How to cook carrot biscuit? Simple recipes for the oven and slow cooker

As you know, there are a great many varied recipes for baking. Very original, but at the same time tasty and easy to prepare is a carrot biscuit. How to make such a dessert will be discussed further.

carrot biscuit

A bit of history

Baking with carrots appeared several centuries ago, namely in the 16th century. True, in those days it was not considered only a dessert. So, its ingredient could be both zest and meat. The peak of the popularity of muffins and other pastries based on carrots occurred in the sixties of the last century due to the advent of the fashion for healthy eating. In addition to the main ingredient, they began to add nuts, spices, brown sugar, raisins, whole grain flour. Often also during the preparation of this baking, standard butter is replaced with olive. We suggest today to consider several recipes for this dessert. All of them are very simple, and even an inexperienced housewife can easily realize them.

baking in a slow cooker

Delicious Carrot Biscuit: Recipe

We bring to your attention a method of preparing a delicious dessert. Its original delicate taste will not leave anyone indifferent. So, for such a carrot cake, we need the following ingredients: vegetable oil - 160 ml, brown sugar - 200 g, yogurt (unsweetened) - 60 g, three eggs, 250 grams of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder for dough and nutmeg, 2 tea tablespoons of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of salt, 100 grams of pecans and, of course, 260 grams of carrots.

carrot sponge cake recipe

Cooking process

There is nothing complicated in making carrot biscuit with nuts for this recipe. So, first you need to combine vegetable oil with sugar and mix well. Then add yogurt. Beat well. After this, one should introduce eggs. After adding each, beat the dough. In a separate bowl we combine all the dry ingredients - flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Grind carrots with a grater or blender. Nuts should also be crushed into small pieces. By the way, you can dream up and take other nuts, or replace them, or combine them with dried fruits. So the taste of dessert can acquire new original notes.

Dry ingredients are gradually introduced into the bowl with the liquid part of the dough, whisking the mass in parallel. Then add chopped nuts and carrots. Mix everything well. Now it remains only to pour the dough into the baking dish and send it to the oven.

By the way, experts recommend using the technique, called the โ€œFrench shirtโ€. Thanks to him, you will not have difficulties in order to extract the finished biscuit from the mold. So, its bottom and walls must be well lubricated with oil. This is most conveniently done with your hands. Then you should pour a handful of flour into the mold and shake it well. As a result, the oil should be covered with a layer of flour dust. After that, you can safely fill the dough. We send our carrot biscuit to the oven, preheated to 170 degrees. Dessert will be baked for about 30-40 minutes.

The finished culinary product will turn out to be very fragrant, with a loose and at the same time elastic texture. This dessert will come in handy at the table both in the country on a hot summer day, and at home near the fireplace on a cold winter evening. Enjoy your meal!

carrot sponge cake with nuts

Carrot sponge cake in a slow cooker

If you are the happy owner of this kitchen miracle assistant, then you probably already had the opportunity to use it to prepare a variety of dishes - both first and second, and desserts. In this case, you are convinced that the baking in the multicooker is very lush, tender and airy. In addition, everything is prepared very quickly and simply. Today we bring to your attention a very easy recipe for carrot biscuit for this wonderful aggregate.

Instruction manual

First, find out what components we need to make baking. These products are readily available and are likely to be found in any home. So, we need two eggs, one glass of wheat flour, sugar and grated carrots, as well as half a bag of baking powder for the dough.

To begin, combine sugar with eggs in a bowl and beat them until lush. This is most conveniently done with a mixer. Add carrots and mix well. Pour flour and baking powder. Mix well again. Please note that the dough should not turn out too thick. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Pour the resulting dough into it. Our carrot biscuit will be cooked in baking mode for 40 minutes. When the biscuit is baked, you need to leave it to brew a little, and then remove it from the crock-pot. If desired, you can decorate the dessert. For this, you can, for example, use flowers carved from carrots. Be sure to try to cook such a culinary product. Surely carrot pastries in a slow cooker will turn out to be very tasty, fragrant and magnificent for you!

Enjoy your meal!

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