Pumpkin fried, steamed, boiled ...

Pumpkin recipes have been known for a long time. Our ancestors knew well about the benefits of pumpkin porridge. Modern science and medicine have added a lot of new knowledge to this piggy bank. No one will argue that roasted or steamed pumpkin brings invaluable benefits to the body.

Firstly, the beneficial amino acids and vitamins contained in the yellow vegetable have a beneficial effect on the human body. So, vitamin E is involved in the stimulation of the functions of the gonads, protects the body from premature aging.

Despite the fact that many people like roasted pumpkin more, the raw benefits are even more obvious. Its pulp contains valuable trace elements, including sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium. In addition to them, pumpkin juice has almost all B vitamins, as well as a large amount of A and C. Only pumpkin contains the most valuable vitamin K, which is practically absent in other vegetables and fruits. Due to its lack, bleeding from the nose, gums and internal organs is possible.

The pulp, seeds and vegetable juice help a person fight caries, diseases of the genitourinary, cardiovascular, digestive systems. They are useful for obesity, insomnia, pyelonephritis and are used as anthelmintic drugs.

In addition to the benefits, there is a negative effect of pumpkin on people with acid-base imbalances. With low acidity, eating a vegetable is not recommended due to its strong alkaline effect.

The people are very popular dishes, which are based on roasted or baked pumpkin. The advantage of this product is that when it is consumed, sodium salts and toxins are removed from the body, and diuretic, laxative and choleretic effects are also observed. Pumpkin dishes reduce the burden on the heart. They will benefit overweight people and cardiovascular diseases.

Roasted, boiled, baked and raw pumpkin is also good for children. Its favorable properties are known not only to grandparents, but also to pediatricians who are advised to give pumpkin juices and dishes to their grandchildren. After all, a fragile children's body needs vitamins and minerals contained in a vegetable even more than adults. This will strengthen the immune system, fight various inflammatory processes.

Pumpkin is the key to a healthy sleep, prevents the development of diseases of the nervous system, and also supports the normal condition of the eyes and skin. Getting into the children's body, vitamins K and T, will help improve metabolic processes and remove harmful substances. Keratin and iron contained in pumpkin products help to restore vision and get rid of anemia, potassium salts strengthen blood vessels and improve heart muscle.

Often, kids begin to be capricious and do not want to eat raw, boiled or fried pumpkin. You can get out of this situation by making vegetable wheat porridge. it will bring double benefits. Porridge will allow the body to get fiber, and a pumpkin for a couple will supply the child with vitamins and minerals. Adults are also advised to pay attention to this dish. After all, besides the fact that porridge improves digestion, it also refers to dietary products and has few calories.

There are other dishes from this vegetable crop. You can offer the following simple recipe for baked pumpkin. Fresh vegetables must be washed well. Then the pumpkin should dry in the microwave. After that, it is placed on a baking sheet and baked in an oven at medium temperature. The finished product should be cut into pieces, peeled and served on the table, after pouring it with oil or sour cream.

Roasted pumpkin. Chopped, peeled and salted pieces are rolled in flour and fried in a pan with butter until cooked.

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