'GIOTRIF' (afatinib): analogues, price. Where to buy Gyotrif cheaper?

"Gyotrif" is a drug that is often included in the treatment regimen for non-small cell lung cancer. The active substance of the drug - afatinib - inhibits thyroxine kinase and thereby triggers the process of tumor regression. A feature of the drug is the selective effect on ErbB receptors. In this regard, "Hyotrif" is indicated for patients with forms of cancer caused by EGFR mutations.

Patients taking the drug note good tolerance and high efficacy of the drug. The only drawback that "Giotrif" has is the price. She's tall enough. In pharmacies in Moscow, a pack of tablets can be bought at a price of 45,000 to 139,000 rubles (this price range is related to the difference in dosage of the drug). However, you can buy a medicine at a lower price.

Where to buy Gyotrif?

You can buy the drug necessary for treatment on the website WWW.ONKO24.COM . Here, Gyotrif is sold at a significantly lower price. The thing is that you will be offered a generic of the original German drug. It has the same high efficiency, despite the fact that in this case, "Gyotrif" can be bought cheaper. And the secret of lower cost is that the drug is produced in India by a company that has received an appropriate license. The manufacturer does not spend money on clinical trials, because they have already been carried out. He does not formulate a budget for the advertising campaign, and this also reduces the total cost of the drug.


To order Gyotrif on an Indian company’s website with five years of experience, you need to have documents confirming that you really need treatment with this medicine.

How to take "Gyotrif": instructions

It is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach. It is advisable to do this about an hour before the next meal or three hours after the previous one.

"Guitrif" is taken orally once a day. The tablet must be washed down with plenty of water.

The recommended dose is 40 mg per day. In cases where the drug is well tolerated, the doctor may decide to increase the dosage to 50 mg per day. However, this is the limit beyond which in all clinical cases it is forbidden.

Adverse reactions

Reception "Hyotrif" can cause the following undesirable manifestations:

  • diarrhea, nausea, dyspepsia;
  • impaired renal function;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dehydration;
  • dry skin, dermatitis;
  • dryness and redness of the eyes;
  • violation of taste sensitivity.

Pregnancy and lactation

Appropriate clinical trials in humans have not been conducted, however, the use of the drug in female animals did not cause teratogenic effects.

Despite this, the use of the drug for the treatment of pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding is not recommended. If a woman has become pregnant during the use of the drug “Gyotrif” in the treatment regimen, the patient should be warned about the possible negative effect of afatinib on the fetus.

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