Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which is the second largest gland in our body. She has two essential functions:
- exocrine, expressed in the secretion of pancreatic juice in the duodenum. He, in turn, neutralizes the acidity of the stomach and is involved in the digestion process;
- intrasectoral, consisting in the production of hormones such as insulin, glucogon and lipocoin.
They talk about the presence of a disease such as pancreatitis - symptoms. Treatment is always quite complicated, because the disease occurs due to a number of disorders, as a result of which the gland begins to digest itself.
There are two types of the course of the disease:
- chronic pancreatitis;
- acute pancreatitis.
Chronic pancreatitis appears due to not fully cured acute form of the disease. In addition, it may occur due to inflammation in other organs of the digestive tract. Another cause of chronic pancreatitis can be called alcoholism.
The chronic form is expressed in progressive inflammation of the gland, leading to the replacement of tissues by those unable to perform the necessary functions.
Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory process that is expressed in enzymatic self-digestion of the pancreas. In cases of advanced or severe illness, tissue necrosis and the occurrence of secondary infections can occur.
Pancreatitis: symptoms, treatment
Drug treatment of pancreatitis, when it has already passed into an acute form, is impossible. It is necessary to treat it only in a surgical hospital. The first two days, the patient is not given any food at all, then they are put on a fierce diet, put droppers.
The disease has a critical period when the patient is tormented by severe pain. It lasts from two days to a week, after which the patient is transferred to a regular ward.
Quite often, after a critical period, the pain completely disappears and patients decide that their further stay in the hospital is pointless. But such a recovery is imaginary, because after a couple of days your well-being usually returns to its previous state.
There are situations when the patient is in the hospital for three and four months. But this is only in difficult cases, when doctors have to surgically remove the dead tissue of the gland.
Pancreatitis: treatment, drugs
In order to relieve the pain that appears with chronic pancreatitis, you can use the familiar No-Shpu. To reduce the increased secretion of the pancreas, Almagel and Phospholugel are recommended. In some cases, enzyme preparations are prescribed that make up for the lack of pancreatic juice: Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin.
All these tools are described for informational purposes only, but not for patients to self-medicate. Because prescribing medication for pancreatitis in your particular case can only be the attending physician, because he has knowledge about the features of the course of your disease.
Pancreatitis Diet
No matter what the symptoms of pancreatitis are, treatment always begins with a strict diet. You need to increase the amount of protein consumed and reduce the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Be sure to abandon coarse fiber and any fried foods. But what needs to be increased is the intake of vitamins.
It is best if the patient will eat 5-6 times a day. In this case, the diet should be rich in fish and lean meats. And, of course, these two products can only be boiled and crushed. Dairy products with a minimum fat content are also not prohibited.
It is best to drink only natural juices that do not contain sugar, tea and decoctions of dried fruits. In no case with pancreatitis can not eat spicy food, any canned food, smoked and pickled products, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets.
All advice regarding diet can be expressed in a few words: the diet of a patient with pancreatitis should contain only rapidly digestible foods.
If the symptoms of a disease such as pancreatitis are very pronounced, its treatment should include a diet together with medical treatment. This is the only way to accelerate the improvement of the patient's condition.