For many, baked potatoes are associated only with outdoor recreation. Its unique aroma reminds a smell of smoke and crackling of a fire. But the baked potatoes in the coals are just romance. And experienced chefs know how to cook hundreds of delicious, and, most importantly, healthy dishes from it. For example, you can consider a few simple, but quite interesting recipes.
Microwave baking
Today, almost every house in the kitchen has a microwave. She significantly facilitates the work of the hostess and significantly saves her free time. Therefore, the first and easiest option worth mentioning is a microwave-baked potato. For its preparation requires only four main ingredients:
- potatoes (3-4 pieces);
- refined vegetable oil;
- salt;
- ground pepper.
How to make a tasty dish out of all this? The work must be performed step by step:
- The tubers must be washed well first. Then they should be thoroughly wiped with a napkin or towel. For baking, you can use both large and small potatoes. The main thing is that in one batch the fruits of the same size are used.
- Each tuber must be chopped with a regular table fork from different sides. This is necessary so that during baking steam can escape from them.
- Pour the prepared potatoes with oil.
- Sprinkle generously with pepper and salt.
- Fold the products in a form and send for 10 minutes in the microwave. In this case, the dashboard must be set to maximum power. Potatoes should be rotated periodically throughout the entire time.
- Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
- Rearrange the form into it and continue baking until the peel of the potato has completely dried.
After that, finished tubers can be eaten as a side dish with meat, fish or fresh vegetables. And it’s better just to break them with a fork and grease them with butter. It turns out very tasty.
Portuguese style potatoes
Historians claim that baked potatoes are a dish popular in many countries. For example, Americans cook it with various fillings (chicken, beans, bacon, mayonnaise or fish). And in France, this potato is the main dish in fast food restaurants. The Portuguese have their own original recipe. To repeat it at home, you will need the following products:
- 10 potatoes (the amount depends on the size of the form);
- rosemary;
- butter;
- 5-6 cloves of garlic;
- salt (necessarily coarse);
- vegetable oil.
The cooking process has its own subtleties:
- First of all, the potatoes should be washed (but not peeled) and boiled.
- The cooled tubers are arbitrarily crushed. This must be done carefully so that they crack, but do not crumble.
- Pour a little oil into the mold and scatter garlic cut into thin slices over it.
- Lay the prepared potatoes on top.
- Sprinkle it with rosemary and salt.
- Put a piece of butter on each tuber.
- Put the mold in the oven and bake at 220-250 degrees until the surface of the potatoes is browned. This usually takes a few minutes.
Portuguese-style potatoes will be an amazing side dish for any meat dish.
Potatoes in honey
Potato baked in honey is very tasty. At first glance, this combination seems not quite ordinary. In fact, the dish is simply excellent. For work you will need:
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 7-8 potatoes;
- 5 grams of ground paprika;
- salt;
- 45 grams of honey;
- 2 tea boats of Provencal herbs;
- 50 milliliters of any vegetable oil.
The cooking technique is simple:
- Wash, peel and chop the potatoes randomly. The pieces should not be too large.
- Chop the garlic with a sharp knife. If desired, the yoke is fashionable to pass through the press.
- Mix it with oil, paprika, chalk and aromatic herbs.
- Put the potatoes in the form.
- Pour it with the prepared mixture, sprinkle with salt and mix well.
- Bake in the oven for approximately 50 minutes at 200 degrees.
You can sprinkle finely chopped potatoes in the form or right on the plate with finely chopped greens. It turns out to be a completely independent and quite tasty dish.
Potato accordion
There is another very unusual recipe for baked potatoes. This elegant dish will look great even on the festive table. To prepare it, you must have:
- 0.8 kilograms of potato (preferably young);
- 2 teaspoons of Knorr Delicacy universal seasoning;
- half a glass of sunflower oil;
- 1 teaspoon of Knorr seasoning: Parsley, dill and vegetables.
Once all the products are complete, you can start. The baked potato recipe provides for the following:
- Pour oil into a deep bowl. Pour both seasonings there and mix well.
- Wash and dry vegetables thoroughly. They should not be moisture.
- On each tuber, make a cut on one side. This is necessary so that the potatoes do not fall on the baking sheet. On the opposite side, the fruit itself must be cut into thin slices, not reaching the very end. The processed tuber should remain intact and not crumble into parts.
- Put the prepared potatoes in a bowl. Fragrant oil should soak it from all sides and get into each cut.
- Place processed foods on a baking sheet.
- Bake them at 180 degrees in the oven for 35 minutes. At this time, potatoes should be periodically watered with oil, which flows to the bottom.
After that, ready rosy tubers need to be transferred to a plate and served, like an original side dish, for example, to fish, meat or vegetable salad.
Fragrant jacket potato
In the conditions of home cooking, you can cook an unusually delicious aromatic potato baked in a uniform. This recipe is useful for men who are forced to independently manage the household. After all, such a dish requires a minimum of culinary experience, financial investment and labor. In addition, he needs the simplest ingredients:
- 1200 grams of potatoes;
- 60 grams of olive oil;
- 1 sprig of rosemary;
- 1 teaspoon of lemon zest;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- 1 tablespoon of ground coriander.
The cooking process includes the following steps:
- First you need to wash the potatoes, and then boil it for 10 minutes.
- Drain and dry the fruit thoroughly. To do this, they can be put directly on the fire in a saucepan and held for about 20 seconds, periodically shaking.
- Mix oil in a separate bowl with salt and pepper.
- Put the potatoes on a baking sheet. Previously, it must be covered with foil. Large tubers can be cut into pieces.
- Pour plenty of oil with an aromatic oil mixture.
- Send them to the oven for baking for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
- After the time has passed, remove the baking sheet and mix the products in it.
- Again, send the potatoes to the oven for another 15 minutes.
- During this time, you need to grind rosemary, and then mix it with zest and coriander.
- Sprinkle aromatic mass on still hot potatoes.
- Again, send it to the oven for another 6-7 minutes.
After that, you can already start eating. Such fragrant, fragrant potatoes can not leave anyone indifferent.
Potatoes with meat in milk filling
You can bake potatoes with a variety of products. In order not to waste extra time, a side dish and main course are sometimes cooked together. A vivid example of this is potato baked with meat. The finished dish will be softer and more tender if milk is used as a fill. In this case, you need the following list of components:
- 400 grams of potatoes;
- half a liter of milk;
- 1 head of garlic;
- ½ teaspoon seasoning for potatoes;
- 10 grams of salt;
- 0.4 kilograms of chicken (fillet, legs or thighs);
- 1 gram of ground pepper;
- 1 teaspoon of special seasoning for chicken.
Cooking technology:
- Wash the chicken meat, cut into pieces (if necessary), sprinkle with seasoning and mix.
- Peel the potatoes and cook a little. After that, it should also be sprinkled with special seasoning.
- Fold the prepared foods into shape. If desired, potatoes can be cut into large pieces. Add the peeled garlic cloves here. Previously, they need to be slightly pressed down with a knife blade. Salt all this, sprinkle with pepper and mix.
- Bring the milk to a boil. Pour them the contents of the form.
- Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Once the potatoes are soft enough, the dish is considered ready.
Meat with such a side dish is tender and very tasty. And the milk during baking coagulates and turns into an original fragrant sauce.
French Potato Casserole
France also loves baked potatoes. It is often served in restaurants as a side dish. At home, local housewives love to make a dish called "Boulanger." It is a potato, cut into thin circles, baked in the oven. A recipe with a photo will help to catch all the subtleties of the cooking process. For work you will need:
- 1 kilogram of fresh potatoes;
- 200 milliliters of milk and vegetable broth;
- salt;
- 2 onions;
- 60 grams of butter;
- black pepper.
French casserole cooking technique:
- Cut peeled and washed potatoes into thin slices no more than 2 millimeters thick.
- Chop the onion with ringlets.
- Lubricate the inside with butter. This will take a third of the measured quantity of the product.
- Lay onions and potatoes in layers, alternating between them. Sprinkle each row with salt and pepper lightly. Coat the top layer with melted oil residues.
- Heat milk and broth separately, and then combine them in one container.
- Pour the contents of the form with the prepared mixture. It should reach the top layer, but not cover it.
- Cover the form with foil. Bake at 200 degrees in the oven for 40 minutes. After this, the foil must be removed. Continue cooking for another 40 minutes in the same mode.
Put the finished potatoes gently on plates and pour them with the remaining oil. For flavor, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs and grated garlic.
Potato Stuffed with Egg and Bacon
The following recipe will appeal to those who prefer custom solutions. In this case, you will definitely need a recipe with a photo. Baked potatoes can be used as an original mold and fill it with a variety of products. For example, for a hearty breakfast, an option is needed where the following ingredients are required:
- 3 large potatoes;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 3 eggs;
- “Frying” from onions, carrots and herbs;
- half a glass of hard grated cheese;
- 100 grams of loaf;
- pepper;
- 2 feathers of green onions.
Cooking such a dish is not at all difficult:
- Bake potatoes in the oven.
- On top of each tuber make a longitudinal section.
- Gently remove the pulp with a teaspoon. The thinnest walls should remain.
- In the resulting depression of each potato, put a little frying, grated cheese and drive one egg each. Sprinkle with chopped chives.
- Place the stuffed potatoes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for at least a quarter of an hour at 180 degrees.
Such a fragrant and very hearty breakfast will be a good start to the day.
Sleeve roasting
You can make baked potatoes in the oven in a slightly different way. The photo of the finished dish, of course, will not help to clarify the essence of the process, but it will certainly cause appetite and a desire to repeat an unusual recipe. Many housewives are used to baking meat in their sleeves. And, if you do the same procedure with potatoes, then the result will be simply excellent. For this option, you will need:
- 1 kilogram of potatoes;
- 50 grams of refined vegetable oil;
- salt;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- seasonings (just for potatoes);
- greens (parsley, dill and others).
Everything is done surprisingly simple:
- Peel the potatoes, wash them well and dry them. Each tuber is chopped in several places. To do this, you can use a toothpick.
- Chop the garlic and then mix it with oil, salt, seasonings and chopped herbs.
- Fold the potatoes in a sleeve, pour the cooked sauce and mix.
- After that, tie the bag tightly on both sides and place on a baking sheet.
- Bake in the oven for about 60 minutes at 200 degrees. The process, of course, is a long one, but the result is worth it.
- Cut the sleeve. If the potato is ready, turn off the heat and let it stand for about another 10 minutes. At the same time, leave the oven door closed.
Such a fragrant potato with a crispy golden crust will be an excellent side dish for any meat, fish or vegetable salad.
Roasting potatoes in foil
When baking potatoes, you must be very careful. The thin skin of the tubers may suddenly crack and the flesh will fall out, staining the oven. This can be avoided by making potatoes baked in foil. To work, you will need only two ingredients:
- potatoes (you can immediately take 6 pieces);
- vegetable oil.
The cooking process consists of three main stages:
- Vegetables must be washed thoroughly. Since they will be baked in a “uniform”, it is better to use a special brush for processing.
- After this, each potato should be coated with oil and wrapped in a separate piece of foil. They must first be pricked with a fork to avoid possible deformation.
- Place the blanks on a baking sheet (or in a mold) and send them to the oven. Bake for 50 minutes at 200 degrees.
To remove the potatoes, the foil can be expanded or simply cut with a sharp knife crosswise. As you like more. You can simply eat such potatoes, sprinkled with salt, or stuff them before serving any filling.
Michel Lombardi's potato and cheese
Dishes prepared by French chefs are always distinguished by their refined taste and sophisticated appearance. Moreover, sometimes the most common products are used. To verify this, you can try cooking potatoes baked with cheese and bacon according to the recipe of the famous Michel Lombardi. As you know, he cooked for many Hollywood stars. An original snack option requires the following ingredients:
- 350 grams of potato (approximately 5 pieces);
- 100 grams of bacon;
- salt;
- 200 grams of sour cream and Cheddar cheese;
- 30 grams of green onions;
- 80 grams of butter and ¼ cup of olive oil;
- pepper.
Cooking Technique:
- First you need to preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
- Cover the baking sheet with foil.
- Potatoes are well coated with olive oil, pepper and sprinkle with salt.
- Place them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about an hour. Then the root crops must be cooled.
- At this time, you need to do stuffing. First, bacon must be fried in a pan to make it thin and crispy. Put the finished pieces on a napkin.
- Peel one potato. Cut the rest into two identical parts and remove most of the pulp with a spoon. The result was original “molds”. They must again be placed on a baking sheet.
- Turn the mashed potato pulp with a fork. Add to it the rest of the ingredients (except for bacon and cheese). Mix it all well.
- Fill the “molds” with the prepared mass.
- Sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 15 minutes.
Before serving in a plate, decorate the stuffed potatoes with slices of bacon.
Baked Potato
Potatoes can make a good flavorful snack. By the way, you can cook it at home in just a few minutes. This is a potato baked with slices in breadcrumbs. Make it easy. The main thing is that the following required components are available:
- 1 kilogram of potatoes;
- 1 teaspoon of ground paprika, salt and Provence herbs;
- 45 grams of breadcrumbs;
- 50-55 grams of refined vegetable oil.
The recipe for such an appetizer includes several steps:
- The potato should be washed, then peeled and cut into slices.
- Transfer prepared foods to a deep container, pour oil and mix well.
- Combine the remaining dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
- Sprinkle them with potatoes and mix again.
- Place slices on a baking sheet, treated with oil from the inside.
- Bake for about half an hour at 200 degrees.
Serve such potatoes with any spicy sauce. In addition, it can be used as an original side dish for meat.