Psychotropic drugs: varieties

In the treatment of diseases associated with disorders and changes in the human psyche, an extensive group of drugs called psychotropic drugs is used. In addition to some medications, a number of substances that can change the consciousness of a healthy person and are not used in medicine (alcohol, narcotic substances, hallucinogens) also have psychotropic properties.

Psychotropic drugs: mechanism of action

psychotropic drugs
The mechanism of action of drugs that affect the psyche is quite diverse. The main point is the effect of psychotropic drugs on the impulse transmission system in brain neurons and a change in the concentration of certain substances - neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, bradykinins, endorphins, etc.), as well as a change in metabolism at different levels of the central nervous system.

Psychotropic drugs: classification

Like any medicine, drugs that affect the psyche are divided into several groups. Depending on the effect, all narcotic and psychotropic drugs are divided into:

  • drugs that stimulate the central nervous system (nootropics);
  • sedatives and tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • antipsychotics.
    psychotropic drugs list

In the XX century, some psychiatrists attempted to isolate another group - psychedelics (expanding consciousness), but at the moment these substances are classified as hallucinogenic and are not used in medical practice (LSD, mescaline).

Psychotropic drugs that stimulate the central nervous system

This group is used for diseases that are accompanied by inhibition of the functions of the central nervous system, such as cerebral stroke, viral encephalitis, metabolic disorders. These include drugs "Piracetam", "Gamma-aminobutyric acid", "Ginkgo biloba."

Sedatives and tranquilizers

These drugs are used for mental disorders accompanied by feelings of anxiety, with increased emotional excitability (valerian, bromine salt, the drug "Phenobarbital" in small doses). Tranquilizers have a more selective effect only on the emotional sphere (Sibazon, benzodiazepines).


These funds allow you to reduce and level the symptoms of depression (feelings of longing, hopelessness, apathy), which may be the result of objective reasons (unsettled life, domestic problems) or mental disorders (initial stage of schizophrenia). These include drugs "Amitriptyline", "Glaucin", "Azafen", "Duloxetine."


An important representative of this group of psychotropic drugs is the medicine "Aminazin", which is used for psychoses (delirium, visual and auditory hallucinations, increased arousal) to relieve psychotic symptoms. This medication is also used to treat schizophrenia.

narcotic and psychotropic drugs
Almost all psychotropic drugs are potent substances and, if used improperly, can be addictive and addictive. That is why they are classified as strictly reporting drugs and are only available on prescription. After reading in the encyclopedia or asking your doctor about psychotropic drugs, a list of which is available to anyone, you can find out if you need a prescription to buy.

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