Kanefron tablets: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Urinary tract diseases always cause a lot of inconvenience and significantly reduce the quality of life. For example, exacerbation of cystitis can become an obstacle to a long-awaited meeting, and pyelonephritis can even drive you to a hospital bed. It is not surprising that people suffering from such problems, always try to have the right remedy at hand, able to quickly relieve another attack and prevent relapse. It is good if the drug has no side effects and consists of natural ingredients. Almost everyone who suffers from diseases of the urinary tract are familiar with Kanefron tablets. They appeared in our country not so long ago, but have already managed to gain popularity and prove their effectiveness. Nevertheless, patients have a lot of questions about the drug. How effective are its analogues? Instructions for use with Kanefron tablets contain all the necessary information, but is it possible to calculate the dosage from it? At what age is the use of this drug acceptable? Today we will answer these and many other questions to readers.

We describe the medicine

Kanefron tablets belong to foreign drugs. They were first produced in Germany and have been known there for almost a hundred years. Over the years, tablets have become very popular due to the fact that they can be taken by almost all population groups, and side effects are so insignificant that they indicate their absence.

Usually, antibiotics are prescribed by doctors to treat urinary tract infections. However, they harm the body, are not always effective, and in many situations simply cannot be taken by patients. This applies, for example, to pregnant women, who often face the problem of cystitis, but due to their position are limited in the choice of drugs. The instructions for use with Kanefron tablets indicate that they can be freely taken by children, pregnant and lactating women. Enthusiastic reviews of patients confirm this fact, so many make their choice in favor of this drug.

It should be borne in mind that in cases of prevention and at the initial stage of the disease, Kanefron tablets will be very useful as monotherapy. But when the infectious process was started and intoxication of the body is observed, it will be impossible to manage with one herbal preparation. In the instructions for use with Kanefron tablets, it is noted that they interact well with various medicines, including antibiotics. The tool only enhances the effect of other drugs, which means that the patient's condition normalizes faster.

Cystitis treatment

Talk about the composition

From the instructions for tablets "Kanefron" you can find out the composition of the drug. If you believe the manufacturer, then it is completely vegetable. The components of the drug in large quantities grow in many regions of Eurasia, and their healing properties have been known since time immemorial.

The main active ingredients of Kanefron tablets (instructions for use give a complete description of the drug) include four medicinal plants:

  • rosemary;
  • lovage;
  • rosehip;
  • centaury.

It should be borne in mind that in each dragee, the components are contained in equal amounts. Such a balance ensures the high efficiency of the drug and its ability to quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of urinary tract diseases.

Each Kanefron tablet has a shell consisting of a large number of auxiliary components. Pharmacists have at least thirteen components, but we will name only a few of them:

  • sucrose;
  • talc;
  • corn starch;
  • riboflavin;
  • mountain wax.

In addition to the components already listed in the Kanefron tablets, judging by the instructions for use, povidone and lactose are contained.

In what forms is the drug produced?

In this article, we are primarily interested in the description and use of Kanefron in tablets, however, in Russian pharmacies you can find this drug in the form of drops. It is no less effective, but is prescribed mainly for children who cannot swallow dragees.

The instructions for use with Kanefron tablets indicate that they are round in shape and have a smooth surface. Each dragee is painted in a bright orange tint, their distinguishing feature can be considered bulges on both sides.

The composition of the tablets is eighteen milligrams of each active substance, auxiliary components are introduced in tablets in different concentrations. Their main purpose is to ensure the penetration of the drug into the patient’s blood. With their help, the therapeutic effect is enhanced, so the relief from taking comes much faster.

Tablets are packed in packages of sixty pieces. In reviews about the dosage of Kanefron tablets, patients often write that one pack is not enough for the course of treatment. Therefore, it is worthwhile to immediately acquire two packs of the drug, in some cases, the doctor may extend the dragee intake for another few weeks.

Drops "Kanefron" have a tan shade and are distinguished by a certain turbidity of the solution. Precipitation is also permissible; usually it forms during storage. Each package contains one vial of a drug of fifty or one hundred milliliters.

It should be noted that in the drops of the drug there are practically no auxiliary components. Only clean water is indicated in the instructions, however, note that drops are made on an alcohol basis, so pregnant women should refuse them. Despite the fact that Kanefron is safe for children and is often prescribed even for babies up to a year old, you should not use it without a doctor’s recommendation. Perhaps, in your case, the crumb is much more suitable for another drug.

Kanefron tablets

The therapeutic effect of the components of the drug

In reviews of Kanefron tablets, its high effectiveness is often mentioned. But for many patients, the mechanism of its action remains unclear, because some believe that the herbal complex can be used only as a supplement and will not have the desired effect with monotherapy.

In fact, the herbs contained in Kanefron tablets (described in the instructions for use) have a powerful effect on the body, thanks to essential oils and flavonoids.

For example, centaury has a lot of different properties: it increases appetite, helps with skin problems, but primarily treats the bladder and kidneys. In this plant, there are quite a lot of phenolic acids and glycosides, in the manufacture of the medicine whole shoots of centaury are used.

Rosemary is rich in flavonoids, essential oils, and the special acid found only in this plant. In addition to the therapeutic effect for the urinary tract, rosemary leaves relieve nervous tension and have a choleretic effect.

The lovage root used in the preparation has a diuretic effect and complements other plants.

Doctor consultation

The action of "Kanefron" on the body

The instructions for Kanefron tablets and reviews about it extremely briefly describe the therapeutic effect of the drug on urinary tract infections. We will talk about this in more detail.

First of all, judging by the instructions for use with Kanefron tablets and patient reviews, they have a pronounced diuretic effect. This is a distinctive feature of the drugs of this group, however, it retains the potassium necessary for the body in a constant concentration. Therefore, there is no violation of the water-salt balance. In parallel, the drug dilates the blood vessels of the kidneys, providing a rush of blood to this organ. Due to this, excess fluid is rapidly excreted from the body, and sodium salts are not absorbed.

"Kanefron" is an excellent prevention of urolithiasis. It is prescribed for certain indications or in cases where kidney stones have already been discovered and the procedure for crushing them has been carried out. Decay products very quickly and almost painlessly removed from the body.

Kanefron tablets during pregnancy are prescribed quite often. They are not only an excellent prevention of problems with the urinary system, but also perfectly remove excess protein, which is often reflected in analyzes of women who are expecting the birth of a baby.

"Kanefron" has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be used for exacerbation of diseases or as a means to prevent their occurrence. The antibacterial effect of the drug is also noted. It is able to stop the growth of even those bacteria that are not sensitive to most antibiotics. Pills disrupt the processes of their life and remove them from the body.

The drug quickly and effectively relieves painful cramps. Due to the action of essential oils, it relaxes smooth muscles, therefore, literally after the first days of admission, the patient feels a relief of his condition.

Indications for use

Indications for appointment

"Kanefron" requires the consumption of a large amount of liquid, and every doctor who prescribes these tablets informs the patient about it. The reason for their admission may be an existing disease or preventive measures (as usually happens with pregnant women).

The drug proved to be very good for infections and inflammation of the urinary system. This group of problems includes, for example, such common cystitis and pyelonephritis. If the disease proceeds without fever, chills and severe pain, then the medicine can be taken without adding other agents. Otherwise, the doctor will add antibiotics and other drugs, most of which are perfectly combined with each other.

"Kanefron" is effective in such severe kidney damage as glomerulonephritis. It prevents the formation of kidney stones and the bladder. Therefore, it is often prescribed as a prophylactic.

Often, this medicine is prescribed for the treatment of nephritis and urethritis. However, it should be borne in mind that "Kanefron" refers to a group of drugs that imply a fairly long course of treatment. Often it is repeated at certain intervals to consolidate the effect.


Since the drug is considered as safe as possible, it is easy to imagine that it has a rather narrow list of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to drink tablets and Kanefron solution to people who suffer from peptic ulcer or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To the plant components of the drug, individual intolerance may occur, therefore, in such cases, its administration must be canceled.

Do not use the drug for babies up to one year old, children under six years of age are usually prescribed only drops of Kanefron. Older children and adults can take both liquid and tablet form of the drug.

With some caution, it is necessary to treat the medicine in the form of drops for people who are addicted to alcohol, and pregnant women.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of tablets "Kanefron"

Dosage for adults and children is always prescribed by a doctor, but if necessary, you can also navigate yourself in the features of taking the drug. Tablets are supposed to be washed down with a large amount of liquid and not to chew. Usually they are taken before meals, but in the reviews it is noted that after eating dragees, drinking is not forbidden. At one time, an adult patient should take two tablets, the frequency of administration is three. The course of treatment on average lasts two weeks, after a month and a half it can be repeated. In some cases, the attending physician may extend the drug for up to one month. Such an appointment will require four packages of the drug.

Features of taking the drug for cystitis

The dosage of Kanefron tablets in the instructions for use is indicated not applicable to certain diseases. However, do not forget that each specific case has its own characteristics. For example, cystitis requires taking the drug in courses. In this case, the treatment can stretch even for one year. But such a duration always leads to an almost complete exclusion of relapses.

Keep in mind that with a chronic form of cystitis, the doctor will prescribe only one "Kanefron". Its effect will be noticeable only after a while, but it is persistent, so you will forget about the disease for several years. But in case of exacerbation of cystitis, an antibiotic is connected to the reception of "Kanefron".

Pregnant women taking pills

Taking the medicine by pregnant women

Due to safety and herbal components, the drug is very often prescribed to women expecting a baby. In this case, both real diseases and the prevention of their appearance can serve as indications. Experts also claim that Kanefron relieves lower back pain, removes puffiness, which affects many pregnant women in the third trimester, prevents gestosis and various pathologies.

Typically, women in position take two tablets of the drug three times a day. However, the attending physician can significantly reduce the dosage - up to one dragee twice a day. Such caution is associated with the fact that some plants that make up the Kanefron can cause an increase in uterine tone. Therefore, women who have already been given a similar diagnosis, the drug is prescribed with great care.

During breastfeeding, medication can not be canceled. To date, no negative effects of plant components on the baby's health have been identified.

Analogs of tablets "Kanefron"

If we talk about similar products, then it is worth considering only those that are made from plant extracts. Among the large number of such drugs, three can be distinguished:

  • "Fitolizin";
  • "Furagin";
  • "Cyston."

The last medicine is often compared with "Kanefron" and in some cases even prescribed instead. Many believe that the richer composition of “Cyston” is its clear advantage. In some cases, this can be agreed, since the abundance of components significantly enhances the therapeutic effect. However, on the other hand, it is this fact that limits the number of patients who can take the drug because of possible allergic reactions.

It is also worth mentioning that “Kanefron” is more effective when it comes to the excretion of protein in the urine of pregnant women, and “Cyston” gives a good result in the fight against the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

The medicine "Kanefron"

Reviews about the drug

Among the huge number of comments about the drug, a large percentage are positive reviews. Patients are very pleased with the result, a mild effect and the absence of side effects. Particularly delighted reviews leave pregnant women. They often write that cystitis during childbearing has become a significant problem that complicates life and health. And “Kanefron” turned out to be a real find for them, because he allowed to endure a healthy baby and forget about his illness not only during pregnancy, but also for many months after.

A separate category of reviews is provided by the comments of the parents of the children to whom Kanefron was appointed. Kids took the drug in courses and already after the first days felt obvious relief. Parents are encouraged by the fact that the children easily underwent treatment, and the disease receded quite quickly.

Negative reviews about “Kanefron” are extremely few, to a greater extent they appeared due to individual intolerance to the drug. For example, in some patients, the first days of taking the pills caused headaches, nausea, and diarrhea. Others complained that the drug did not help them at all at its relatively high cost. On average, one pack of tablets costs from three hundred to six hundred rubles, depending on the region.

Note that today "Kanefron" can be considered one of the safest drugs in its group.

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