosage is suitable - 10-15 drops three times a day.

Remember that if necessary, the pediatrician can change the regimen at his discretion, guided by the condition of the child.

Since drops of Lymphomyozot for children contain ethyl alcohol, they can be diluted with a teaspoon of water during administration. There is another method of use - in a glass of water, dilute the entire daily dose of the drug and drink during the day in small sips, making intervals between doses. It is recommended to use drops no later than half an hour before a meal.

Lymphomyozot for children: contraindications

This homeopathic remedy has very few contraindications. Firstly, it is not recommended for patients with allergies to any component of the drug. Secondly, some substances can enhance the functioning of the thyroid gland. That is why people with hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis should be very careful. Quite often, people with thyroid disease still take the medicine, but only with regular medical supervision.

To date, there is no information about the occurrence of adverse reactions or cases of overdose. The effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman and the unborn child has not been fully studied to date, so it is rarely prescribed during this period.

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