Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk): history, repertoire, troupe

The Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk), whose history began in the first half of the 20th century, today has repertoire of performances based on classical works and modern plays. There are performances for young viewers.


Russian Drama Theater Izhevsk

The Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk) was opened in 1935. The first performance was staged on the play "Aristocrats". The premiere was met with thunderous applause. The audience was delighted with the production, the scenery and the actors' play. The theater in the city was opened by order of the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The troupe was assembled from stage masters of provincial cities, from artists of Moscow theaters and from young people who had just graduated from college. In 1941, the theater building burned down. They didn’t have time to start its restoration, as the war began this year. The Izhevsk drama troupe was left without premises, without scenery, without costumes. It was impossible to play performances, but artists could not even without creativity. In a short time they prepared concerts and performed with them before the wounded defenders of the Motherland and before those who forged Victory in the rear. At the same time, they began preparing new performances: “The battalion goes to the West”, “Twelfth Night”, “Cyrano de Bergerac”, “Invasion” and “The Invisible Lady”. In 1946, the Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk) celebrated a housewarming party. A new building with a hall for 760 spectators was built for him. In 1961, the Izhevsk Drama was named after the writer V. Korolenko. In 2011, the theater moved to a new building, which previously belonged to the Izhmash Palace of Culture.


Russian Drama Theater Izhevsk Repertoire

The Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk) offers its audience the following repertoire:

  • "Little tragedies."
  • "The Pillow Man."
  • "The Snow Queen".
  • "A very simple story."
  • Mowgli.
  • "Romeo and Juliet".
  • "A prophetic dream, or Love on Thursday afternoon."
  • Gingerbread men.
  • "Alone at home, or fun lessons OBZH."
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
  • Sinbad the Sailor.
  • "Snowstorm".
  • "Dark History."
  • "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka".
  • "Mountain Woman, or The Taming of the Shrew."
  • "Too married taxi driver."
  • "Between heaven and earth".
  • "The servant of two masters."
  • "Pygmalion".
  • "The Scarlet Flower".
  • "Dance teacher".
  • "Lady with Camellias."
  • "The Pokrovsky Gate".
  • Boeing Boeing
  • "Gull".


The Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk) brought together wonderful actors on its stage.


  • Irina Romadina.
  • Radik Knyazev.
  • Igor Tinyakov.
  • Ekaterina Saitova.
  • Andrey Dyomyshev.
  • Galina Anosova.
  • Ekaterina Vorobyova.
  • Anton Petrov.
  • Alexey Kalmychkov.
  • Irina Kasimova.
  • Vadim Istomin.
  • Irina Dementova.
  • Victor Nikolaev.
  • Natalya Tiunova.
  • Alexey Agapov.
  • Olga Slobodchikova.
  • Anton Sukhanov.
  • Ivan Ovchinnikov.
  • Maxim Morozov.
  • Natalya Zaeva.
  • Alexander Lozhkin.
  • Anfisa Ovchinnikova.
  • Mikhail Solodyankin.
  • Vitaly Tuev.
  • Elena Mishina.
  • Konstantin Feoktistov.
  • Igor Vasilevsky.
  • Nikolai Rotov.
  • Ekaterina Loginova.
  • Olga Chuzhanova.
  • Svetlana Zaporizhia.
  • Yuri Malashin.
  • Tatyana Pravdina.
  • Daria Grishaeva.

Main director

Russian drama theater Izhevsk history

Peter Shereshevsky holds the position of chief director in the Izhevsk Drama. He was born in 1972. He received a director's education in St. Petersburg, at the Academy of Theater Arts. His teacher was Professor I. B. Malochevskaya. After graduation, he worked for 2 years as a director at the V. Komissarzhevskaya Theater in St. Petersburg. In 2004, he completed an internship in London. From 2010 to 2011, he was the main director in the Novokuznetsk drama. Over the years of his creative activity, Peter has directed about thirty performances on the stages of Russia and Ukraine. He considers the most expensive those that he created in St. Petersburg. In the Russian Drama Theater (Izhevsk) came to work not so long ago. Peter wrote a lot of stories: “Blams, or Three-Dimensional Mikkimaus,” “Piercing,” “Yesterday, or the Sixth Proof of Santa Claus,” “Gingerbread Men,” and others.

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