How to Cook Victoria Jam Deliciously

What is Victoria, most likely, every gardener knows, the usual lover of berries who buys them on the market may not be aware of this. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to explain what Victoria is, and only then proceed to the story of how to cook delicious jam.

How to make jam from Victoria

"Victoria" is a variety of large garden strawberries. Now it is customary to call Victoria not a specific variety, but any strawberry growing in the garden. Often, even experienced gardeners confuse it with strawberries. In fact, Victoria has a different taste from strawberries and although similar, but still different flowers and leaves. The main, obvious difference in the garden - strawberry bushes significantly exceed strawberries in height. In addition, strawberry yields are significantly higher than strawberry, which is due to the fact that strawberries (including Victoria) are a monoecious plant, i.e. Each flower contains both a pestle and a stamen, which greatly simplifies reproduction.

How to cook Victoria jam deliciously ? Of course, every mistress has her own personal recipe. We will consider one of the time-tested. Its use guarantees a successful outcome and pleasant winter evenings with a cup of tea with aromatic jam.

how to cook jam from victoria

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To prepare 4-5 half-liter jars of jam, we need the following: Victoria - 2 kg, granulated sugar - 1 kg, juice of half a lemon or 0.5 tsp. citric acid, and of course cans, lids and a seaming machine. Before you make jam from Victoria, you need to sterilize the jars, and put a couple of small plates or saucers in the freezer. They are useful to us in order to make sure the jam is ready.


Now everything is ready, let's proceed to the description of how to cook delicious jam from Victoria. Take a five-liter pan and lay in it layers of strawberries, pouring each with a layer of granulated sugar. In this condition, it must be left at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Berries should give juice. Once every one and a half to two hours, the contents of the pan can be mixed. After the specified time, put the berries on a small fire and, stirring, wait for the complete dissolution of sugar. If insufficient fluid is released, add a glass of water. When granulated sugar has completely dissolved in the syrup, add heat and bring the jam to a boil. Now we add citric acid or lemon juice to the mixture, which will give the jam a brighter aroma, and also act as a preservative, ensuring long storage of our workpiece, and continue to boil for another fifteen minutes.

how to make tasty jam

Now we need prepared chilled saucers. To check the readiness of jam, we collect it in a teaspoon and pour on a saucer to cool. If the jam does not spread, then it is ready.

That's all, now you know how to cook Victoria jam deliciously. It remains to settle and can be poured into banks. If you hurry and pour immediately, the berries will separate from the syrup and float. Until the jam reaches, and it takes about twenty minutes, you can prepare cans, namely, sterilize them. Now the jam can be poured into banks and immediately roll them up. It is better to wrap the jars and put the lid down to cool completely.

Now about how to cook delicious jam from Victoria, everything is said. Enjoy the taste of summer - jam can be stored for up to two years!

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